Thursday 17 September 2020

Alliance with Trump Has Made 'Evangelical' a Toxic Brand

Jorge Alfonso waits to get into the El Rey Jesus church in Miami, where President Donald Trump held a rally for evangelical supporters on Jan. 3, 2020. The Trump campaign has been trying to woo Latino and Black Evangelicals to expand his base of support among religious conservatives.
Credit: Lynne Sladky/AP
Evangelicals for Social Action Leaves Behind ‘Evangelical’...... | News & Reporting | Christianity Today.

Their craven whoring of basic principles for the sniff of political influence that support for Donald Trump promised, is beginning to backfire on the Evangelical Christian right.

The 'Evangelical' brand name has become toxic - and deservedly so. Now the 50 year-old Christian organization, "Evangelicals for Social Action' a moderate, apolitical organisation that advocates for social justice, has changed its name to "Christians for Social Action" in order to distance themselves from Donald Trump and those 'Christians' who associate with him.

According to Christianity Today:
The election of President Donald Trump, who embraced his white evangelical backing, represents an inflection point for evangelical identity in the US. Fifteen percent of those who considered themselves “evangelical” or “born again” in 2016 had stopped using either label by the following year, according to one voter survey, even though the overall number of evangelicals had held steady.
Yes, you read that right. 15% of self-identified Evangelicals in 2016 were so embarrassed by Trump and the evangelical association with him that they stopped using the term to describe themselves within a year of his election! In 2016, 81% of self-identified evangelical Christians had voted for Trump.

As Ron Sider, founder of the former Evangelicals for Social Action, put it:
Popular media learned … that evangelical has often meant unjust and unbiblical.
That neatly sums up Donald Trump and those hypocritical conservative Christians who call themselves evangelicals, but still support him - unjust and unbiblical.

The tantalising promise of power and influence was enough for white evangelicals to abandon the pretence of human decency and reveal their true, hate-filled, self-interested casual disregard for the basic rights of others. Not surprisingly, the few remaining decent Christians now want to distance themselves from the repugnant racism, greed and selfishness that characterises their fellow white evangelicals, to whom the purpose of Christianity is to provide them with excuses.

As an earlier article in Christianity Today argued:
The 2016 presidential election heightened an ongoing discussion over the allegiance of American evangelicals to the Republican Party.

As countless articles and social media posts have observed, Donald Trump’s presidency has led many church leaders to warn against a too-warm embrace of politics and politicians, as well as led many Christians to rethink their involvement and identity as evangelicals.
If a militant Atheist had wanted to devise a trap to expose the hypocrisy of conservative evangelical Christians, he/she could scarcely have done any better than to put up Donald Trump as a presidential candidate.

If any good can come from the Trump presidency it is to expose the hypocrisy and self-interest of the white evangelical Christians who supported him no matter how unjust and unbiblical he became. Hopefully, his legacy will be a millstone round the necks of those conservative Christians whom history will remember were this most morally bankrupt, divisive, dishonest, incompetent and 'un-Christian' of US president's core supporters.

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  1. "Hopefully, his legacy will be a millstone round the necks of those conservative Christians whom history will remember were this most morally bankrupt, divisive, dishonest, incompetent and 'un-Christian' of US president's core supporters. "

    Sadly, if slavery, Jim Crow, the Klan and decades of lynching after the Civil War didn't do it, electing and supporting trump won't do it. Never forget, the true impetus for their migration from the racist Southern Democrats to the GOP was opposition to civil rights.

  2. Just like Republicans in general, Evangelical have always been what they are today. People have just been intimidated into not admitting it in public. Evangelical Christianity is not a religion. It is a pseudo-religion, demanding of people only things that cost them nothing, like being against abortion or hating gays, while turning its back on all decency. It exists not to fool the rest of us, but to fool its own followers, letting them act in any loathsome manner they want, while still believing that they are the noble favorites of the blessed God.


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