After witnessing a gay pride parade through the streets of Odessa, on the Black Sea coast of Ukraine, Eastern Orthodox priest, Fr. Oleg Mokryak, head of the Missionary Department for the Diocese of Odessa sprang into immediate action to save his beloved city and its people.
Making sure his hair was correctly brided and his beard was in order, he donned his best black dress and white smock with the magic symbols on; put on his special hat, filled a red plastic bucket with some water that he had cast spells over and, with about a hundred followers and guarded by some 800 police just in case the spells, beard, symbols and magic water didn't keep the hostile crowds away, strode along Seaside Boulevarde bravely sprinkling it with the magic water using a washing up mop.

Fr. Mokryak explained that this was necessary because he was:
...cleansing the boulevard after the sexual deviancy parade that defiled the street.

...surpasses the savagery of all other vices, [and] is to be compared to no other.
He added:
For this vice is the death of bodies, the destruction of souls, pollutes the flesh, extinguishes the light of the intellect, expels the Holy Spirit from the temple of the human heart, introduces the diabolical inciter of lust, throws into confusion, and removes the truth completely from the deceived mind... whoever has soiled himself with the contamination of sodomitic disgrace ... unless he is cleansed by the fulfillment of fruitful penance, can never have the grace of God, will never be worthy of the body and blood of Christ, and will never cross the threshold of the celestial homeland.
Well quite! How fortunate we are to have these wizards to cast protective spells for us when evil such as this stalks the world!
One wonders how he would have reacted if he had witnessed people advocating hate or a fellow priest molesting a child.

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