F Rosa Rubicondior: New Book: A Goose For Christmas

Tuesday 14 August 2018

New Book: A Goose For Christmas

A Goose For Christmas: Stories From an Oxfordshire Childhood, is a kind of prequel to my book In the Blink of an Eye.

It is again set in the small north Oxfordshire hamlet of Fawler in the post-war austerity of the 1950s. The stories are woven mostly from real-life events, all of which happened but not necessarily in the same order or even in the same year. All the characters are real people.

The aim has been to show life through the eyes of children in a rural Oxfordshire community where poverty and self-sufficiency were a way of life and a way of life which had more in common with the 1850s than with rural life even 20 years later. This was the last generation to grow up without television, central heating, piped hot water and in many cases indoor toilets.

The first story, A Goose for Christmas, tells the story of a family as it prepares for Christmas with a difference and with more than a little trepidation. The Adventures of the Carson Gang is a collection of short stories about the children in the hamlet as they explore their surroundings, live out their fantasies and make their own entertainment with little but their own resources and what the hamlet and surrounding countryside had to offer.

The book is illustrated by Catherine Hounslow.

[Update]. Now available for Kindle ebook reader.

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