
Saturday 13 June 2020

Christian Fruitloops for Trump

Pastor Robert Henderson - "God's chosen running mate"
Robert Henderson Says His Patriotic Shirt Makes God 'Remember the United States of America' | Right Wing Watch

The extent to which American talibangelical Christianity has taken over Christian fundamentalism and how desperate it is for Trump and his GOP colleagues to continue in government, can be seen in the ravings of right-wing extremist, pastor Robert Henderson of Robert Henderson Ministries.

Henderson, who appears to believe he has a direct line to God, nevertheless feels God needs his help, especially for a little amnesia problem. He has taken to wearing a shirt made from the US flag as a reminder to God that he is under instructions from Henderson to ensure Trump wins the forthcoming presidential election for a second time.

On his website, Henderson makes no secret of his political ambitions - he wants nothing less than a theocracy, presumably with him in charge of it:

Robert Henderson Ministries is about empowering people for their Kingdom Function. Our call is to “Disciple Nations” into their destiny and purpose. One of the main areas we target in this endeavor is shifting the church from a “pastoral model” to an “apostolic model”. The church must become the government God intended instead of just a place of meeting needs. As this happens, nations will shift from their present state into a kingdom culture. [my emphasis]

Henderson claims:

God said to me, ‘When you stand before me in this, it causes me to remember the United States of America. It causes me to remember your nation because I have positioned you to represent the culture before me. So that’s why I have this shirt on … because I am standing on behalf of the United States of America and God’s purpose for this nation.

How fortunate that omniscient god has appointed Henderson as his personal private secretary, lest he forget his duties and allows a less extreme candidate to win. Better safe than sorry!

Earlier, Henderson had declared that he secured Trump’s 2016 victory by beseeching “the courts of Heaven” and claimed that he has been called by God to serve as Trump’s spiritual running mate in 2020. He claims he wore an American flag shirt during the broadcast because he said that he had been commanded by God to do so. With Trumps victory thus secured, it's strange that Henderson feels he needs to remind God of the fact, but no doubt, God, like other aging people, suffers from the odd lapse of memory and needs someone to keep an eye on him.

Step forward, right-wing Trumpanzee extremist fruitloop, Pastor Robert Henderson. Whatever would God do without him?

There must be a reason these fruitloops seem more like raving lunatics than Christian ministers. Perhaps they are or perhaps there is something in American fundamentalism that still assumes insanity is some sort of divine visitation. Or perhaps these frauds have just tapped into a rich seam of ignorant gullibility and are milking it for all they're worth.

If you talk to God, that's fine; if God answers you, you need medication.

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  1. Funny, I remember them arresting Abbie Hoffman for wearing a shirt like that...

  2. That shirt is against the code of the flag. If he really wanted to show respect, he would stop sweating in it.


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