Imagine. You're walking down Main Street one day and you bump into man who is talking to the people in the street as though they're a public meeting. Because you have nothing better to do you slip him some spare change for a drink and get into conversation with him.
He tells you he has come with a special message to the world. Everyone is in mortal danger and only by following him can they be saved.
You decide to humour him a little and ask him how he knows this and what makes him think he’s a messenger.
He tells you his mother was a virgin.
“Okay”, you think. “Let’s see where this is going”. You ask him about this mortal danger that we're all in.
“It's my father.” He explains. “He has something especially unpleasant prepared for you and only I can set you free from it."
“Er... I thought you said your mother was a virgin! How does that square with having a cruel and threatening father?"
“That’s not the point! My mother
was a virgin because I’m pure so she
mustT have been. Anyway, my father is invisible and doesn't live on Earth. He didn't make her pregnant in the normal way. She saw a man with wings and he told her she was pregnant."
"And another thing! My father isn't cruel. He’s only like that because he loves you. You wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for him!”
Dilemma: should you cross over to the other side of the street out of harm’s way, or should you stay with him to look after him until something can be done for him?
Extraordinary to think that, before we understood mental illness, people used to think this condition was caused by magical beings living inside you. A few people still think that way, apparently.