
Monday 22 July 2024

Creationism in Crisis - Decline in Creationism in USA is Accelerating While Acceptance of Evolution Increases

Majority Still Credits God for Humankind, but Not Creationism Evidence of the continuing decline in creationism, which coincides with increased access to the Internet and exposure to creationist fundamentalists, was published by Gallop today.

The percentage of American adults who believe in creationism has fallen to a new low of just 37% (a figure which would be astonishingly high for most of the developed world where creationists languish in the lower few percentiles) while those who believe God played no part in the evolution of humans from less advanced life forms has risen to a new high of 24%.

The equivalent figures for 1999 were 47% and 9% respectively, and the signs are that these changes are accelerating.

Although correlation is not proof of causation, it is evidence of correlation and there is a strong correlation between access to the Internet (and so exposure of creationism to critical analysis, and exposure of the hypocrisy and inherent intellectual dishonesty of most creationists). This exposure has revealed that many creationists are using it as an excuse to pose as the superior of other people.

The arrogant assumption that the Universe was created with them in mind and that they have a special relationship with the creator of everything, so this provides an excuse to pose as more expert than the experts, without the bother of learning.

Current trends projected forward 5 year to 2029
Creationism is exposed as the childish belief of those adults who never managed to develop adult thinking abilities.

While the cult-think may appeal to people too lazy to think for themselves, an increasing number of people prefer to have an honest relationship with reality and even religious people are coming to accept that reality is not something their god created to mislead them - a belief remains a core creationist belief.

The reasons for the decline in creationism in the USA, as Americans follow about a generation behind most of Europe are complex but underpinned by better education and an increasing acceptance of scientific evidence as the only honest basis for opinion. And this despite the 1998 5-year 'Wedge Strategy' of the Christian fundamentalist Discovery Institute, which was intended to undermine Americans' confidence in materialist science and replace it with Bible literalism as a prelude to replacing democratic government in the USA with a self-appointing fundamentalist Christian theocracy.
What are the main reasons for the decline in creationism in the USA over the last 50 years? The decline in creationism in the USA over the last 50 years can be attributed to several key factors:

  1. Advances in Scientific Understanding:
    • The progress in fields such as genetics, paleontology, and cosmology has provided overwhelming evidence supporting evolutionary theory and the age of the Earth, making creationist views less tenable in the face of scientific data.
    • The completion of the Human Genome Project and advances in molecular biology have further elucidated the mechanisms of evolution and the genetic similarities among species.
  2. Increased Access to Education and Information:
    • The proliferation of educational resources and the internet has made scientific information more accessible to the public. This has allowed more people to learn about evolutionary theory and the evidence supporting it.
    • Improved science education in schools, with a stronger emphasis on evolutionary biology, has also played a significant role.
  3. Legal and Educational Reforms:
    • Several landmark court cases, such as the 1987 Supreme Court case Edwards v. Aguillard, have ruled against the teaching of creationism and intelligent design in public schools, reinforcing the separation of church and state and ensuring that science curricula are based on scientific consensus.
    • These legal decisions have helped to marginalize creationism in the educational system.
  4. Shift in Religious Attitudes:
    • Many religious denominations have reconciled their beliefs with evolutionary theory, reducing the perceived conflict between science and religion.
    • Prominent religious leaders and organizations, including the Catholic Church, have accepted evolutionary theory, which has influenced the views of many believers.
  5. Cultural and Societal Changes:
    • There has been a broader cultural shift towards secularism and away from traditional religious views. This secularization trend has led to a decline in the acceptance of literal interpretations of religious texts.
    • As society becomes more diverse and multicultural, there's been a greater acceptance of scientific explanations over religious dogma.
  6. Public Engagement by the Scientific Community:
    • Scientists and educators have become more active in public outreach and science communication, addressing misconceptions about evolution and engaging with the public through various media platforms.
    • High-profile scientists and science communicators, such as Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, and Neil deGrasse Tyson, have popularized science and critical thinking.

These factors have collectively contributed to the decline in creationism in the USA, as scientific explanations for the origin and development of life have become more widely accepted and integrated into public consciousness.

Has the behaviour of creationists in the social media been a factor?

Yes, the behavior of creationists on social media has been a factor in the decline of creationism in the USA, albeit in a more complex and multifaceted way. Here are some key points:

  1. Increased Scrutiny and Criticism:
    • Social media has provided a platform for rigorous scrutiny and criticism of creationist claims. Debunking efforts by scientists, educators, and skeptics have become widespread, often highlighting the scientific inaccuracies and logical fallacies in creationist arguments.
    • Popular science communicators and educators use social media to reach wide audiences, providing clear, evidence-based refutations of creationist claims.
  2. Amplification of Scientific Voices:
    • Social media has enabled scientists and educators to amplify their voices and reach a broader audience. Platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Reddit host numerous channels and threads dedicated to explaining and defending evolutionary theory.
    • Engaging and accessible science content has helped demystify complex topics and make scientific evidence more approachable for the general public.
  3. Echo Chambers and Polarization:
    • While social media can create echo chambers where like-minded individuals reinforce each other's views, it also exposes individuals to opposing perspectives. Creationists active on social media often find their claims challenged by a well-informed audience, which can sway undecided or open-minded individuals toward accepting scientific explanations.
    • Debates and discussions on social media often highlight the robustness of scientific evidence compared to the relatively weaker foundation of creationist arguments.
  4. Satire and Ridicule:
    • The use of satire and ridicule against creationist ideas can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can discredit creationist arguments by highlighting their absurdities. On the other hand, it can entrench beliefs among those who feel attacked or ridiculed. However, for many onlookers, such content underscores the contrast between scientific and creationist explanations, often in favor of science.
    • Memes and viral content often mock creationist claims, making them appear less credible to younger, more internet-savvy generations.
  5. Community and Support for Science:
    • Social media fosters communities that support scientific literacy and critical thinking. Groups and pages dedicated to science advocacy provide resources, support, and a sense of community for those interested in science.
    • This communal support helps reinforce acceptance of scientific explanations over creationist beliefs.
  6. Exposure to Diverse Perspectives:
    • Social media connects people from diverse backgrounds and belief systems, facilitating exposure to a variety of perspectives. This exposure can lead to greater acceptance of scientific viewpoints and a decline in adherence to creationism, especially when people engage with well-argued, evidence-based content.

In summary, the behavior of creationists on social media, combined with the proactive efforts of the scientific community and the critical engagement of the public, has contributed to the decline of creationism. Social media has acted as a catalyst for spreading scientific knowledge and encouraging critical thinking, which undermines the foundation of creationist beliefs.
So, after 26 years of the Discovery Institute's 5-year Wedge Strategy, the decline in creationism in the USA is accelerating while acceptance of evolution increases. And at least partly because of the behaviour of creationists in the social media.

The lesson for those interested in truth and who value intellectual integrity and learning is to keep giving creationists a platform to display on. They are our best assets in countering the far-right, anti-democratic political ambitions of religious nutters.

Ten Reasons To Lose Faith: And Why You Are Better Off Without It

This book explains why faith is a fallacy and serves no useful purpose other than providing an excuse for pretending to know things that are unknown. It also explains how losing faith liberates former sufferers from fear, delusion and the control of others, freeing them to see the world in a different light, to recognise the injustices that religions cause and to accept people for who they are, not which group they happened to be born in. A society based on atheist, Humanist principles would be a less divided, more inclusive, more peaceful society and one more appreciative of the one opportunity that life gives us to enjoy and wonder at the world we live in.

Available in Hardcover, Paperback or ebook for Kindle


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