
Thursday 25 June 2020

Covidiots - Christians For Covid-19

FL Christians Condemn Face Masks for Blocking “God’s Wonderful Breathing System” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

It's easy, and accurate, to place the blame for the deepening Covid-19 crisis in the USA on the inept and incompetent Donald Trump, but we also have to place some of the blame on those credulous idiots who elected him and who continue to support him - the right-wing Trumpanzee evangelical Christians who, as a requirement of their faith, have forsworn the use of reason to embrace infantile conspiracy theories.

Raised as fundamentalists, they have been inhibited from developing the thinking abilities and cognitive skills needed to think like normal adults. As was shown in a paper published in Cell Biology in 2018, researchers showed how a childish mode of thinking (teleological thinking) is retained in people raised to be religious and so attribute everything to agency of some sort, whether that be a hidden deity of some sort of a secretive organisation with an, often nefarious, agenda.

Other researchers have shown how by the age of 5, children raised by religious parents often think of magic as real, so have difficulty distinguishing between fact and fantasy/fiction. Where children of secular parents will recognise that 'magic' elements in stories render them impossible, children used to the magical tales in religions, which they have been assured are true, will assume these stories are real because magic is real.

Given the damage fundamentalism has done to these unfortunate people, it really should be no surprise when they come out with the nonsense being promulgated in this video.

But we should expect a president of the USA and his advisors to be capable of thinking like adults and not with the thinking ability of toddlers.

But through the efforts of fundamentalist evangelical Christians in the USA we have now arrived at the situation in which a serious pandemic virus is killing people in very large numbers while America is being governed by a president with a narcissistic personality disorder and the thinking ability of a child, supported by people who believe in magic, who think like toddlers and imagine Trump is some sort of saviour sent by Jesus.

The campaign against wearing facemasks by evangelical idiots on the basis that they are satanic devices intended to "block God's wonderful breathing system" is just one example of the dangers of raising children in a religious environment and how childish evangelicals now represent one of the biggest dangers to mankind. The evidence is that facemasks are probably the most effective way to reduce transmission in public places. Of course, they don't block breathing but they do significantly reduce the virus-containing aerosol content in the air from people who may be unwittingly shedding viruses prior to the onset of symptoms, or even ignoring self-isolation and quarantine regulations.

Catching Covid-19 is a much more effective way to block your 'wonderful breathing system' and stop it altogether than wearing a facemask.

Imagine trying to explain to one of these idiots, enthralled by their own perfection, that, if you accept intelligent [sic] design, you must also accept that it designed the Covid-19 virus to use your 'wonderful breathing system' and make you sick and maybe die in the process. But of course, it wasn't their god who designed that virus; it was those nefarious, Chinese, who did it for Satan!

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