Thursday 5 July 2018

Creationists! Test Your Personality With This Simple Test!

Find out what makes you a creationist with this simple personality analysis.

Just note down the letter of the answer that comes closest to your reaction to everyday online experiences. No scientific knowledge is needed and you don't even need to know your holy book. Just be as honest as you can.

What could be simpler?
  1. When you see the word 'evolution' in an online debate do you:
    1. Start typing stuff about the Big Bang, Atheism, life from nothing and evolution being a religion?
    2. Ask why there are still monkeys if humans evolved from them?
    3. State that there is no evidence for evolution and the missing link that Darwin predicted has never been found?
    4. Call the person a moron?
  2. When you are shown a transitional fossil, having asked to be shown one, do you:
    1. Claim it's not transitional?
    2. Change the subject?
    3. Go to a creationist website to find something to copy and paste?
    4. Call the person a libtard?
  3. When you are asked what you think evolution is and how science explains the processes that cause it, do you:
    1. Ignore the question?
    2. Type out something about macro evolution never having been witnessed?
    3. Change the subject?
    4. Call the person a God-hating liberal?
  4. When asked what evidence would convince you that the Theory of Evolution is true, do you:
    1. Ignore the question?
    2. State that there is no evidence for the Theory of Evolution otherwise it wouldn't be called a theory?
    3. Ask for something impossible like a video of a chimpanzee giving birth to a human?
    4. Call the person an idiot?
  5. When told that evolution is just change in allele frequency in a population over time, do you:
    1. Ignore it because you don't understand what 'allele frequency' means?
    2. State that that is just adaptation, not evolution?
    3. Insist that evolution is one species turning into another because Darwin said so?
    4. Call the person a moron.
  6. When someone tells you the question of how life started on Earth is not what evolution is concerned with, do you:
    1. Ignore it and continue to ask why evolutionists have never created life?
    2. Ask how life came from no life?
    3. Ask if they were there?
    4. Call the person an arrogant elitist?
  7. When you're told that modern biologists only ever read what Charles Darwin said for historic interest, do you:
    1. Ignore it and continue to say that Darwin said the eye must have been intelligently designed?
    2. Ignore it and ask where the transitional fossils that Darwin predicted are?
    3. Ignore it and claim Darwin was a Communist and friend of Karl Marx who hated God because his daughter died?
    4. Call the person a fool?
  8. When you're told that the Second Law of Thermodynamics applies only to a closes system and Earth isn't a closed system, do you:
    1. Ignore it because you don't understand it?
    2. Ignore it and pretend you've never noticed the sun and the heat and light that comes from it?
    3. Ignore it and continue to claim the Second Law means evolution is impossible?
    4. Call the person an idiot who doesn't understand science?
  9. When someone produces pictures of fossils showing a gradual change over time, do you:
    1. Point to the gaps between the fossils and ask where the missing transitional forms are?
    2. Claim they are forgeries?
    3. Claim they have been photo-shopped?
    4. Call them a fool who's been lied to?
  10. When you see someone quoting Richard Dawkins, do you:
    1. Tell them Dawkins' Big Bang theory has been disproved by science?
    2. Tell them Richard Dawkins is a moron?
    3. Tell them Richard Dawkins really believes in intelligent design?
    4. Call them a racist?
  11. When someone tells you there is no evidence that Earth is just a few thousand years old, do you:
    1. Claim to have lots of evidence?
    2. Say the Grand Canyon proves it?
    3. Quote the Bible/Qur'an?
    4. Call them a lost soul who'll burn in Hell?
  12. When you're told there is no evidence for Noah'a Ark or a global flood, do you:
    1. Claim the Grand Canyon proves it?
    2. Claim fossil shellfish at the top of mountains proves it?
    3. Quote the Bible/Qur'an?
    4. Call the person a sciencist?
  13. When you're asked for evidence for creationism, do you?
    1. Ignore it?
    2. Tell them it's all around and you'll pray the scales fall from their eyes?
    3. Quote the Bible/Qur'an?
    4. Call them fools who'll know the truth one day?
  14. If you're asked why micro-evolution is possible but macro-evolution isn't, do you:
    1. Ignore it?
    2. Say new information can't be created and all mutations are fatal?
    3. Change the subject as soon as possible or remember you have an urgent appointment?
    4. Call them a fool and say it's not your job to educate them?
  15. If you're asked to explain why humans and chimpanzees have a 98.5% match in their DNA, do you:
    1. Ignore it because you're not sure what DNA is?
    2. Say DNA is a computer code and so needed a programmer?
    3. Say this shows common design?
    4. Call the person a moron?
  16. When you're given an example of evolution being observed, do you:
    1. Ignore it?
    2. Redefine 'evolution' and claim it isn't an example of it?
    3. Dismiss it as 'not evidence'?
    4. Call the person an idiot?
  17. When you're given nested hierarchies as the evidence for common ancestry you asked for, do you:
    1. Ignore it because you don't know what 'nested hierarchies' means?
    2. Claim it shows a common designer?
    3. Dismiss it as 'conjecture'?
    4. Call the person stupid for thinking that's evidence?
  18. When you're asked to define 'kinds', do you:
    1. Ignore it because it might be a trap?
    2. Tell them to read the Bible/Qur'an?
    3. Tell them it's obvious?
    4. Call them a fool who has rejected God?
  19. When you're told that all the animals on the Ark would have suffocated if they were sealed in like the Bible says, do you:
    1. Ignore it?
    2. Say they were still alive, so they couldn't have?
    3. Say God would have kept them alive somehow?
    4. Call the person an agent of Satan?
  20. When you lose an online debate do you:
    1. Ignore it and claim victory?
    2. Patronise the winner, say you'll pray for them and threaten them with Hellfire?
    3. Make sure you have the last word because the audience will think that wins the argument?
    4. Call the winner an ignorant moron who hasn't understood your arguments because he/she has been brainwashed by God-hating, lying scientists?

Now count how many a, b, c or d answers you gave.


Mainly a's
You are a proud creationist who has managed to remain almost completely ignorant about biological evolution and has cultivated a disdain for science and evidence of any sort if it contradicts your preferred view of reality, but you are prepared to ignore that disdain so you can use a computer to show off your inability to change your mind no matter how strong the evidence is.

Mainly b's
You are a proud creationist whose faith is so strong that you need to go online every day and spend several hours asking people the same questions again so you can prove to yourself that nothing can make you change your mind. Because this is important to you, you have to avoid reading anything about science and you don't read the Bible/Qur'an just in case you find that doesn't agree with you either.

Mainly c's
You are a proud creationist who believes you have special powers to decide the truth without needing to read anything or look at evidence. You probably believe the thoughts in your head are God talking to you so anything you think of must be true by default, even if others prove it isn't. You believe you are God's mouthpiece and have a duty to reveal truth unto mankind.

Mainly d's
You are a proud creationist who believes people need to be made to feel guilty for not agreeing with you. You believe God has given you dispensation from his ban on issuing judgements because of your loyal piety and because God agrees with you that the end justifies the means. Besides, you enjoy abusing people from the safety of your bedroom because it make you feel important and creationism provides the perfect excuse because you can blame it on God and the Bible/Qur'an.


Thank you for sharing!

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