Screen-shot. Click to enlarge. |
He is now spamming Twitter, dutifully RT'ed by all his other accounts, claiming that the money I raised by carrying advertising on my blog, and which I donated to Oxfam as promised as detailed here, where all the receipts may be seen, was in some way fraudulent. Initially, his rage was confined to spamming my blog yet again with abusive comments and boast about how much money people are giving him in response to his incessant begging.
One such was:
Only 62? #LOL! I have people donating hundreds. :) #winningwhich is all too typical of the infantile gibberish Manny continually posts on my blog and which I have to keep sending to the spam folder. (Incidentally, I'm told that Google eventually pick up spamming account names from spam folders and block offenders. They will find literally hundreds from Manny in mine as I was getting dozens a day at one point when he seemed to be spending almost all day posting threats, abuse and incomprehensible frenzied gibberish on my blog.)
Apparently, he emailed Oxfam accusing me of fraud and posted their reply, seemingly believing it to be proof of his accusation, so I emailed Oxfam. The following email exchange ensued:
Tue 29/10/2013 22:45
Dear sir/madam
I understand you recently received a communication from a blogger who calls himself 'Michael'. This character is a notorious internet stalker and abuser and I appear to the latest victim of his obsessive attention.
The communication he claims to have received from you is:
Oct 25 2013
Dear Michael
Thank you for your email and for letting us know about your concerns regarding this Twitter user.
I have forwarded your email to a team to investigate this further and decide if and what action needs to be taken.
Thank you again for letting us know, please do let me know if you have any other questions and I will be happy to help.
With best wishes
**************** [Name withheld by request - RR]
Supporter Relations
Oxfam GB Direct
tel: +44 (0)300 200 1300
Switchboard tel: +44 (0)300 200 1292
which he has posted on his blog at The Twitter user referred to was of course me.
Would you confirm please that you received a donation from me recently in accordance with the details I posted on my blog at
Would you let me know what action you intend to take to prevent this abuser using Oxfam and the names of your employees to support his hate campaigns? I have reported this blog to Google and would appreciate you doing the same.
I'm sorry to have to draw you into this but, as an account holder and long-standing supporter of Oxfam, I would appreciate your help with this annoying pest.
I reserve the right to post your reply on my blog to set the record straight.
With many thanks for your help.
The replies from Oxfam of course confirms that everything I have said is true. They have given me permission to post their replies here:
Thu 31/10/2013 09:26
Dear ****************
Thank you for getting in touch with Oxfam.
I have located your record and can confirm that Oxfam has indeed received a donation from you that matches the amount you quote on your website.
As a general policy, when we are notified about possible fraudulent activity we do pass this on to be investigated. However, in this case, I can confirm that our team did not find anything to follow up and that, as I mentioned above, we can confirm donations to Oxfam are being received.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your incredibly generous support and please do let me know if you have any questions.
If you do chose to post this email, please can you remove my name from the signature. Many thanks.
With best wishes
*******************(name withheld by request)
Supporter Relations
Oxfam GB
Direct tel: +44 (0)300 200 1300
Switchboard tel: +44 (0)300 200 1292
Thu 31/10/2013 10:42
Dear ****************
Thank you for your reply. You have been most helpful.
Would you confirm that you have also passed this information on to 'Michael' who is continuing to make his allegation of criminal activity via his blog, and via Twitter? Can I ask if you are intending to take any action to prevent this abuse continuing since it may be damaging to Oxfam to imply that it can be used for fraudulent purposes in the way implied?
The sole purpose of carrying advertising on my blog is to raise modest amounts of money for humanist charities, as I clearly state on the blog. The amounts are quite small but the effort is minimal and can all be done on line. I have asked for payments from Google to be made directly to Oxfam to remove the need to do it manually but apparently this is not possible.
I will of course remove your name from the copy of your email that I will be posting on my blog in accordance with your wishes.
Many thanks again.
Thu 31/10/2013 12:28
Dear ****************
Thank you for getting back to me.
I can confirm that I have let 'Michael' know that Oxfam have indeed received the donations quoted on your blog site. Please rest assured, I have not mentioned your name or email address in any email correspondence and have only referred to your Twitter user name which was how we were first informed about any potential issue.
Other than informing Michael that you are in fact donating to Oxfam, I'm afraid there is little else we can do. I do appreciate your concern for Oxfam's image and I hope that by reassuring Michael that you are in fact donating to us the issue will be clarified.
Thank you again for you support.
With best wishes
Supporter Relations
Oxfam GB
Direct tel: +44 (0)300 200 1300
Switchboard tel: +44 (0)300 200 1292
It amazes me, and I would think disgusts any decent human being, that anyone would see raising money for a charity such as Oxfam, which does much to alleviate hunger and want in deprived areas of the world, as something to get hysterical about. Whatever twisted mindset is at work there? To think, if he hadn't been caught in time he could well now be a Catholic priest with trusted access to children and vulnerable people.
Manny is of course not typical of Catholics but maybe we should remember that, until he was expelled from seminary, he was training to be a Catholic priest, having apparently convinced Bishop Garmendia that he was suitable priest material. However, this is the cult, the leader of which lied to Africans by telling them condoms cause AIDS when they were being urged to use them to prevent the spread of this devastating disease, so maybe Manny is not that atypical of the Catholic priesthood. If that's unjust to other Catholic priests they are more than welcome to dissociate themselves from Manuel's activities in the name of Catholicism. Sadly, few seem to have ever done so publicly although I gather other Twitter users have reported his activities to the NY Catholic authorities who, it would appear, have washed their hands of him.
We now know that Manuel has been told by Oxfam that his accusation is without foundation so any repetition will be knowingly posting lies (has that ever been a problem for Manuel?).
Any bets that Manuel will have the decency to published an apology together with Oxfam's email on his blog and will spam Twitter with it over the next in the next few days and weeks?
Can pigs fly?
As expected, Manuel is continuing to use his various accounts to post lies on Twitter and to deny having had any communication from Oxfam.
I have of course reported his libellous blog to Google's legal team who will take matters on from here. The following exchange of emails with Oxfam brings this up to date:
Sun 3/11/2013 18:48
Dear ************
Over the weekend I have been subjected to a sustained attack from this abuser who continues to accuse me of fraud using several different Twitter accounts, and also on his blog. I have forwarded some of his Tweets to your @Oxfamgb Twitter account. Would you bring these to the attention of whoever needs to be told about this please.
Also, would you agree to me suggesting people contact Oxfam on the email address to check the truth of what I have said, please? I don't want to burden Oxfam unnecessarily with this but I don't know how else this campaign of lies can be refuted effectively short of Twitter taking action to stop it.
With many thanks for your help with this issue.
Tue 5/11/2013 14:57
Hi *************
Thanks for your email.
I have repeated my email to Michael letting him know that we can confirm that we are receiving your donations. I'm afraid there is not much else Oxfam can do. I have spoken to our Social Media team and they agree that you are definitely going on the right lines by following this up with Google and Twitter directly as they can monitor what is posted on their sites.
I would like to repeat Oxfam's appreciation for all of the support you have shown.
With best wishes
Supporter Relations
Oxfam GB
Direct tel: +44 (0)300 200 1300
Switchboard tel: +44 (0)300 200 1292
Tue 5/11/2013 17:13
Dear **************
Thank you.
No doubt this character will continue to deny receiving your emails.
How on Earth anyone can get themselves into such a state over a small donation to help with the education of girls in deprived areas is beyond me, and I would think beyond any normal person.
Did you think to request a delivery receipt? If so, would you be able to forward it to me as evidence for Google's legal department, please.
Many thanks.

I would expect further developments when Google's legal team have had a chance to consider the evidence of Manuel's continuing defamation. I would be astounded if he found the integrity to admit his lies, retract them and offer an apology.
I understand it normally takes Google several weeks to process these reports as so many inadequate little characters use the Internet to post abuse these days. Sadly, so long as society continues to throw up these human failures, the Internet is likely to provide the modern-day equivalent to them of standing at their window in stained underwear, shouting abuse and making obscene gestures at strangers in the street.
And all because little Manny made such a hilarious public spectacle of himself by infantile boasting then running away crying from this simple challenge when his bluf was called.
If you want to put two fingers up to Manny, I'm sure Oxfam could find something useful to do with a donation. The UK online site for this is I tend to donate to causes which facilitate education, if only because people like Manuel de Dios Agosto are a constant reminder of what a lack of can lead to.
[Update 6 November 2013]
This is the latest email from Oxfam. Unless Google or Twitter contact them for the evidence of Manuel's de Dios Agosto's libel hopefully they won't be bothered any more by Manuel's spiteful little lies. They certainly have better things to do so I won't be troubling them further, save to continue supporting them, obviously.
Wed 06/11/2013 13:16
Dear ************
It is too late to request a delivery receipt and even if we were to receive one this is not information we could divulge to others. I hope you understand that there is little Oxfam can do other that confirm we have received your recent donations.
Thank you once again for supporting Oxfam
With best wishes
Supporter Relations
Oxfam GB
Direct tel: +44 (0)300 200 1300
Switchboard tel: +44 (0)300 200 1292
I'll now leave things in the hands of Google's legal team although I see Manny seems to have panicked and is claiming he will take his blog down soon. In typical Catholic style though, he seems to be blaming Twitter users and trying to make us feel guilty because we won't send him any money.
Of course, as we all know, it costs exactly nothing to maintain a blog on Google Blogger which is entirely free, so lack of money can't possibly be the reason he's destroying the evidence.
Looks like game over. I'll soon need another unwitting assistant.
End Game?
I've just had confirmation that Manuel's Twitter accounts, @Sacerdotus and @YearOfFaith2012 have been suspended. I assume this is because of his campaign of lies and abuse. I don't know if Oxfam GB had complained but they were aware of his continuing lies despite having twice been told by them that my donations had been received exactly as I said.
Nor do I know if this suspension is permanent but I would expect Manuel to be back with new accounts, even more hysterical than before. It will be interesting to see what new lies he will try. All I know is that, in reply to my complaints, Twitter Safety have replied that, "After reviewing the reported account, it appears that this issue may have been resolved." My reading of that is that they were suspended for reasons not exclusively related to my complaint. I imagine the New York Catholic authorities were becoming increasingly concerned about the damage he was doing by pretending to still be a priest in training and a tutor at theological college. His latest fantasy about starting a doctorate in the new year may have been the final straw.
So far he has accused me of terrorism, of being on the "UK Authorities'" wanted list, of being a child abuser and of defrauding Oxfam. I wonder if he is still 'filing weekly reports' to the "UK Authorities" on my criminal activities as supplied to him by his extensive army of UK contacts who are watching my every move.
And all this because he couldn't live up to his infantile boasting or the fantasy persona he was desperately trying to project from the safety of his room.
The future of his blog is now in the hands of Google's legal team.
Manuel has now made his blog accessible by invitation only. This makes it no less libellous of course.

I saw his post about this the other day. I think he was basically trying to say that Oxfam did not have any program in which the funds generated from Google Adsense are sent directly to their charity. I do not know why it never occurred to him that maybe you just wrote a check to them in the amount equal to your Adsense revenue.
ReplyDeleteI considered leaving a comment on his post explaining that to him. But he is notorious for making a big deal out of anybody who disagrees with him. I was not in the mood to be featured in another of his wacky blog posts.
From the hysterical spam he sprayed at my blog, what really upset him was that he was getting nothing from his incessant begging.
DeleteEven if he does put an apology on his blog, will he tweet about it as often as he has been tweeting falsely about your donations to Oxfam? I doubt it.
ReplyDeleteA tenner to Oxfam says he won't even have the decency to acknowledge that Oxfam have emailed him telling him his accusation is false.
DeleteAnother tenner says he won't mention it on Twitter and will continue to post what he now knows is a lie.
Wow you went through all this trouble for this? #LOL #WON :) Your fabricated emails are of no substance. I have not received any reply from OXFAM. If I do, I will follow up with requests for proof. Your blog post means nothing to me and Oxfam has not contacted me regarding donations etc. I will believe when I see the documentation of donations.
ReplyDeleteHow interesting! The blog doesn't mention anyone called @Sacerdotus. Since you've always denied your real name is Manuel de Dios Agosto, the expelled seminarian, what made you think it was about you?
I reckon that's game, set and match, Manny. Have you ever looked at White Pages? Very interesting! 30-34 years old, eh? Some great links from there too.
You should be hearing from Oxfam again soon, by the way. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Google contact you in the next day or two either.
BTW, any thoughts on how one can fake a screenshot of an email?
DeleteMe neither. That's why I included one. Neat, eh?
To be honest, one can craft a mock up via some simple HTML quite trivially, Rosa. That said, one can just as easily send an e-mail to the enquiries e-mail address you left unredacted to verify the validity of your claims (an action I feel is entirely unnecessary anyway).
DeleteIndeed, if you don't mind wasting the time of people trying to do something useful because a notoriously obsessive liar told another lie.
DeleteLooks like my first tenner is safe. He's already lying about Oxfam not having contacted him to correct his lie. I've asked them to take further action.
ReplyDeleteCue another barely sub-psychotic outburst from Manny and/or his many inflated alter egos. [See what I did there? :)]
ReplyDeleteI think it's fairly obvious at this point that the man actually convinces himself of the truth of his own lies. There's a phrase for that... n'est-ce pas?
You should see the very many in my spam folder especially from when Manny seemed to be going through an especially hypermanic episode a few months back. Some are barely comprehensible.
DeleteMaybe I'll produce a blog with them in one day but it seems mean to make too much fun of an obviously mentally disturbed individual.
That man will never stop stalking you, Rosa. He's obsessed by you. And not only neurotic but also psychotic, at least from time to time. A dangerous man, so be careful, Rosa.
ReplyDeleteLooks like his ongoing claims about the donations not being real, emails faked etc made Oxfam take note. I emailed them recently for confirmation on the donations (after you suggested so on my blog) but he didn't accept the response as genuine.
ReplyDeleteThis morning oxfamGB tweeted from their verified Twitter account:
"Hi, We have confirmed that all donations made from the Rosa blog have been received"
Reckon he'll apologise to you and remove the blog post in question? Or will it stay up while he makes excuses, claims oxfam told him different etc
That's great. Thanks very much.
DeleteI wonder how Manuel will deal with that and which fake persona he'll use to lie with.
As I said above, Manuel had been contacted at least twice by Oxam and informed that his claims were false.
Oh as suspected he revocered quickly & claimed victory on the grounds Oxfam's comment meant that he'd forced you to donate finally and you were learning to be honest"
Yup! Saw that. Did he ever explain how I managed to fake the date on the receipt that Oxfam confirmed as genuine and how I retrospectively altered the date of the blog he claimed was a fraud?
DeleteNot that I've seen. As far as I know it's all just a case of the receipts etc are invalid because your name and Billing information are removed.
DeleteCan I suggest you either reply to their tweet or forward his lies to @Oxfamgb and ask them to confirm the payments were made on the date shown on the receipt and shortly before the date and time on the blog. It will be interesting to see him try to wriggle out of that one.
ReplyDeleteA couple of people already have, but from the looks of it (currently 3 hours since oxfamgb's last tweet) i assume their twitter feed is currently unmonitored. Once it's active tomorrow I'll give it a go.
ReplyDeleteYep! They'll need a while to catch up. Not sure if they work at the weekend either so it might be Monday before they can check the facts and reply.