America leads the world again in new coronavirus cases as a third, even bigger wave threatens to spin out of control.
Source: Johns Hopkins University
Why has Donald Trump had such a disastrous year - getting impeached and making such a hash of the coronavirus pandemic? It's all the fault of witches, apparently and not because of the spells they cast on him a year ago, but because they signally failed to work!
According to the conservative Christian website, Christian Network Broadcasting (CBN) News a year ago today, thousands of witches were planning to join forces and cast a 'binding spell' on Donald Trump. Being Wiccans, these witches are forbidden from doing harm, so the binding was simply to prevent Trump doing any more harm to America and Americans than he had done already, short of harming him.
The result is plain to see. With his policy of denial over the coronavirus Trump has not just stood idly by while over 225,000 Americans have died of Covid-19 and a further 8.6 million have been made sick by it, including Trump himself, but at his behest, his administration has sought to undermine efforts to mitigate it and hampered those trying to fight it.
Meanwhile, as Trump boasts that America is 'rounding the bend very nicely', new cases are increasing exponentially and a further 75-80,000 Americans are becoming sick every day.
This is how CBN News reported it at the time:
As if battling House Democrats' impeachment inquiry against him wasn't enough, President Donald Trump will next have to face a "binding spell" cast by "thousands" of witches late Friday night.
As Halloween approaches at the end of the month, several media outlets are reporting witches who oppose President Trump are planning to cast a "binding spell" on his administration. Such reports of witchcraft being used against the President are nothing new. Witches have been trying to cast spells against Trump since his inauguration in 2017.
Scheduled for Oct. 25 at 11:59 pm, these self-proclaimed "witches" are planning to conduct a ritual which is meant to "bind," but not harm the President unlike a "curse" or a "hex." These witches believe they are doing something positive for the entire country by not allowing President Trump to cause harm to the US by his actions.
As CBN News has reported, witches have been increasing their political involvement since Trump was elected, casting spells to "Bind Trump." Last year, the 13,000-member Facebook group was casting regular spells on Donald Trump.
A year ago, a throng of real-life witches was fighting back against the administration by hosting a spell-casting ritual against newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in New York.
At the time, the Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis's exorcist-in-residence, Father Vincent Lampert, warned of the dangers of Wicca. He told The Washington Examiner:
Some of them may be doing it thinking it's just fun, but they are gambling with evil, and just because their motive is one way doesn't mean they're not opening up an entry point for evil in their own life.
I think evil will present itself as something good, maybe initially to attract people's attention, to draw people in, but then ultimately people are going to discover it's all about fracturing their lives.
CBN News is becoming quite paranoid about the increasing numbers and activities of witches in the USA. Obviously, those who believe in magic can easily be persuaded that people can do magic too. This was the thinking that led to tens of thousands of people, overwhelmingly female, being horribly murdered in the Middle Ages in Europe and America as lonely old women were blamed for anything from a cow stopping producing milk to bad weather and pestilence.
Witchcraft has been steadily on the rise in the US since the 1990s.
Trinity College in Connecticut tracked witchcraft's prevalence for some 18 years. Researchers found that in 1990, there were an estimated 8,000 Wiccans in the US. That number grew to 340,000 in 2008.
The Pew Research Center later discovered in 2014 that 0.4% of Americans, or about 1 to 1. 5 million people, identify as Wicca or Pagan.
But if Trump's final year in office is anything to go by, whatever these witches achieved with their magic spells, it did nothing to bind him and prevent him doing more harm, so CBN News and Father Vincent Lampert have nothing to worry about.
This is what happens when you teach your unfortunate children to believe in magic!
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