
Sunday 16 May 2021

Survey Reveals Repuglican/Evangelical Gullibility

The “Big Lie”: Most Republicans Believe the 2020 Election was Stolen | PRRI

Amazingly, despite not a single piece of corroborating evidence that would stand up in court of widespread voter fraud ever being found, 66% of republicans and 61% of white evangelical Christians still believe Donald Trump's lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen by the Democrats.

By contrast, only 4% of Democrats and 27% of Independents believe the lie.

The survey carried out by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) also showed that Republicans are strongly influence both by their religious affiliation and by the news outlets they tend to rely on. 86% of Fox News-viewing Republicans and an incredible 96% of those who use far right 'news' sources strongly or mostly agree that the election was stolen. This figure drops to just 44% in those who use main-stream new outlets, such as CNN and MSNBC.

This suggests a high level of confirmation bias in their choice of sources, turning mostly to those outlets that tell them what they want to hear.

Probably reflecting their fanatical support, amounting to a cult movement, for Donald Trump, and the confident 'prophesies' of a landslide victory of their Talibangelical leadership, 61% of White evangelical Christians believe the conspiracy theory that the election was stolen.

Clearly, this group of entitled White Americans have convinced themselves that their candidate could only have lost by the other side cheating. It is inconceivable that they would not get their first choice of president in what they regard as their country. How dare people vote the 'wrong' way? This is the same demographic group behind the attempted coup d’état on 6th January in order to impose their will on the majority, whom they regard as having less right to a say in who governs America.

This is way out of line with the other religious demographic groups, none of which exceed 50% and only one of which
exceeds 40% (Mormons, 46%). Down at the bottom are the Black Protestants (4%), the Non-Christian religions (13%) and the Unaffiliated or 'Nones' (18%).

What this survey shows is how divided America has become agter 4 years of Trump's incompetence and narcissistic blaming everyone else, and the unholy alliance between the far right neo-fascist 'Dominionists', the fundamentalist White Christian evangelicals and a bunch of seditious, far right news media moguls behind the QAnon conspiracists.

Working through the pulpit, the far right is manipulating the credulity of White evangelical Christians while simultaneously fostering their sense of entitlement and their belief that gains in basic human rights by minorities represents a loss of their own rights and the entitlements they believe should be theirs and theirs alone. In other words, it reflects the culture war between the neo-fascist White supremacist evangelicals trying to subvert American democracy and the liberal egalitarians trying to defend it.

As always, religion is acting to divide and foment hostility and social unrest and distrust, rather than seeking to unite and create social harmony.

Dividing America into warring camps is obviously paying dividends into the bank accounts of Christianity Inc.

Thank you for sharing!

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