
Saturday 17 July 2021

Malevolent Designer News - How SARS-CoV-2 Attacks Children

New UK study reveals extent of brain complications in children hospitalised with COVID-19 - News - University of Liverpool

Just so it leaves no stone unturned in its determination to do maximal harm with its brilliantly-designed virus, Creationism's beloved malevolence has even included a design in SARS-CoV-2 for attacking the brains of children.

At least this should be the conclusion of intelligent [sic] design advocates to whom there is only one permitted explanation for the apparent design of living organisms and their parasites.

A new study has found that, while the risk of children needing hospitalisation when infected by the coronavirus is small, about 1 in 20 children who do need to be admitted, go on to develop neurological complications.

The discovery was made by the CoroNerve Studies Group, led by scientists from the University of Liverpool, UK. The group was formed to investigate reports that:
While neurological problems have been reported in children with the newly described post-COVID condition paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS), the capacity of COVID-19 to cause a broad range of nervous system complications in children has been under-recognised.
The group's findings were published a few days ago in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, sadly behind an expensive paywall, however their findings are summarised in the University of Liverpool press release:
Between April 2020 and January 2021, they identified 52 cases of children less than 18 years old with neurological complications among 1,334 children hospitalised with COVID-19, giving an estimated prevalence of 3.8%. This compares to an estimated prevalence of 0.9% in adults admitted with COVID-19.

Eight (15%) children presenting with neurological features did not have COVID-19 symptoms although the virus was detected by PCR, underscoring the importance of screening children with acute neurological disorders for the virus.

Ethnicity was found to be a risk factor, over two thirds of children being of Black or Asian background.

For the first time, the study identified key differences between those with PIMS-TS versus those with non-PIMS-TS neurological complications. The 25 children (48%) diagnosed with PIMS-TS displayed multiple neurological features including encephalopathy, stroke, behavioural change, and hallucinations; they were more likely to require intensive care. Conversely, the non-PIMS-TS 27 (52%) children had a primary neurological disorder such as prolonged seizures, encephalitis (brain inflammation), Guillain-Barré syndrome and psychosis. In almost half of these cases, this was a recognised post-infectious neuro-immune disorder, compared to just one child in the PIMS-TS group, suggesting that different immune mechanisms are at work.

Short-term outcomes were apparently good in two thirds (65%) although a third (33%) had some degree of disability and one child died at the time of follow-up. However, the impacts on the developing brain and longer-term consequences are not yet known.
Meanwhile we are still waiting for an ID advocate such as Michael J. Behe and his Deception Institute, to explain why they would prefer to portray their putative designer god as a malevolent misanthropic padophobe, prepared even to harm children in it's malevolent zeal, rather than accept that viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 are the result of a natural, mindless, unintelligent process in which neither magic nor magic gods were involved.

Clearly, the political agenda of the leaders of the ID movement is more important to them than their supposed love for their invisible god. If it were real, and as vengeful as they portray it, it would be preparing something very special indeed for those who perpetuate this view of it.

A cynic might be forgiven for thinking their political agenda has more to do with their desire for power and influence than with their love for this assumed creator god, and that they are merely using the prevailing superstition in their society as a spring-board for their political ambitions, with a hidden agenda that can only be guessed at. Religion provides excuses for people who need excuses.


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