Tuesday 1 January 2019

Catholic Abuse News - Covering Their Backs

Cardinal O'Malley (left) and Cardinal Dolan
O’Malley Turns in Dolan for Abuse Cover-Up

The fall-out from the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report into sexual abuse of minors by Catholic priests, and their cover-up by bishops and cardinals, continues.

As more American States launch similar investigations, cardinals like Boston's Sean O'Malley have started to distance themselves from the scandal by turning other colleagues in, according to this Spanish language report in Religión Digital.

The president of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Seán O'Malley, has denounced his counterpart, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, in a letter to the Papal nuncio in Washington for the cover-up of the crimes of the convicted pedophile priest, Donald Timone.

According to Religión Digital:

In a letter dated last 21st, to which our portal has had access, Cardinal O'Malley elevates the representative of the Pope in the US, Christophe Pierre , the case of the pedophile priest Donald Timone. In the letter, the cardinal expressed concern about the "seriousness of the accusations" against Timone, detailed in an article in the New York Times of last day 20 [Dec 20, 2018], which reveals that Cardinal Dolan compensated two victims of Timone in 2017 and, later, he allowed the abuser to continue in active ministry, even to this day.

Another victim of abuse with which RD has spoken, who prefers to remain anonymous, had informed O'Malley of Timone's aggressions and also the obstructionism he suffered at the hands of Dolan and other Church authorities at the time of denounce the crimes of the pedophile priest.

The aforementioned survivor revealed to this newspaper in great detail how Dolan has allowed Timone to continue holding public masses, teach at universities and continue at the head of the local branch of the Courage anti-homosexual apostolate, even after Dolan established that the Program Independent for Reconciliation and Compensation will financially restore two victims of Timone last year.

The support of Dolan to Timone reached such an extreme that in 2013, after receiving accusations against the pederast priest, the cardinal praised him as a man "remarkably tender and holy".

[Auto-translation from Spanish]

The letter, a redacted version of which is shown here, reads:

December 21, 2018

Personal and confidential

Most Reverend Christophe Pierre
Apostolic Nunciature
3339 Massachusetts Avenue, Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20008-3610

Your Excellency,

Enclosed with this letter please find copies of correspondence sent to my office in early November from [Redacted] of the Archdiocese of New York. [Redacted's] correspondence concerns Rev. Donald Timone, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York.

Following review of this correspondence by those who help me in matters pertaining to allegations of sexual abuse by clergy, their recommendations regarding [Redacted's] correspondence, and my having been away from the Archdiocese for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops last month, commitments in other dioceses and meetings with the Holy Father in Rome this month I am sending [Redacted's] correspondence to you. Also, as has been shared with me by my advisers, I note the seriousness of the allegations [Redacted] presents with regard to Rev. Timone and that today the New York Times has published an extensive report concerning allegations against Rev. Timone. Thank you for your attention to and assistance with this matter.

With warm personal regards and prayerful best wishes, I remain

Fraternally yours in Christ,

+ Seán O'Malley
Archbishop of Boston

The New York Times report referred to was news that, despite Cardinal Dolan being aware of substantive allegations of sexual abuse of teenage boys by Timone, and despite having compensated two of his victims, Timone remained a practicing priest, conducting the Mass at St. Joseph’s Church in Middletown, N.Y on the first Sunday in December 2018.

Cardinal Dolan is no stranger to controversy and has shown contempt for the church's victims before. As Archbishop of Milwaukee, he transferred $55,000,000 into a fund supposedly set aside for the maintenance of cemeteries, but, as he made plain in a letter to the Pope, to put these church funds beyond the reach of the victims of sexual abuse by at least 45 of Milwaukee's Catholic priests. However, the defence he hoped to rely on - religious liberty - was thrown out by a United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, so Dolan's scheme to cheat victims of his priests out of their compensation failed.

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