
Tuesday 23 June 2020

Stickleback Setback for Creationism

Three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus

Parallel evolution in three-spined sticklebacks – what happens in the Eastern Pacific, stays in the Eastern Pacific | University of Helsinki

Three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, are common in streams and lakes all over the Northern Hemisphere but what is not generally known is that they are a marine species inhabiting inshore waters, which, since the retreat of the ice sheets since the last ice age has repeatedly migrated into fresh-water environments as these became available for exploitation. Lake Windermere in England's Lake District, for example, has two different populations of three-spined stickleback which occupy different regions of the lake and which are probably derived from two different colonisations.

As we would expect, given that there is generally not that much variation in the environments in different river systems in the same part of the world, there is considerable parallel evolution between different, isolated populations. However, this degree of parallelism is much more marked in populations originating in the Eastern Pacific coastal waters and less so in the Western Pacific and in the Atlantic where much more genetic and morphological variation is found.

This paper, by scientists from the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland seeks to explain the reasons for this difference in the degree of parallelism.

The paper is regrettably firewalled but the accompanying press release from Helsinki University explains:

The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), a thumb-sized fish distributed across the Northern hemisphere, is a textbook model species in evolutionary biology. With the retreat of ice sheets since the last glacial maximum, ancestral marine populations have repeatedly colonised newly formed freshwater habitats. Across their distribution range, sticklebacks in these novel freshwater environments exhibit remarkable similarities in their morphology, physiology and behaviour, a phenomenon known as “parallel evolution”.

“What is really remarkable in our results is that the repeatability of evolution in response to similar selection pressures in different oceans can be so different,” says group leader Juha Merilä, Professor at the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki.

The genetic underpinnings of such parallel evolution have fascinated scientists for years, and they have discovered that the observed marine-freshwater differentiation is underlain by surprisingly parallel changes also at the genetic level. However, most studies on this topic have been based on either limited geographic sampling or focused only on populations in the Eastern Pacific region.

“As scientists, we are often tempted to provide simple narratives to extremely complex problems. What I liked the most about this project is that we did the exact opposite: we show that the story behind the three-spined stickleback’s spectacularly fast adaptation to novel habitats may be more complex than previously thought. I think that deciphering the role of demographic history in shaping evolutionary adaptation is a necessary step in solving the mystery,” says co-author Paolo Momigliano, postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki.

Ge­netic par­al­lel­ism 10 times higher in the East­ern pa­cific

With novel and powerful methods, a group of researchers from the University of Helsinki disentangled patterns of parallel evolution of freshwater three-spined sticklebacks at different geographic scales across their distribution range. They found that the extraordinary level of genetic parallelism observed in the Eastern Pacific region is not observed in the rest of the species’ range. In fact, they found approximately 10-fold higher levels of genetic parallelism in the Eastern Pacific compared to the rest of the world.

What hap­pens in the East­ern Pa­cific, stays in the East­ern Pa­cific

Their simulations showed that this difference in the degree of parallelism likely depends on the loss of standing genetic variation – the raw material upon which selection acts – during the colonisation of the Western Pacific and Atlantic Oceans from the Eastern Pacific Ocean.

This discrepancy could have been further accentuated by periods of strong isolation and secondary contact between marine and freshwater habitats in the Eastern Pacific, consistent with the group’s results and the geological history of the area. This secondary contact likely happened after the colonisation of the Atlantic Basin, resulting in much more genetic variation available for local adaptation in the Eastern Pacific – variation that never had the chance to spread to the Atlantic. In other words, the discrepancy in genetic patterns of parallel evolution between the two oceans is a result of the complex demographic history of the species, which involved range expansions and demographic bottlenecks.

Bohao Fang, PhD candidate from the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki and first author of the paper, explains.

I have been studying the worldwide population histories of the species in my PhD. We found their ancestral populations are residing in the Eastern Pacific. We predicted that the region harbours the source of ancestral genetic variations for parallel evolution, and such genetic variation could be lost during colonisation to the rest of the world, for instance in the Atlantic. These predictions were tested by both empirical and simulated data.

What we have here then is a beautiful example of how similar environments can result in similar evolutionary solutions and how a loss of genetic information can contribute to genetic and morphological diversity. Of course, evolution by lost genetic information is something that no dedicated creationist can tolerate because so much of their dogma depends on the biologically false assumption that all evolution must include an increase in information and that evolution always involves increasing complexity.

The three-spined stickleback shows how the same information can have different meanings in different environments so evolution only requires a change in the environment for evolution to occur. They also show how evolution can result from a loss of information and with that loss there is less information for the environment to give meaning to, so genetic mutations assume more importance as drivers of evolution.

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