F Rosa Rubicondior: Talibangelical News - God's GOP Nut Jobs

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Talibangelical News - God's GOP Nut Jobs

Jo Rae Perkins, God's GOP Candidate
GOP Senate Candidate: Years Ago, in a Hotel Room, God Told Me to Run for Office | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Few people illustrate the penetration of the extreme, Talibangelical Christian takeover of the once respectable Republican Party than Jo Rae Perkins, the no-hope GOP candidate for rock-solid Democrat Oregon - Merkley.

Perkins is a fully signed-up "QAnon" conspiracy theorist nutter - as are a growing number of GOP politicians, and apparently, hears voices in her head. She claims God came into her hotel room one evening, after a business dinner (some dinner!), and told her he wanted her to become a Senator. Apart from her own conceit and self-proclaimed special, personal relationship with God, there appears to be no reason in her record for God to want her in the Senate particularly.

In her own words:

… I was in Phoenix, Arizona on a business trip — and this was, uh, either January 8th or 9th, 2009 — I had just returned to my hotel room traveling solo, having dinner, turned on the TV, and they’re showing the U.S senators getting nominated. Or not nominated — sworn in. [An easy mistake to make!]

And I looked at the TV and I said, “What an incredible honor”… I started tearing up just like this. I said, “What an incredible honor to be sworn in as a United States senator.”

And what I’m about to say — because I know this is getting broadcast… everywhere — I believe that, if we listen, we can hear the voice of God because the Lord says, “My sheep hear my voice.” [Where?]

I audibly heard a whoosh in my hotel room — This was in January, it was not the heater, the heating system was not in the ceiling — and I heard the Lord say “Plan on making a run to go to Washington, D.C. U.S. Congress. Five to six-year time frame. I looked up, I said, “What?! Okay.” [As you would!]

And that was how the journey officially began…

So, no annunciation this time! Perhaps she didn't meet the criterion.

But, you would think God would give his chosen representative in the Senate a helping hand to get there. Not so! Jo Rae Perkins has lost every election in which she stood and will almost certainly, unless a miracle happens, lose this one.

And what special policies is Perkins running with? Just the usual right-wing GOP agenda - more guns, less birth-control, less government, less health-care, less female and minority rights, more mega-rich tax avoiders, more pussy-grabbing Trump, more conspiracy theories and fake news, more division and social stratification, and more hate for minorities, foreigners and the liberal left.

Just what Jesus advocated!

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