
Wednesday 20 May 2020

Covidiots - Georgia's Christian Slow Learners

Catoosa Baptist Tabernacle Christians ignoring social distancing advice and spreading Covid-19 anmongst themselves.
After Reopening in April, Georgia Church Closes Again Following Virus Outbreak | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

After several weeks of campaigning and complaints that they were being denied their constitutional right not to take part in the nation-wide attempt to limit the spread of Covid-19 by staying at home instead of going to church, Georgia's Christian Covidiots finally got their way when Republican governor Brian Kemp finally caved into demands and lifted the ban on gatherings.

Catoosa Baptist Tabernacle, in Ringgold,promptly opened its doors for personal services and, as this photo shows, ignored the advice on social distancing, even allowing children to be put at risk. However, only about 25% of the normal congregation were foolish enough to attend.

Though we feel very confident of the safe environment we are able to offer in our facilities, the decision was made … that we would discontinue all in-person services again until further notice in an effort of extreme caution for the safety and well-being of our families.

Joan Lewis - Catoosa Baptist Tabernacle.
Now, however, now that several families from the congregation have become infected with Covid-19, they have decided that discretion is the better part of valour, and have promptly closed their doors again. It seems that all the prayers and magic spells were to no avail as their god stood by and did nothing as his followers shared a lethal virus between them in his 'house'. They have therefore decided the scientists were right after all. The church will remain closed until further notice.

Just as they could have done before, members of the church can now participate in religious services online. Had they done so earlier, instead of assuming their piety afforded them a degree of immunity, and they knew better than the scientists, there would be a considerably larger congregation and the wider community would have fewer infected people spreading the virus in it.

But at least the covidiots have belatedly learned a lesson. It remains to be seen whether Christians elsewhere will learn from it or will need to find out for themselves that science is right and religion is wrong.

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