F Rosa Rubicondior: Christian Fruitloops For Trump2

Saturday 20 June 2020

Christian Fruitloops For Trump2

Kat Kerr, Prophetess and personal friend of Jesus
Christian “Prophetess”: I Told 100,000,000 Angels to Protect the GOP Convention | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos.

The Grand Old Party; the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln and one of the two great parties of American democracy has degenerated to the point where this is almost considered mainstream. A fruitloop Christian Trumpanzee who has declared herself to be a prophetess, has ordered 100 million angels to protect the GOP National Congress. She has already given them their orders and placed them at strategic locations around the town.

Clearly, America's mental health services leave a great deal to be desired:

Amongst Kerr's other 'successes' are:

  • Ordering a tropical storm to spare Texas.
  • In 2018, Kerr took personal control of several natural phenomena including tropical storm Alberto, hurricane Florence, California's wildfires and the Hawaiian volcano, Kilauea. None of them appeared to be listening to her.
  • Predicting a 'Red Tsunami' of Republican victories in 2018. She later claimed that a lot of the Democrats who actually won were really Republican 'scouts' who had infiltrated the Democratic Party.

You probably can't blame Trump personally for the assorted fruit and nut cases that cluster around him like muck-flies round a fresh turd, but you can blame him for resembling a fresh turd in the first place.

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  1. The chick is a total nutjob!

  2. If you had successfully escaped this life, and were sitting around in paradise, do you think you would listen to this lady ordering you to spend a week at a Republican convention?


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