Michael P Farris, Conservative Christian President and CEO of Trump-supporting Alliance Defending Freedom
As students of Early 20th Century European history will be aware, the Christian churches were often amongst the most enthusiastic supporters of the extreme right-wing parties that overthrew democracy and installed odious, racist, misogynist and criminal fascist government in countries such as Portugal, Spain, Italy, Hungary and Germany. Not surprisingly then, they are amongst the most enthusiastic supporters of attempts by the extreme right-wing in the USA to overthrow democracy, reverse the stunning victory of the Democrats and reinstall the odious racist, misogynist and criminal Donald J. Trump in the Oval Office.
One such would-be autocratic theocrat, is lawyer, Michael P. Farris, President and CEO of Christian extremist organization, Alliance Defending Freedom [sic].
Given that this organization campaigns to deny freedom to homosexuals and women, and now wishes to deny democratic rights to anyone who doesn't support them, you would be forgiven for thinking this organization's name is surely satirica! However, rather than an example of a sense of humorous irony, of which religious extremists are notoriously lacking, the name is more likely an example of how disingenuous extremists pretend to be defending that which they seek to abolish, in order to fool people into supporting them, like lambs being led to the slaughter of turkeys voting for Christmas.
In an email obtained via an open records request by The New York Times and researchers at Mount Holyoke College, an email Ferris sent to the chief deputy attorney general in South Carolina, one of several whom Ferris and a team of right-wing lawyers were trying to convince to file lawsuits to get state election results overturned in favour of Trump, contained a 42-page attachment detailing a complaint that states had violated the constitution by changing rules relating to absentee ballots (necessary because of the coronavirus pandemic).
These measures were feared by Republicans because Democrat voters are notorious for failing to vote in person due to fears of intimidation at the polling stations and often having to stand in line for several hours, waiting to vote while identity checks are made. Absentee ballot removed these disincentives to vote on which Republicans have relied, especially in swing states. The Trump team had already signalled its intention to declare the vote fraudulent because of this fear and the expected surge in Democrat votes, even accusing the US mail service of being complicit in a conspiracy, which they were seeing everywhere, or hoping to convince people of. It's a measure of their commitment to democracy that Republicans, like others of the extreme right, see it as a problem to be got round, rather than a precious right to be defended, extended and facilitated.
As a result of this campaign, Texas attorney general, along with 17 other attorneys general filed a complaint with the Supreme Court, based closely on Ferris' wording. The complaint was rejected by SCOTUS on the grounds that states have no right to interfere with the internal affairs of another state. Republicans seemed to have conveniently forgotten their tradition support for state autonomy.
As a result of this campaign, Texas atorney general, along with 17 other attorneys general filed a complaint with the Supreme Court, based closely on Ferris' wording. The complaint was rejected by SCOTUS on the grounds that states have no right to interfer with the internal affairs of another state. Republicans seemed to have conveniently forgotten their tradition support for state autonomy.
Alliance Defending Freedom is a registered charity in the USA which means it is exempt from paying tax but is prohibited under federal law from being involved in any political campaign, but how much more political can you get than trying to foment what amounts to the abolition of democracy and the installation of an unelected dictatorship of the extreme right? Presumably, the right to break the law at will, and determine the form of government in a state is one of the freedoms for extremist Christians that Ferris would defend.
Please translate.