
Wednesday 9 October 2024

Trumpanzee News - Why Americans Would Be Mad To Allow Trump Back In The White House

From mass deportations to huge tariff hikes, here’s what Trump’s economic program would do to the US and Australia

With Kamala Harris's star beginning to wane after shining brightly for the first few weeks after she replaced Biden as the Democratic candidate in the 2024 presidential election, bookmakers are now giving odds of about 50:50 for a Trump win.

But what are the dangers for America and the rest of the world from having a criminal with an acute narcissistic personality disorder running the world’s largest economy, let alone the world's largest nuclear arsenal.

A criminal moreover who's idea of economic management is to lie, cheat and steal from anyone fool enough to lend him money, leave his subcontractors unpaid, then when he can fend off his creditors no longer, have himself declared bankrupt, leaving them to whistle for their money, then start over again with more borrowed money. He is the only business man ever to bankrupt a casino! How do you bankrupt a casino where the odds are stacked in your favour and people queue up to give you money!. His idea of a university is to charge large fees to students them leave them without tutors and pocket the money!

He would undoubtedly turn the Whitehouse back into the organized crime syndicate HQ it was last time he was there, and would revel in the immunity from accountability SCOTUS has granted him to commit whatever crimes he likes, and he can always pardon himself for any crimes and misdemeanors just to be on the safe side.

In the 2012 election against Hillary Clinton, Trump's team came close to arguing that it was safe to vote for him because he wouldn't keep his promises anyway. This time, it really would be better if he didn't. It would be even better if he didn't have the chance to keep them.

He has three populist planks to his platform, none of them intended to make America Great Again, and all three of them guaranteed to make Americans' poorer, and smaller both economically and in the eyes of the rest of the world. They are nothing more than populist appeals to the xenophobic, racist, white supremacist right in the USA, centred on his obsession with China, which is always pronounces in a characteristically exaggerated, deranged way, 'Chay-na!' They can be summed up in two words - xenophobic isolationism.

In the following article, reprinted from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license, Peter Martin, a Visiting Fellow at Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University, cites the non-partisan Peterson Institute for International Economics which says that Trump's package would "[do] more damage to the US economy than to any other in the world", but there are other world economies, not just the target, China, that would be damaged by them: The article is reformatted for stylistic consistency:

From mass deportations to huge tariff hikes, here’s what Trump’s economic program would do to the US and Australia
Peter Martin, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University

It’s time to take Donald Trump seriously. Betting markets say it’s as likely as not he will be elected US president four weeks from today.

And unlike in 2016 when his program wasn’t clearly defined, he has set out plainly what he intends to do. Which means it’s possible to model the consequences.

The three Trump promises with the greatest economic impact are

  • the deportation of millions of US residents

  • steep restrictions on imports, especially from China

  • presidential influence over interest rates.

The best way to model the consequences is with an established model of the kind used by the International Monetary Fund and central banks around the world rather than one set up for the purpose that could be seen as designed to favour or not favour Trump.

The Washington-based Peterson Institute for International Economics has just done that, noting that during Trump’s first term as president he “by and large” did what he said he would do.

It finds

ironically, despite his ‘make the foreigners pay rhetoric’, Trump’s package of policies does more damage to the US economy than to any other in the world.

No other country in the world would be hurt by Trump’s program as much as the US – not even China – although several US allies would suffer, including Australia, which would be the fourth-worst hit by the most extreme version of what Trump is proposing.

Peterson Institute for International Economics.
Mass deportations

Trump has repeatedly promised the “largest domestic deportation operation in American history,” targeting up to 20 million unauthorised immigrants, including about 8.3 million thought to be in the workforce.

He says his model is Operation Wetback – a 1956 Eisenhower administration program that used military-style tactics to deport 1.3 million Mexicans.

The institute says Eisenhower’s success makes it easy to believe Trump could remove 1.3 million immigrant workers. It has modelled two scenarios: removing 1.3 million and 8.3 million, both over two years in 2025 and 2026.

Both slash employment, including the employment of non-immigrants, both push up inflation, which eventually is brought under control, and both make the US a less attractive place to invest, which benefits much of the rest of the world.

The institute says the low and high scenarios differ “only by the degree of damage inflicted on people, households, firms, and the overall economy”.

Huge tariff hikes

Trump wants to increase every tariff on goods imported to the US by 10 percentage points, including where there is at present no tariff. And he wants at least a 60% tariff on imports from China. The institute has modelled both, with and without retaliatory tariffs from China and the rest of the world.

It finds, unsurprisingly, that extra tariffs push up the price of US imports and the prices of US-produced goods that compete with imports. Many are used as inputs in manufacturing, which means US manufacturing suffers (which is probably not what Trump had in mind).

Fewer imports mean less demand for foreign exchange within the US, which means a higher US dollar which makes US exports less competitive. The US economy is weaker as a result, although China’s is weaker still and Australia’s is weakened as much as the US given its role in providing resources to China.

Nobbling the Fed

Trump has raised the prospect of more presidential influence over interest rates, saying he thinks he has “a better instinct than, in many cases” the board of US Federal Reserve. This could be achieved by requiring the president to be consulted on rate decisions or by appointing a compliant chair.

However it’s done, the institute’s “conservative” assumption based on what happens in developing countries with less central bank independence is that it will push inflation two percentage points higher.

The modelled result is capital flight. While the US economy is initially stronger than it would have been because of the Fed’s willingness to tolerate higher inflation, after a few years it is weaker and every other economy is stronger.

When all the measures are combined, under the extreme scenarios the US economy is 6.7% weaker than it would have been by 2035 and Australia’s is 0.2% weaker. Under the more modest scenarios, the US economy is 1.6% weaker and Australia’s is 0.06% weaker.

Why not examine Harris?

Despite a history of non-partisanship, the Peterson Institute is prepared for criticism. It points out that the economic model it used is regarded as the best in the world for scenario planning and is Australian, built by Warwick McKibbin of the Australian National University.

And it says it has modelled the Trump policies rather than the Harris policies because only Trump’s represent a departure from business as usual.

As the Institute’s president Adam Posen put it in Washington last month, the Harris campaign has said it will not impose across-the-board tariffs, will not engage in mass deportations and will not interfere with the independence of the US Federal Reserve.

The Trump campaign has indicated it will do all three.

It’s entirely possible that in office Trump wouldn’t do everything he proposed while campaigning, and it’s entirely possible that he would change course if what was doing damaged the US in the way the modelling suggests.

But there’s something to be said for taking people at their word, at least to get an idea of what we could be in store for after a knife-edge election. The Conversation
Peter Martin, Visiting Fellow, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Published by The Conversation.
Open access. (CC BY 4.0)


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