Religion, Creationism, evolution, science and politics from a centre-left atheist humanist. The blog religious frauds tell lies about.
Sunday, 22 December 2024
Refuting Creationism - Jaw-Dropping Evolution in Reptiles
December: Jaw evolution in lizards and snakes | News and features | University of Bristol
A research team from Bristol University, UK with Professor Anthony Herrel of the Mécanismes Adaptatifs et Evolution, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, France has recently published a paper showing the close link between the lower jaw shape of lizards and snakes, known collectively as the lepidosaurs, and their ecological niche as well as factors such as their phylogeny and scaling for body size (allometry).
They found that evolution was rapid in specialised groups such as burrowing and aquatic species.
Creationism in Crisis
Refuting Creationism
Thursday, 12 December 2024
Malevolent Design - The Sneak Tactics of Toxoplasma gondii
Toxoplasma gondii.
Image by Michael Holmes
Toxoplasma gondii parasite uses unconventional method to make proteins for evasion of drug treatment
Here we are with yet another example of an organism that, if there is a designer behind it, that designer can only be described as malevolent and determined to maximise the suffering and misery in the world.
It is, of course, another example of a nasty little parasite which, if you subscribe to the creationist view that complexity 'proves' design, has been designed to ensure we are as vulnerable to is as possible by helping it evade the immune system and other mechanisms, supposedly designed by the same designer god to protect us from the parasites it designs to harm us.
This example is the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which is notorious for manipulating its natural victims, which are felines and their prey species. For example, mice infected with T. gondii lose their fear of cats so they get eten and the parasite gets into its primary host; infected chimpanzees develop a liking for the smell of leopard urine.
Humans are not the natural secondary host, but the parasite readily infects us as we catch it from cats. It is thought that about one third of humans are infected. Once infected it is impossible to get rid of from the body because, even if antibodies are produced by our immune system, the parasites go into a dormant state as cysts which can form in any organs of the body, including the brain.
Creationism in Crisis
Malevolent Design
Refuting Creationism
Tuesday, 10 December 2024
Refuting Creationism - Ritual Gatherings in a Cave in Israel - 25,000 Years Before 'Creation Week'
Reconstruction of a ritual gathering in Manot Cave
AI-Generated image (ChatGPT4o)
Earliest deep-cave ritual compound in Southwest Asia discovered The Daily The Daily
Clearly, the authors of the creation myths in Genesis had no knowledge of their own history let alone the history of the rest of the world, as 25,000 years before the time in which they set their 'creation week', there were people holding ritual gatherings in a cave in what is now Israel.
Before the mythical 'creation week' there was supposedly no Earth, no Universe, no living beings and only a god made of nothing which had self-assembled out of nothing according to a design it made before it existed.
Creationists reason that the Universe and life on Earth is too complex to have arisen spontaneously, and it couldn't have all come from nothing, so an even more complex god must have arisen spontaneously out of nothing first then created everything else out of nothing by magic. To a child-like creationists there is no possible flaw in that reasoning.
Creationism in Crisis
Refuting Creationism
Monday, 9 December 2024
Refuting Creationism - Another Gap Closed - No God Found
A mating pair of wild-type (left) and mir-193 mutant (right) Bicyclus anynana butterflies.
Photo credit: Shen TIAN
A microRNA solves an evolutionary mystery of butterfly and moth wing colouration - NUS Faculty of Science | NUS Faculty of Science
A regularly-cited example of observed Darwinian evolution is that of the peppered moth which occurs in two forms, the white, speckled form and a melanistic, almost black form. During the industrial revolution, as English northern towns grew and became polluted by smoke from coal-burning factories, so the melanistic form became more common.
Experiments showed that the lighter form became easier for predators to see when the moths were roosting on tree trunks that had become coated in soot, while the melanistic form became harder for predators to see.
Following the decline of the northern towns, the light form again increased back to the former ratio, showing the importance of environmental change in evolution.
This tendency to have melanistic forms is common in the lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) and this tendency was believed to be under th control of as single genomic region surrounding the protein-coding gene “cortex“, common across many species, showing their descent from a common ancestor.
However, new research by international researchers from Singapore, Japan, and the United States of America, led by Professor Antónia MONTEIRO and Dr Shen TIAN from the Department of Biological Sciences at the National University of Singapore (NUS), has shown that 'cortex' is not directly involved in producing melanism, instead, this is controlled by a microRNA from within the 'cortex' genomic region, as another example of how microRNA's control many functions within cells, particular gene expression.
Creationism in Crisis
Refuting Creationism
Sunday, 8 December 2024
Refuting Creationism - Domesticated Dogs 2000 Years Before 'Creation Week'
A tibia, or lower-leg bone, of an adult canine from Swan Point, Alaska, radiocarbon dated to about 12,000 years old.
François Lanoë
School of Anthropology
School of Anthropology
How did humans and dogs become friends? Connections in the Americas began 12,000 years ago | University of Arizona News
At least 2,000 years before Creationists' little god created a small flat planet with a dome over it in the Middle East, human in Alaska were feeding domesticated dogs on salmon, according to the findings of palaeontologists from the University of Arizona.
But of course, the parochial Bronze Age pastoralists from the infancy of our species who made up that myth, couldn't possibly have known anything about when dogs were domesticated, or Alaska for that matter because, as we can see from the tales they made up, they knew nothing of the world beyond a day or two's walk from their pastures and were completely ignorant of the geography, geology and history of the planet and life on it - which is why they made up such implausible origin myths in the first place.
That there were people feeding salmon to their domesticated dogs about 12,000 years ago is the subject of a paper published recently in Science Advances by the Arizona University team led by Assistant Professor François Lanoë, of the School of Anthropology in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. They explain their findings in an Arizona University News release
Creationism in Crisis
Refuting Creationism
Refuting Creationism - How the 'Lizard' Part of Your Brain Influences Your Thinking
In a new Northwestern Medicine study, scientists sought to better understand how humans evolved to become so skilled at thinking about what’s happening in other peoples’ minds.

Amygdala is the organ in the limbic system (inner mind) —though a tiny little one is significantly responsible for our emotions which falls in the bracket of implicit memories.
Few things upset creationists more than evidence that they are not only apes and share a common ancestor with the other African apes, but that they also share a common ancestor even with non-mammals such as reptiles, and yet, as the American evolutionary biologist, Theodosius Dobzhansky reminds us, nothing in biology makes sense without the Theory of Evolution (TOE).
And one thing that does make sense is how the human brain is the result of an evolutionary process with ancestry in those common ancestors, including lizards.
A second thing that creationists who have deluded themselves into believing that mainstream biomedical scientists are giving up on the TOE and adopting the childish notion of intelligent design, will find distressing, is the news that the team who did this piece of research are firmly convinced that the structure of our brain and the way it works is the result of evolution, not magic.
The third thing is how this explains empathy, of which creationists often feign ignorance, claiming they get their sense of right and wrong from their invisible friend and have a handbook to tell them how to behave. The curious belief that even influenced supposed Christian intellectual 'giants' such as the smugly self-satisfied, C.S. Lewis, is despite the fact that one of the Golden Rules of human society, that even the founder of Christianity, Jesus, allegedly told his followers to apply - "Do unto others what you would they do unto you" or words to that effect, depend entirely on having the empathetic ability to know what someone else would want.
The research explains how this ability in humans comes from an ancestral ability to read social signals and form relationships, including an understanding of social hierarchies, possessed even by lizards.
Common Origins
Creationism in Crisis
Refuting Creationism
Refuting Creationism - Humans Were Using Fire in Tasmania, 41,000 Years Ago
Indigenous Australians using fire to hunt kangaroos.
Painting by Joseph Lycett, ca. 1817.
Source: National Library of Australia.
Source: National Library of Australia.

Emerald Swamp, Tasmania.
Credit: Simon Haberle
One of creationism's many problems is that being a counter-factual superstition it is easy to refute with facts. For example, trying to cling to the childish belief that the Universe and Earh are both between 6 and 10,000 years old, must be difficult in view of all the evidence of things happening on Earth before then - like people using fire in Tasmania 41,000 years ago.
But, as though to illustrate how creationism is not science but superstition, creationists have a knee-jerk response to that sort of news by simply shrugging their shoulders and declaring that the scientists have either lied, misunderstood the data or failed to recognise that their dating method must be wrong because it doesn't agree with creationists.
The evidence, of course, comes not only from dating the charcoal found in mud, which shows us that people used fire to clear the land, but the sudden change in the pollen found in the same mud at the same time as the charcoal appears, showing how the vegetation was destroyed by fire to be replaced with other flora. This was discovered by a team of researchers from the UK and Australia, who published their findings, open access, recently in the journal, Science, and explained it in a University of Cambridge, press release.
Creationism in Crisis
Refuting Creationism
Saturday, 7 December 2024
Malevolent Design - How Malaria Is Being Redesigned to Keep On Killing Children
Photomicrograph of a blood smear contains a macro- and microgametocyte of the Plasmodium falciparum parasite
Photo Credit: CDC/Dr. Mae Melvin - This media comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health Image Library (PHIL) #2704, Public Domain, Link
Study uncovers first evidence of resistance to standard malaria treatment in African children with severe malaria
In another twist of the arms race with human medical science Plasmodium falciparum, the malevolently designed parasite that causes malaria and kills hundreds of thousands of children a year, mostly in Africa, has developed resistance to Artemisinin. Scientists were already aware that resistance had arisen in cases of uncomplicated malaria, but this is the first such incidence of resistance in the more severe form of the disease.
Indiana University School of Medicine researchers, in collaboration with colleagues at Makerere University in Uganda have discovered a case of complicated malaria in a child in Uganda.
Creationism in Crisis
Malevolent Design
Refuting Creationism
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