Saturday 3 September 2022

Stunning Images from NASA Courtesy of the James Webb Space Telescope

Gravitational lensing
A close up of the JO418 Einstein ring.
Image credit: Spaceguy44
Stunningly perfect 'Einstein ring' captured by James Webb Space Telescope | Live Science

In a departure for this blog, this has little or nothing to do with religion, Creationism or even politics, save only that the reality of the Universe, as shown in this stunning image compiled from data supplied by NASA's James Webb space telescope, bears no relationship to anything described or even hinted at in the Bible.

It is, in fact, an image which confirms Einstein's General Theory of Relativity in that it is produced by gravitational lensing, just as Einstein predicted, back in 1912 when he first announced his discovery. This is the way light can be bent by the gravity of a massive object such as a black hole, a neutron star or, in this case an entire galaxy (SPT-S J041839-4751.8).

If such an object is directly between the observer, in this case the James Webb space telescope, and a light source, the light rays can be focussed into an ring shape as seen in this colour enhanced photo, and as explained in the video.

The effect is produced by the distortion of space-time itself by the massive body, so light, which continues along a straight path through curved space, appears to be curved by it. The distortion of space-time by mass is how Einstein's General Theory of Relativity explains gravity.

Other images from the James Webb telescope, recently released by NASA, include a stunning image of Jupiter and an amazing image of the cartwheel galaxy.

A new James Webb Space Telescope view of Jupiter shows the planet's faint silver rings, glowing aurora and shimmery storms. Two moons are visible to the planet's left: Amalthea, the bright glowing dot, and Adrastea, the bright spot that appears to be at the apex of the planet's rings.

Image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Jupiter ERS Team;
Image processing by Ricardo Hueso (UPV/EHU) and Judy Schmidt.
Cartwheel Galaxy
A composite image of the Cartwheel Galaxy and two smaller companion galaxies.

Image credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI

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