
Saturday 7 October 2023

Creationism in Crisis - Humans Were Walking About in North America 10-13,000 Years Before Creationists Think Humans Were Created

Study confirms age of oldest fossil human footprints in the Americas | Bournemouth University

10,000 years ago, according to the Bronze Age Canaanite creation myths in the Bible, a magic man in the sky created humans without ancestors, and either before or afterwards, according to the two different versions, he created all the animals too. And animals and humans went forth and multiplied to populate Earth.
White Sands footprints

A few thousand years later, in a fit of pique, because his 'perfect' design hadn't turned out the way he intended, he murdered almost everything in a genocidal flood and Earth had to be repopulated from just eight humans and either two or six of the other animal species (again depending on the version) after the humans had sacrificed one of every species as a thank you for the genocide, Earth was again repopulated from these impossibly narrow genetic bottlenecks.

Creationists also insist that all sedimentary rocks were deposited in their mythical genocidal flood.

Some people still believe that myth to be accurate history, despite all the evidence against it and the fact that there is no evidence for it, save only for the origin myths in a book which, as science discovers more, is becoming increasingly 'allegorical/metaphorical' in order to avoid admitting it's just plain wrong.

One piece of evidence was revealed in 2021, by researchers from Bournemouth University, UK, the US National Park Service, U.S. Geological Survey, Cornell University, USA and the University of Arizona, USA., which showed that humans were leaving footprints in mud at the edge of a lake in what is now White Sands National Park in New Mexico, North America, 10-13,000 years before Earth was created according to the ancient origin myths.
Artist's impression of life in White Sands, New Mexico, 20,000 years ago.
This has now been confirmed by the same team in view of criticism that the C14 dating of common ditch grass seeds embedded in the same mud as the footprints, could have been distorted by the presence of hard water or could have eroded out of earlier sedimentary rocks and got washed into the lake. The team have now shown that hard water was not present and have also dated fossilised pollen grains embedded in the same mud, and by a third dating technique, known as optical stimulated luminescence.
What is the science behind the dating technique, optical stimulated luminescence? Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating is a scientific technique used for dating the last time minerals were exposed to sunlight or to sufficient heating. It is commonly employed in archaeology, geology, and earth science to date sedimentary and geological materials. Here's the science behind OSL dating:
  1. Luminescence Phenomenon:
    • The foundation of OSL dating is the luminescence phenomenon exhibited by certain minerals, such as quartz and feldspar, when they are exposed to ionizing radiation or sunlight.
    • When these minerals are exposed to ionizing radiation (from natural sources like radioactive isotopes in the surrounding sediment or artificial sources), electrons within their crystal lattice become trapped in energy states.
  2. Accumulation of Trapped Electrons:
    • Over time, as these minerals are buried or shielded from further exposure to ionizing radiation, the trapped electrons accumulate in these energy states.
  3. Resetting the Signal:
    • When the mineral is exposed to light (specifically, a specific wavelength of light) or heated, some of these trapped electrons are released from their energy states and return to the ground state.
    • As electrons return to the ground state, they emit energy in the form of visible light or photons. The intensity of this emitted light is proportional to the number of trapped electrons, which, in turn, is proportional to the time the mineral has been shielded from light or heat.
  4. Measuring the Luminescence:
    • OSL dating involves carefully extracting samples of minerals, typically quartz or feldspar, from sedimentary deposits or geological formations.
    • These samples are then prepared and exposed to a known amount of light or heat in the laboratory.
    • The amount of luminescence emitted by the sample when stimulated is measured using specialized equipment, such as a luminescence reader or a spectrometer.
  5. Age Calculation:
    • By comparing the measured luminescence signal to the natural dose rate (the rate of ionizing radiation exposure) at the sample's location and the sensitivity of the mineral to radiation, scientists can estimate the time since the minerals were last exposed to sunlight or heat.
    • The age is typically reported in years.
OSL dating is particularly useful for dating sediments, pottery, and other materials that contain quartz or feldspar minerals and have been exposed to light or heat during their history. It is especially valuable for dating events within the last several hundred thousand years, making it a valuable tool in understanding the chronology of archaeological and geological sites.
These three dating methods all converge on a 20-23,000-year date.

What stands out here, apart from the utter refutation of the biblical creation myth, is the way the scientist looked for ways to falsify their earlier findings and instead confirmed them, giving the lie to creationist claims that C14 dating gives false results and that scientists use the dating method that gives them the result they want.

This result also calls into question the earlier consensus that modern humans did not reach the Americas until some 10,000 years later during a glacial minimum. This date now places their arrival during or before the last glacial maximum, suggesting a coastal route down the pacific coast, by boat.

And of course, there is the fact that footprints in mud would have been destroyed in a global flood. But then creationism exists, not because of the evidence, but despite it.

Thank you for sharing!

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