Showing posts with label Palaeobiology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palaeobiology. Show all posts

Friday 13 September 2024

Refuting Creationism - How Earth Became 'Fine-Tuned' For Death And Extinction

The synapsid Lystrosaurus survived the mass extinction and came to dominate the landscape later.

Julio Lacerda
September: El Nino | News and features | University of Bristol

Creationist claims that Earth was created perfectly designed for life (especially their life) are farcical and can only be believed by people carefully ignorant of the facts.

Of course, insisting that Earth is merely a few thousand years old, makes it easier to dismiss the 99.9975% of it that proves them wrong.

In my previous post I wrote about a newly-discovered trilobite with an additional pair of legs, and the reason we don't have them scuttling over marine sediment any more is because Earth turned against them when a climate catastrophe caused a marine catastrophe, depriving the oxygen-dependent organism's living in it of oxygen. This was one of the so-called Oceanic Deoxygenation Events.

That explains the mass extinction of marine life, but the question is, why did it also cause a terrestrial mass extinction of comparative severity?

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Refuting Creationism - Not Whether But How And Where - Scientists Reassess The Fossil Record Of Human Evolution

A human evolutionary tree. The dashed lines indicate that evolutionary relationships between species are uncertain. Note the 'bushiness' of the tree; the australopithecine line branches into several species of Australopithecus and also to several Homo species

Fossil hotspots in Africa obscure a more complete picture of human evolution | Media Relations | The George Washington University

The Modern Theory of Evolution is not just an interpretation of the fossil record. It's not even an interpretation of the fossil record, but an explanation of the genetic, cladistic, physiological, anatomical and molecular evidence, all of which converge on the same explanation, supported by, but not dependent on, the fossil record.

That conclusion is species have evolved from earlier ancestors by a process of evolutionary divergence from common ancestors.

The problem of being too dependent on the fossil record, which is inevitable when the genetic, physiological and biochemical evidence is no longer available is that, because of the rarity of fossilisation which depends on a body finding itself in the right place at the right time, is that it is essentially a random sampling process which produces a snapshot of the population at that time and place, randomly placed both temporally and geographically.

With some places (and times) being more conducive to producing fossils, this snapshot can easily be biased in favour of particular places and times appearing to be more important to the evolutionary process than they were in reality. There are fossil hotspots because those places favoured fossilisation, not because more of the species were concentrated there or because something about that place influenced the evolution of the species.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Refuting Creationism - A strange Sea Slug - From 500 Million Years Before 'Creation Week'.

Spines covering the body of Shishania aculeata

Image credit: G Zhang/L Parry
August: Mollusc discovery | News and features | University of Bristol

Palaeontology has a habit of throwing up surprises.

Sadly for creationists, these surprises never show us that science is fundamentally wrong and creationism is fundamentally right. It invariably shows us exactly the opposite.

The surprise today is that an early mollusc resembled a slug with a spiky armour, not the smooth shell we normally associate with snails which were believed to have evolved in the Early Cambrian when this species lived.

The confirmation that creationism is fundamentally wrong comes from the fact that this strange slug lived in that very long pre-'Creation' period of Earth history, 500 million years before creationists think the Universe was magicked up out of nothing by some magic words spoken in a language that no-one else spoke because, so the story goes, there was no-one else for the magician to speak to.

The mollusc, named Shishania aculeata, was probably an early evolutionary dead-end; an early response to the threat to soft-bodies creatures from the emerging predators that gave the impetus for the rapid radiation of forms that characterised the Cambrian.

Friday 9 August 2024

Refuting Creationism - The Mammoths Of Vancouver Island - Between 11,000 and 37,500 Or More Years Before 'Creation Week'

When mammoths roamed Vancouver Island: SFU and Royal BC Museum delve into beasts’ history in our region - SFU News - Simon Fraser University

There are no elephants in the Bible.

This news often comes as a shock to creationists brought up with fanciful drawings of pairs of animals walking up the gangplank onto a wooden boat in the childish tale of Noah and his Ark. Why? Weren't there a pair of elephants, as large as life, along with zebras, rhinos, hippos and penguins, according to the Bible?

Hmmm... LOL!
Well, no there weren't, for the simple reason that there is nothing in the Bible that wasn't known to the people who wrote the tale. Nothing outside a day or two's walk from the Canaanite Hills where they herded their goats and built their mud-brick dwellings, like any other Middle Eastern Bronze Age pastoralists.

And of course, although creationists will insist that the Bible records dinosaurs roaming the countryside at the time the tale was set, if you change the meanings of a few words, not only are elephants not mentioned, but nor are their ancient ancestors, the mammoths. And nor are continents like North and South America, Australia, Antarctica and of course islands like Vancouver, Greenland, Madagascar, Great Britain and Ireland were entirely unknown and unsuspected by the Bible's imaginative authors.

Which is why they imagined setting the beginnings of it all just a few thousand years earlier, made perfect sense. The entire history of Earth and life on it was as unknown to them as its geography and geology. These were simple people who lived on a flat, magical planet with a dome over it and who didn't know where the sun went at night, or that rain formed in clouds.

So how could they possibly have known about mammoths living on Vancouver Island in North America? It wasn't their fault that they were so poorly educated; they were probably about as well educated as any other Middle Eastern pastoralist of the Bronze Age - i.e., not very well at all, being illiterate and innumerate. The people who've let them down are the later cult leaders who collected their tales, bound them up in a book and decreed it to be the inerrant word of an omniscient god.

Weirdly, there are people alive today, in modern, technologically advanced countries, who believe what those ignorant goat-herders wrote has never been equaled, let alone bettered, by modern science, for its completeness, reliability and accuracy.

But there were mammoths living on Vancouver Island between 13,000 years and at least 35,000 years before the Bronze Age authors of the Bible set their creation myth to try to fill the gaps in their knowledge and understanding with narratives that made sense within their narrow framework of understanding, and this is how any rational person can tell the claims that the Bible was written of inspired by an omniscient creator god is nonsense - a dishonest fiction intended to deceive - false witnessing on a grand scale.

The evidence of these mammoths has just been published in the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences and explained in a press release from Simon Fraser University. The authors examined 32 suspected mammoth samples from Vancouver Island, of which 16 proved suitable for carbon dating. One of the samples proved to be beyond the age at which \(\small \ce{^14C}\) dating gives accurate results (45,000 years) so we only know that there were mammoths on Vancouver Island before 47,500 years ago.

Friday 2 August 2024

Refuting Creationism - How Worms Turned - Into Insects

Fig. 1: Anatomical overview of Youti yuanshi.
Ancient worm fossil solves mystery of how insects and spiders evolved - Durham University

To anyone who has ever looked at the segmented body of an annelid worm and the segmented body of an insect, particularly in its larval stage, that the latter is really the former with legs and (usually as an adult) wings should be obvious. The same can be said for annelid worms and centipedes and, for that matter, worms with legs and arachnids (spiders, scorpions and mites). But maybe the connection between arachnids and crabs or insects and barnacles is not so obvious, until you look at how the legs work and how they both have an exoskeleton instead of an endoskeleton like the vertebrates.

But then even the primitive ancestors of the vertebrates were segmented like the annelids, as we can see in the spinal column and the way nerves arise from the spinal cord.

But, tell a creationist that a segmented worm evolved into the arthropods, and they'll immediately demand to see the 'transitional' fossil, that they've been fooled into thinking must exist because every generation of every species is obliged to leave a fossil so there is a complete, unbroken record of evolution somewhere, because the Theory of Evolution says so. In fact, a complete, unbroken fossil record of every generation of an evolving species over time would look suspiciously like something other than chance was at work in creating fossils.

So, what we have are the snapshots at random points in time that are left in the geological column, and various dating methods that tell us how old the fossil is. The rest is simple common sense and joining the dots.

And one such snapshot has just been announced by researchers working at Durham University, UK, who have identified a species that is clearly partway between a segmented worm and an early arthropod (euarthropod). The newly-named Youti yuanshi is about the size of a poppy seed and fits neatly into one of creationism's beloved gaps. And, of course, it is exactly what the TOE predicts should have lived, because, as I said, the connection between segmented worms and segmented arthropods is obvious.

Sunday 21 July 2024

Refuting Creationism - The Bible Is Nonsense - So 42 Million-Year-Old Amber Tells Us

Rare parasitic wasp.
Maria Blake
Australian amber has revealed ‘living fossils’ traced back to Gondwana 42 million years ago

Amber is especially good for preserving in exquisite details, small arthropods which don't fossilise well in rocks, like larger vertebrates with hard body parts, and we can be confident that the age of the fossil is the age of the amber in which it is preserved.

Some years ago, on holiday in Kassandria, Greece, I came across a small group of Mediterranean pines that were being use to collect the resin used to flavour the local wine, Retsina. This wine is something of an acquired taste but is best drunk chilled, with Greek food, on a warm summer evening at sunset, overlooking the Aegean - and probably after a bottle or two of Demestica.

The fascinating thing was how many ants had managed to get themselves trapped in the resin in the plastic containers it was draining into from the cuts in the tree bark.

There were so many that I can only assume that when ancient amber was being produced there were either fewer ants or less resin.

So, what can we tell from the fossils preserved in amber?

Partly from their occurrence in amber, we know that some 85% of all living species were arthropods, rather than the 0.3% of species that were the much more noticeable vertebrates. We can also tell where and when major orders evolved and how long some of them have existed for. Since amber is formed from tree resin, it follows that it only occurred after trees evolved and from the resin produced by specific species of tree in areas where these trees grew.

Friday 19 July 2024

Refuting Creationism - Evolution By Hybridization May Be Commonplace in Plants

The team found the black cottonwood-balsam poplar stable hybrid lineage after analyzing the genetic makeup of 546 poplar tree cuttings collected along seven transects ranging from Alaska to Wyoming, with collections in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada, in between.
Credit: Penn State. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Discovery of a hybrid lineage offers clues to how trees adapt to climate change | Penn State University

Despite creationist dogma that say otherwise, evolution in a population can occur hybridization, especially in plants, where it may be commonplace. Two related plants hybridize and the resulting offspring acquires additional genes which extend its capabilities, enabling it to survive environmental change or move into new niches, and forming a stable population with new allele frequencies.

And as though to rub salt into creationist wounds, some of these happened hundreds of thousands of years before creationism's legendary 'Creation Week', before which, on the say-so of some ignorant Bronze Age pastoralists who were unaware of anything more than a day or two's walk from the Canaanite Hills, creationists think there was once nothing out of which everything was created by some magic words, just a few thousand years ago.

They also hold the diametrically opposite views simultaneously, that evolution is impossible because the Second Law of Thermodynamics [sic] forbids it, and that evolution occurred as a massively accelerated rate in the last few thousand years, unnoticed by anyone, in which several whole new species arose in a single generation by magic.

Now a team led by Penn State University paleobotanists led by Associate Professor Jill Hamilton, from Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences, have shown that a hybrid between black cottonwood, or Populus trichocarpa, and balsam poplar, Populus balsamifera, was able to move out of the wet coastal region to which most black cottonwood trees are restricted, into the arid lands to the east. This movement started about 800,000 years ago.

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