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Bishop Aubrey Shines |
A small bunch of extreme right clergy, calling themselves the Conservative Clergy of Color, which would probably be more accurate if spelled with capital 'K's, has intervened in the Black Lives Matter campaign, on the side of those who argue that black lives don't matter.
It started when, in a rare display of unity of cause in the highly competative trainer and sportswear industry, Nike and Adidas put their differences aside and came out in suport of the BLM campaign. Adidas then followed up with a heart emoji and by posting Nike's video on their Instagram story.
This support for equal rights and equality before the law for all Americans was deemd to be 'Marxist' by the Konservative Klergy of Kolor leader, and fanatical Trumpanzeee, Bishop Aubrey Shines, who, according to the right-wing media group, PJMedia, wrote to the Nike Presdent and CEO, John Donahoe, tellign him:
Nike is on record supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. A multi-billion dollar company is funneling funds into an organization whose only objective is to destroy America as we know it… while they turn a blind eye to China.
We the leaders of Conservative Clergy of Color have watched with sadness and frustration as the country we love has been torn apart by violence and looting. This civil terror, perpetrated and lead by the Black Lives Matter movement, has turned American against American and possibly set race relations back decades.
Black Lives Matter, a movement run by anti-Christian, self-proclaimed Marxists, hijacked legitimate calls for police reform and turned it to their own ends. This is not a group interested in constructive change; through their vicious campaign to defund police and silence anyone who disagrees with them, they have destroyed livelihoods and gotten innocent children killed. It is antithetical to the nonviolence that Dr. King and the Civil Rights movement stood for.
He then accused Donahoe and Nike of having:
Helped fan the flames of this unrest by caving to support Black Lives Matter and promising financial support to their allies. You have given Black Lives Matter a platform, and as such, have contributed to the chaos that is tearing apart every major city in our country. You are culpable in the violence that has wronged so many innocents in the name of ‘the revolution …
You have been happy to play into the hands of anarchists at home and ignore slavery abroad. We demand that you immediately sever all business ties with China and acknowledge the suffering of the Uighur people. We demand you end your support to the violent Black Lives Matter movement and any affiliated causes. We ask you take a hard look at real injustice in the world and to remember that change comes through forgiveness and compassion, not violence.... [We are] firm believers in sensible, civic dialogue. We would like to extend the hand of Christian fraternity and offer to meet with you one on one to discuss these important matters and this crucial period in our country’s history.
The outfite that the Konservative Klergy have jumped into bed with, PJMedia, is owned by TownhallMedia of Salem which according to its website:
Townhall Media, an affiliate of Salem Media Group, is a political publisher at the forefront of national discussion with commentary and analysis from a right-of-center perspective. Our unique collection of digital properties includes Townhall, Hot Air, RedState, Twitchy, PJ Media, Bearing Arms and Townhall Finance. Their content engages civic-minded citizens both within the United States and abroad. Together, the Townhall Media platforms reach more than 24 million unique visitors each month, have over 100 million monthly pageviews, and our award-winning top editors appear daily on major cable news networks.
In otherwords, it is solidly on the extreme right of American politics.
[Please note:If the formatting of this post seems a little strange, it is written using the new Blogger interface that the powers that be at Google have decreed that their users will use from now on. Hopefully, things will improve over time.]

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