
Thursday 12 April 2012

Suspended By Twitter

A holding blog to act as a central point for Atheists whose accounts have been suspended by Twitter.

Keep in touch. Be informed.

Use the comment section for messages.


  1. @idebunkforme here. I still have my blog open at and my original, non-debunking account at!/iwriteforme is still active.

  2. My account @atheistjulie is suspended but you can still follow me on twitter under the name @metaljulie

  3. Why is twitter suspending atheist accounts?

  4. Godless Spellchecker12 April 2012 at 03:45

    Hi, my account @gspellchecker was suspended two days ago without reason/notification. I have filed a ticket with twitter and am yet to receive a response. All the rallying and mentions on twitter is fantastic and incredibly heart warming. Thank you, I'll provide any updates or info on suspended accounts if it becomes available.

  5. I would suspect these two points of the "Twitter Rules" are what Twitter is operating under here:

    *If a large number of people are blocking you;

    *The number of spam complaints that have been filed against you;

    I'd imagine many of we atheists on Twitter meet that first point. I wouldn't put it past theists to game the system and falsely accuse us of spamming.

  6. I sent an email to them expressing my concerns about all these suspended accounts. Mine is still up for now. Hopefully they will respond, if not I will send another one. Or maybe I'll disappear too for sympathizing with y'all... This is BS, goodluck to y'all...

  7. Not being on, or ever having used, or ever planning on using, Twitter I can't answer about Twitter accounts being suspended. However, I'm always glad to keep in touch with fellow atheists and rationalists.

  8. Atheists need to be more rational, intellectual and mature in their approach to civil discourse. Spamming with hate, anger, immaturity and ignorance isn't what Twitter intended its service to be used for. Time to grow up people. Lose the hate mongering agenda.

    1. Nice of you to condescend to tell us how to conduct ourselves and to announce to a waiting world what the intention of Twitter is. It's self-appointed arrogant bigots who wrap themselves in piety to try to hide their real intentions who are driving people away from the ignorant superstition which facilitates that obnoxious behaviour.

      Please keep promoting Atheism.

      BTW, your so Christ-like triumphalism has not gone unnoticed... A 'faith' which is afraid of open debate is not a faith; it's a fear.

    2. "rational, intellectual and mature"

      I don't think those words mean what you think they do.

    3. Say what you want, but I'm not the one posting a blog on my blogger site about Christians who were suspended. :) I am just giving you advice. Tone down the hate. Replace it with maturity and your accounts will last longer. However, if you go around spewing anger and hate, insults and threats, then face the consequences of your bullying tactics. Bullying anyone does not make your position valid. It just shows you can only use aggression to defend it instead of intelligence and reason.

      Look at my timeline on Twitter. I don't insult people. I may joke here and there to break the ice, but I don't go around calling people morons, idiots, superstitious etc etc.

      There is a way to have a discussion without insulting or making threats. Blocking is also not a good way to show intellectual confidence.

    4. I suspect the vast majority of sceptics are too laid back to block or report the many venomous religious tweeters, preferring to leave them to be condemned out of their own mouths. But you can understand if they sometimes give in to the temptation to respond in kind. . .

    5. Indeed. You're the one coming here to gloat triumphantly and so to demonstrate your hypocrisy and show us what you use your pompous pretence of piety as an cover for.

      But that's great. That's why I invited people in Twitter to come and read your comment so they could see for themselves what Christianity had degenerated into, if indeed it was ever anything more than an excuse for bigots to behave in ways otherwise unacceptable to a decent, moral and civilised society.

      I'm pleased that you're helping us rid ourselves of such a malignant meme at last.

    6. I'm not going to suggest that Sacerdotus' comment was especially wise, but when you start saying things like "so they could see for themselves what Christianity had degenerated into" you don't do yourself any favours and risk living up to some of the accusations made.

      As a general point, I see that it is not uncommon for theists to be spoken about in a condescending tone in a way which suggests that all theists are bigoted/evil/irrational. For the record, if this recent bout of Twitter accounts being blocked is as a result of a co-ordinated campaign then I think that's deplorable, but I would appreciate it if folk didn't tarnish all theists with the same brush.

  9. I follow LogicalNarwhal and Gspellchecker and never saw them 'spam' with hate or ignorance. Like a lot of people I suspect this is a group of christians expressing their butthurt by block/reporting. I think if I were a good christian I would be more concerned with reporting people like Godslandgodslaw, but thats just me.

  10. Hi! (@logicalnarwhal here)
    Like @gspellchecker I checked the usual tags last night and was incredibly warmed by all your support!

    And very nice thought to put up this holding page for us. I've opened an account @zombie_narwhal to try and come back to life, but if they don't give me my old account i won't bother...

    Like @gspellchecker i've filled in the forms and am just waiting... I had an automated reply immediately, but since then - nada.

    Tell you what would warm me even more than atheist support, would be some support from my christian friends and adversaries who also value, respect, and want to protect free speech.

    And quite right. If I was a christian I would be much more concerned about accounts like @godslandgodslaw and @walken4gop (or whatever the hateful bastard is called).

    Hopefully, see you all soon.

    1. Re: that automated reply you got: You need to reply to it before they'll actually look into your suspension, if you haven't already. I was also suspended yesterday (@atheistjulie).

      Luckily, someone in my G+ circles knows someone at twitter and had my suspension looked at sooner than it would have been. I tried to get the guy to look into everyone else's account, too but he said you have to file a support ticket.

      Sorry, guys. I did everything I could.

  11. I would be interesting to see what algorithm Twitter has their program use re spam and block clicks to trigger a suspension. Would guess a certain number of clicks within a certain short timeframe, to stop, say, a jilted ex from banding with a couple friends to knock someone off.

    So it would be a coordinated effort by a number of people who've found out or figured out the threshold. With inside info?

    1. My thoughts entirely. It's almost rates as a hack. Can't believe Twitter has in place a system which basically allows any organized group to take over it's processes and deny service to their clients, almost at will.

      The problem is, the are never going to admit that openly either, so they'll maintain the fiction that the suspensions were justified.

  12. Just to clarify, my account hasn't been suspended. Confusion was probably caused by the name I gave this blog.


    1. wondered where you'd gone. it's absolutely ridiculous, hope it gets sorted soon. @davethehut.

  14. Don't let the bastards win, Narwhal. We won't give up until you're restored.

    1. Hehe, thanks. :)
      Just did a search for me on twitter and absolutely delighted with all the attention! I've never been talked about so much.

      No idea why or how the second account could have been suspended, unless I mentioned @twitter too often in my short 50 or so tweet existence and they thought they may as well suspend the new account too while the other one was... Oh well. But, no, not blocked you.

      How did the other's get back on line? Do you just have to wait for twitter to talk to you? I've filled in the forms etc... But their lack of communication is quite annoying.

      Good on moronwatch for helping, too.

  15. As far as I know, you are all still suspended. Looks like twitter will take it's time restoring accounts. Your second suspensions are highly suspicious.

    1. My second suspension is ridiculous... Was even happily chatting with a staunch religionist @atheistshepherd and he was agreeing it was unfair etc, to his great credit.

  16. Just looking at @idebunkforme'sa blog over here

    he says

    "I had over 200 legitimate followers, while following no one"

    There seems to be a bit of a confusion about what Twitter counts as spamming behaviour in that post. Spamming has nothing to do with following AFAIK. Spamming behaviour is when you send tweets to people you don't know in order to advertise (or I guess to crusade for a certain point of view.) I've certainly reported people for spam when I've had tweets I don't want to read from people I don't know, usually about political stuff.

    I'm pretty sure from what I read when I started on Twitter that the follower/following ratio is quite important in the algorhythms they use to assess account behaviour, and it's seen as potential spamming behaviour when you follow many more than you follow. A lot of obvious spam accounts follow lots of people, I'm guessing that's because some people have their accounts set to auto follow back anyone who follows them, and this makes their accounts look more legitimate.

    Hope everyone's accounts are sorted out soon.

  17. More haste less speed - I meant

    "it's seen as potential spamming behaviour when you are followed by many more than you follow"

    - though I might have got that bit wrong because it would mean Stephen Fry would be suspected of spamming. It made sense in my head anyway!

    1. "it's seen as potential spamming behaviour when you are followed by many more than you follow"

      That's bloody weird logic. Surely it should be the other way around? And even then only once the account has existed for more than a few weeks?

  18. More suspensions are to come I promise you that.

    1. Go away Manuel. No one believes you any more. You're finished now everyone knows what some of us have known for many months.

      Just the little matter of the reason for your expulsion from seminary, and how you managed to escape prosecution, unlike your 'friend', yet to be revealed... all in good time.

    2. Ooooohhhhh, so ominous. Get. A. Life.

    3. I think people still believe him. I'm following him and he doesn't know. He thinks I'm on his side. His followers are increasing and he mentioned something about having a secret blog with people to suspend. There is also a rosa rubicondior blog with your information on it: IP, name, everything. Ominous is not the word... he is really going deep with this.

    4. Really? So what is he claiming my name and ip address are? LOL!

    5. Hey Rosa, Msgrumpy got suspended. I wonder how :)

    6. @MsGrumpy's tweets may be read here.

      As you, and others, can see she is not, and has never been suspended.

      Did you lie again through habit or are you trying not to lose face by er... looking like a simpleton again?

    7. Can I request that you confine lying to your own blog in future Manuel. I'm sure the few readers you get are used to it and expect it by now.

      I prefer this blog to deal with real-world things. Any more lies from you, like all your abusive comments, will be removed.

    8. Rosa, Sacerdotus did get MsGrumpy suspended. He's posting a screen shot of it and if you search her profile, it says "Sorry that page doesn't exist!" Be careful! Most likely he will get you suspended too.

    9. Sorry to spoil it for you Manuel but if you try to search a profile of a suspended account you get the message, 'User has been suspended'. It's the same message you get when you try to access all your suspended accounts.

      The message you are seeing indicates that the account has been taken down by the user - who then has a limited time to reinstate it.

      The fact that @MsGrumpy tweeted you a couple of days ago should have been a clue.

      You can see the difference if you try to access your account @BronxBomber777 which is suspended because of your general abuse and threats of sexual violence to women, and your @NYLATINO2012 account which you have taken down because you were embarrassed by the pornographic content you had been posting in contravention of your agreement with Twitter Support to try to control your abusive behaviour.

      I hope that helps.

    10. Rosa, you have me confused. I'm the one who told you about his secret blog. Other atheists are suspended as well. Sacerdotus posted the email he got from twitter regarding msgrumpy. Didn't you see it? The account latino is still active and that is not sacerdotus. It is private. Also, there are twitter accounts with your name and information as well as a copy of your blog with your posts slightly altered. I think more than one person is going after you, not just Sac.

    11. I expect you just forgot to give me the address of this blog with my posts slightly altered, Manuel.

      I wonder if other people spotted that only the account holder could know that a private account is still active.

      It must be nice for you having imaginary supporters as well as an imaginary friend. Don't you ever wish you had some real ones?

    12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    13. lol Rosa is so paranoid. Poor thing. This high school kid you mention has you crazy. lol How was the warning you got from Twitter? Don't deny it or I will forward the email to everyone so they can see :) Your presence online is counting down. Tick tock tick tock. :) All this could have ended had you taken my offer via Darth.

    14. Please forward your email Manuel, so that I can take it up with Twitter support to see how they 'forgot' to send it to me. I will, of course require your email address as well as the name of the person who sent it to you so that Twitter Support can investigate the problem.

      You may post a copy of it as a comment here.

    15. Almost forgot. Don't forget the date and time so people can see it's not just a copy of the warning you got last August, with the names changed.

      There will also be a Twitter complaint reference number. Don't forget to include it, will you.


    16. Ask your atheist friends to email me and I will forward it to them.

      May 20 06:24 am (PDT):

      Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have notified the user that this behavior is in violation of the Twitter Rules (

      Reply to this email if you have any questions, but please allow 24 hours for the issue to be resolved.


      Twitter Trust & Safety

      May 17 11:48 pm (PDT):

      Reported user: @rosarubicondior

    17. Oh! You 'forgot' the complaint reference number and the name of the Twitter Support person who was dealing with the complaint! You also 'forgot' to show the email address to which it was sent.

      That would have made it look like a genuine copy and not one you just made up!

      How hilariously remiss of you Manuel! LOL!

      Got anything else?

    18. Wow! Look what I just made up!

      May 20 06:24 am (PDT):

      Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have notified the user that this behavior is in violation of the Twitter Rules (

      Reply to this email if you have any questions, but please allow 24 hours for the issue to be resolved.


      Twitter Trust & Safety

      May 17 11:48 pm (PDT):

      Reported user: @Sacerdotus aka @SACERD0TUS aka @NYLATINO2012 aka @YearsOfFaith2012 aka.... Manuel De Dios Agosto

      Good game! Good game! Hope you're all playing this at home!

    19. Go away Manuel. No one believes you any more.


Obscene, threatening or obnoxious messages, preaching, abuse and spam will be removed, as will anything by known Internet trolls and stalkers, by known sock-puppet accounts and anything not connected with the post,

A claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Remember: your opinion is not an established fact unless corroborated.