
Sunday 11 March 2012

If God Wants Us To Believe The Bible...

If God wants us to believe the biblical account of creation why did he create a universe in which:
  • The ratio of the light elements, hydrogen, deuterium, helium and lithium in the universe is exactly as predicted if the universe resulted from an intense inflation from a singularity?
  • The Microwave background radiation is exactly as it is predicted to be if the inflation from a singularity occurred 13.82 billion years ago?
  • The large-scale universe is expanding at a rate which is exactly as required to produce a wavelength for the microwave background radiation's as it is today?
  • The sun is exactly as we would expect of a second or third generation star in a universe which is as old as the microwave background tells us and has light elements in the ratio which the Big Bang theory predicts?
  • The radiometric data from rocks on Earth and of meteorites gives an age of the solar system of 4.57 billion years and and age of Earth of 4.4-4.5 billion years?
  • The fossil record of single-celled prokaryote organisms is exactly as we would expect if they originated in an oxygen-free atmosphere, underwent a mass extinction when oxygen levels rose at the same time as single-celled organisms evolved the ability to utilise sunlight as an energy source to build carbon dioxide into glucose and to produce oxygen as a bi-product and then evolved the ability to use oxygen for respiration?
  • Eukaryote organisms look just as expected if they evolved from co-operative alliances of prokaryote cells?
  • Image courtesy of University of California Museum of Paleontology
    Understanding Evolution
  • The immunological differences between species is exactly as would be expected if they had diversified from common ancestors in a branching evolutionary tree originating in a single source?
  • The DNA differences between species replicates the immunological evidence almost exactly?
  • Morphological evidence for species relationships closely follows both the immunological and genetic evidence?
  • Plate tectonics on earth are exactly as required to explain the distribution of land animals given the evolutionary history which the immunological, genetic and morphological evidence suggests?
  • The geological evidence in sedimentary rocks invariably supports the evolutionary history suggested by the the immunological, genetic and morphological evidence both in the sequence and time-scale?
  • Every fossil ever found has invariably supported the evolutionary history suggested by the immunological, genetic, morphological and geological evidence?

In short, if the Judeo-Christian god wanted us to believe in the account of creation as given in the Bible why did it create so much evidence against it and none supporting it? Why did it create a universe which looks like it originated as a singularity 13.74 billion years ago, an earth which looks like it originated in an accretion disk around a forming star 4.5 billion years ago and life on earth that looks exactly as though it evolved and diversified slowly over a very long time from a common ancestor on a dynamic and changing planet?

If the Genesis account of creation is wrong, as the evidence overwhelmingly suggests, why was it included in the Bible in the first place?

Or are we to believe the Judeo-Christian God only tells the truth when it's written in a book and tells lies in the rest of the evidence it created?

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  1. It was a test, apparently. :P

  2. Very powerfully put... Pity will have no effect on the faithful.. Sigh

  3. Or perhaps some people interpret it incorrectly. Perhaps they think Genesis 1 is science and history when it actually is myth and story. If they think that, they have to twist lots of different ways to make things fit.

  4. Q: HOW DID MOSES KNOW that God created the World?

    A: God told him.

    Q: How did God tell Him?

    A: He obviously showed him a vision.

    Q: How long did it take d to show Moses the Creation of the Universe?

    A: Probably six days.

    Therefore, Moses ASSUMED that that meant that it took God days to create the seven Heavens and Earth Universe. God had no reason to disabuse him of that notion.

    None of this is of any importance whatsoever!

    If God had insisted on imposing Scientific Knowledge of the type you wanted to see, the consequences would have been catastrophic! If the Hebrews had had knowledge of the Properties of the Earth 3,300 years ago, that would have led to concerted Scientific Analysis. Chemistry would have been discovered at once.

    This would have led to the discovery of Metallurgical, Explosive, and Poisonous Weapons of Mass-Destruction, enabling them to go on a Global Crusade of Genocidal Extermination no one would have seen coming.

    ISAIAH 40:21-23.

    21. Have ye not known? have ye not heard?
    hath it not been told you From the Beginning?
    have ye not understood from The Foundations of the Earth?
    22. It is he that sitteth upon the Circle of the Earth,
    and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers;
    that stretcheth out the Heavens as a curtain,
    and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
    23. That bringeth the princes to nothing;
    He maketh the judges of the Earth as vanity.

    Interpretation of The Book of Isaiah led to the Invasion of the Americas and the Circumnavigation of the Earth, which caused the death of hundreds of thousands through European "Christian" Colonialization and Insane Looting.

    What is most interesting about these massacres and oppressions is that everything Jesus Taught directs away from this sort of wickedness. Yet its perpetrators regarded themselves as, even "GOOD Christians!"

    Once these secrets get out, there is no way to prevent their abuse, except by Direct Intervention, which Invokes Spiritual Laws which End the Earth Universe Experiment.

    . MATTHEW 11:12.

    12. "And from the days of John the Baptist until now
    The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence,
    and the violent take it by force."

    . LUKE 16:8.

    8. "And the lord commended the Unjust Steward,
    because he had done wisely:
    for the Children of This World are in their Generation
    wiser than the Children of Light."

    THAT IS TO SAY: The ABUSERS of Truth catch on faster than The Righteous.

    1. Thank you for your statement of evidence-free dogma.

      You might not like this, but statements don't become true just because you want them to be, or, more likely in this case, because you want OTHER PEOPLE to believe them.

      Next time can you provide some evidence for your claims please, and that doesn't mean a random quote from your favourite book of mythology, or your patronising and frankly insulting preaching will go straight to the spam folder.


Obscene, threatening or obnoxious messages, preaching, abuse and spam will be removed, as will anything by known Internet trolls and stalkers, by known sock-puppet accounts and anything not connected with the post,

A claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Remember: your opinion is not an established fact unless corroborated.