
Monday 14 February 2022

Trumpanzee QAnon Fruitloop News - Update on Covidiot Cirsten Weldon's COVID-19 Death

Cirsten Weldon, Pro-Trump, Antivaxx QAnon conspiracist.
Died of COVID-19, 04 Jan, 2022.
Cirsten Weldon, a prominent Trumpanzee and QAnon conspiracist and antivaxxer, who earned her living tell gullible fools that only idiots get vaccinated, died of COVID-19 on January 4, 2022, in Camarillo, California.

Her fellow conspiracy theorists have now dreamed up an even more preposterous conspiracy theory: that she is still alive and in 'protective custody' having faked her own death. I wonder if, like Elvis, she'll turn up working in a chip shop near you, in the not too distant future.

Is there no lower limit to the credulity of these idiots? Certainly QAnon hasn't found it yet. They even think Trump was a competent POTUS!

To begin with, as I reported at the time:
... surviving QAnon covidiots, who also appear to be very slow learners, are trying to cope with the cognitive dissonance between what they claim to be the truth and what the truth is actually being shown to be, have decided that the hospital staff must have killed their victims because, down their private rabbit hole, COVID-19 is a hoax, and tens or even hundreds of millions of scientists, laboratory workers and health-care professionals are in on a vast world-wide conspiracy, involving every government and public employee and connected somehow to former president Donald Trump's loss of the presidency.
Now, however, they have changed their collective minds, or more accurately, have had their collective minds changed for them by their cult leaders. Now the explanation for Weldon's death is that she just didn't die - she faked her own death and has been taken into protective custody to protect her from "deep state" operatives who are out to kill her.

Now that wackadoodle theory has provoked a response from her associates, which inadvertently, displays the typical hypocrisy of Trumpanzee conspiracists. In a plea by Phil Godlewski, posted on Twitter by whoever was now running the (now suspended) @cirtenw account, he said:
Just a polite request

Please stop with the sharing of the rumor that Cirsten W. is still alive, and has faked her death.

Even if it may be true, you should not be participating in such a rumor, just in case it's false.

Cirsten was a Patriot, regardless of what was negatively written about her. Absolutely none of the defamatory statements I've read about her have been proven. They are simply slanderous, exactly how I am slandered on a daily basis.

If you are wrong about her death being faked, can you imagine what that sharing of disinformation is doing to her family?

Please just stop, until it is proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. It's very disingenuous and troubling for me to watch.
Godlewski is himself a prominent Trumpanzee/QAnon conspiracy theorist and has an interesting criminal record, including having a sexual relationship with a 14 year-old girl and fraud, but that's not the main point here. The main point is the glaring hypocrisy in asking his fellow conspiracists to consider the harm that could be done if the conspiracies and rumours they are promulgating about Weldon's death turn out to be false!

Where was that warning about the harm that could be done if the conspiracy theories about Covid-19 and the vaccines, hospital staff killing antivaxxers, or the conspiracy theories about the 2020 election and the alleged Satanic paedophile ring supposedly running the "deep state", turned out to be false? But note also the way Godlewski leaves open the possibility that the conspiracy is right! No point in risking alienating the supporters who contribute to his regular appeals for money from his 48,000 followers on YouTube and Telegram, by telling them outright that they are wrong!

Of course, while there was money and influence in promulgating these ludicrous conspiracies, any harm it could be doing was irrelevant - until it became personal.

Don't be like Cirsten Weldon!
Don't die of ignorant gullibility!
Get vaccinated or get boosted, now!

Thank you for sharing!

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