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Sandra McDowell, Covidiot Christian fundamentalist and GOP candidate for governorship of Missouri. |
Hemant Mehta (if you're not following his Friendly Atheist blog, you should be!) brings us news of a fundamentalist Christian Covidiot GOP candidate from Missouri who is standing for the State governorship and is now campaigning against the wearing of facemasks as an anti-Covid-19 measure on the grounds that they are part of a "demonic ritual"!
She is Sandra McDowell, who actually posted this on her Facebook page and which Facebook have not yet taken down:
I’m not afraid to take a stand!! Are you?? I walked in Walmart tonight without a mask ... and I refuse to wear a mask anywhere I go from NOW ON unless I choose to! That’s my right... as it is yours!! But really.... this is not about masks... masks are just a symbol of deception and oppression. Its compliance training for what’s to come. It’s about control and instilling fear in America. Fear is not of the Lord, but of the enemy. Despair is the absence of faith! This is all part of a demonic ritual to get rid of our individual God-given rights. BLM just said it... it’s a spiritual battle... they are chanting to dead spirits practicing witchcraft. Our bodies... our faces... are created in the image of God. We shall not veil our faces spiritually or practically. 2 Corinthians 3:13-16 Our country was founded on freedom and liberty for all... and God was the author of our nation and that freedom and liberty. Not people! God! Their faith in God!! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty!! 2 Corinthians 3:17 #takeastand #spiritualbattle #warriorforchrist #unmaskmo #mogov #bibleverse #missouri #moreformissouri — at Walmart O Fallon - Highway K.
This was followed up by a typically pompous, paranoid Instagram message in which she told her followers:
On my last post about not wearing a mask in Walmart, while there were so many wonderfully supportive comments (thank you to you all for your unyielding support and for standing up for what’s right), some of the comments were very critical and harsh.Not for self-idolising Sandra McDowll, a gradualte of Pat Robert's Law School, no less, the meekness Jesus recommended for those who wish to inherrit the earth. McDowell and her entitled cult are going to take it anyway! McDowell has a book of excuses to justify her arrogant sense of entitlement. She know what God wants and that God needs her to get it for him!
My hope is that in the midst of those people (on both sides of the political aisle) not liking what we’re saying or doing ... they will someday understand why it’s so important to speak up and speak TRUTH right now and they will look back and be grateful people like me and you did what we did!!
Don’t let this criticism from naysayers instill fear in you for doing what you believe is RIGHT and continuing to speak TRUTH!! Thank you to @andyfrisella and his podcast that lit the fire under my feet today!! 🔥🔥🔥
My takeaway from his podcast: Btw: I cleaned the language up a bit and added my own spin. 🤪
We ALL need to be leaders in our communities!! LEAD BY EXAMPLE
✅ Be the first to take off the mask!!
✅ Stand up for our God-given rights!!
✅ Start talking about God!!
The only way we can bring this country back from the destruction and chaos that WE HAVE ALLOWED to happen... is through God!!
It’s a lonely feeling to be a leader WHO HOLDS THE LINE!! People don’t like it when you hold the line. They don’t always say nice things.
However, our mission should be to bring the truth!! Truth is not always easy for people to hear... but the truth will prevail and it will set us free!
When you don’t hold the line ...you’re spineless!!!
If you want to be great, not everyone is going to like you. Trying to get people to like you is not how to become a good leader. No one wants to ruffle peoples feathers so they bite their tongue. They’re passive!! They’re “politically correct. They’re pandering.... and they ARE spineless.
We can’t be worried about being politically correct in today’s times!!!
Our country is at stake!!
Our freedom is at stake! Our kids’ futures are at stake!!
We need to tell the TRUTH!!
We need to HOLD THE LINE!!
McDowell epitomises the uncaring, self-serving white evangelical Christian with no social conscience, such as was shown in a recent poll reported in Christianity Today, to be the least concerned about the welfare of others. Being imbued in the wackaddodle woo woo of fundamentalist Christianity with it's in-built craving for self-affirming persecution and martyrdom, McDowell is probably incapable of understanding the science behind the Covid-19 control measures and sees it all as some sort of Satanic conspiracy, so she won't comprehend that she has any social responsibility to protect other people from her - which is the entire point of wearing a mask.
Fortunately, the good folk of Missouri saw fit to reject her the last time she stood as a GOP candidate (for State Auditor) - her rival got 50.4% of the vote in 2018 while she only managed to scrape through the GOP primary and then got 44.6% of the vote. Hopefully, her successful Democratic rival then, Nichole Gallaway, will be equally successful in the gubernatorial election in which she is also standing.
If any good is going to come of the Trump presidency, it is in exposing the arrogance, ignorance, paranoid stupidity, hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty that has taken over the Republican Party and shown us what a malevolent force fundamentalist Christianity has become in the USA.

Huh. So doctors and nurses perform a demonic ritual when they wear a mask on the job? I heartily recommend she and anyone else who feels this way avoid doctors and hospitals at all costs from now on.