
Saturday 15 January 2022

Covidiot News - SCOTUS Does Its Bit to Keep the Covidiot Trumpanzee Cull Going

Donald Trump, Republicans Rejoice as Supreme Court Knocks Down Biden Vaccine Mandate

Donald Trump's efforts to turn SCOTUS into a partisan, Repugnican tool, paid of yesterday as his appointed majority voted as a block to overturn President Biden's rule requiring employers with more than 100 employees to mandate their employees to either be vaccinated against COVID-19 or submit a weekly negative test before being allowed to enter the workplace. As expected, SCOTUS voted along partisan lines with Trump's appointees doing their master's bidding and voting to thwart efforts to control the spread of the virus. The mandate for workers at federally-funded healthcare facilities will be allowed to continue.

Having politicised the pandemic, the Repuglicans now seem bent on opposing any measures to reduce the current record level of cases and escalating hospitalisations and deaths as the much more contagious omicron variant replaces delta as the dominant strain and mops up those who listened to the antivaxxer conspiracy theorist in the Trumpanzee camp and failed to get vaccinated. Curiously, the Repugnicans have calculated that this self-imposed genocide of their own supporters is going to pay political dividends in the long term.

The only important issue for the white evangelical Christians who now own the Republican Party is, how does this help us gain the power we feel entitled to, and they have their eyes firmly fixed on November 2024 when they hope to get their liar in chief, Donald J Trump, back into the White House to continue the corruption and support for white supremacist racists, where he left off.

Daily New Covid-19 cases USA
In the week leading up to the SCOTUS ruling, the USA recorded a record number (5.14 million) of new cases (an 80% increase on the previous week) and just over 11,000 deaths from COVID-19, bringing their grand total for the pandemic so far to 64,807,657 cases and 848,972 dead as at 14 Jan 2022. According to the New York Times, cases are 5 times higher and deaths are 13 times higher amongst unvaccinated people compared to vaccinated people.

How SCOTUS arrived at this decision is puzzling since in 1905, in the midst of a smallpox epidemic, SCOTUS ruled that mandated vaccinations were legal because individual liberty " does not give us the right to act to the detriment of others in all circumstances. In their ruling they said:
The liberty secured by the Constitution of the United States does not import an absolute right in each person to be at all times, and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint, nor is it an element in such liberty that one person, or a minority of persons residing in any community and enjoying the benefits of its local government, should have power to dominate the majority when supported in their action by the authority of the State.
It is difficult to think of any circumstances to which this ruling applies if it doesn't include those circumstances when personal decisions threaten the health and well-being of others as it plainly does with COVID-19 vaccinations. How the current pandemic differs materially from the 1905 smallpox epidemic is not immediately obvious. The only difference appears to be political. The majority of the justices are now partisan right-wing supporters of the Republicans, and the Republicans are trapped in an opposition to any policies that don't slavishly adhere to Donald Trump's mismanagement of the crisis, no matter how much death and suffering it results in. They would rather let people die than admit they and the most corrupt and least competent president in American history, a Republican, got it wrong.

As a result of this bizarre ruling, the current culling of covidiot, Trumpanzee antivaxxers is likely to intensify. As pointed out above, socially irresponsible unvaccinated covidiots are 5 times more likely to catch the virus and 13 times more likely to die from it, compared to the sensible, socially responsible people who are fully vaccinated.

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