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Atlantic Coast leopard frog, Rana kauffeldi Source: Wikipedia |
One of the nice things about science is that, properly done, it can throw up some surprises, even overthrowing some preconceptions and axioms.
Science demands we constantly question and reassess our assumptions and preconceptions. It is not for those who prefer simple certainties over difficult truths.
For example, it is generally assumed that when a species colonises new geographic regions with new ecological niches, it will tend to adapt and radiate into several new species; that range extension itself is a major driver of speciation.
But this is not always so, it seems.
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Spotted Leaping Frog, Indirana diplostict Source: Wikipedia |
True frogs are descended from survivors of the Eocene–Oligocene extinction event (EOEE) so were an ideal group to test the prediction that range expansion triggers increased net diversification, but first, the researchers had to identify where the true frogs arose, when they began to diversify and how long it took them to spread to their current distribution in every continent except Antarctica.

Having constructed a 'family tree' of species, the researchers then calibrated this using frog fossils of know ages, dated by the age of the rock deposits in which they were found. Using date from paleontological studies they were able to identify the place in the phylogeny where the fossil best fitted and so date-stamp the family tree.
Using this method, Chan and Brown believe they have shown, surprisingly, that the rich diversity seen in the Ranidae was not due to range extension per se, nor to simple niche-filling made possible by the EOEE mass-extinction, but to simple diversification over time, influenced by a host of factors. As Kin on Chan, one of the co-authors said:
Our conclusion is kind of anticlimactic, but it’s cool because it goes against expectations. We show the reason for species richness was just a really steady accumulation of species through time — there wasn’t a big event that caused this family to diversify like crazy.
Kin Onn Chan, co-author,
Biodiversity Institute and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA
In other words, they found exactly the opposite of what they expected but that in itself is a result worth writing up and publishing.
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