Thursday 30 March 2023

Hypocrisy News - Pope Turns to Medical Science to Delay His Meeting with God

Hypocrisy News

Pope Turns to Medical Science to Delay His Meeting with God

Pope Francis
Holy hypocrite

Pope Francis in hospital with respiratory infection - BBC News

If anyone should be looking forward to the next life where he will spend eternity with God, according to the teachings of the church he heads, it's Pope Francis.

And yet we see him tonight in Hospital desperately trying to put off that day as long as possible. Like so many evangelicals preachers who told us we could look forward to a blissful after-life if only we obeyed all the rules, paid the tythes and did what they told us, Pope Francis is in hospital in Rome where medical science will be used to delay his meeting with God as long as possible.

Prayer having failed to cure his chest infection, or at least been recognised as ineffective, the pontiff has turned to science for help.

Having supposedly been chosen personally by God, who inspired the cardinals in conclave to vote for him, to be his personal representative and mouthpiece on Earth, like all his predecessors, Pope Francis should be confident of his place in Heaven.

Unless he knows something we don't know, of course.

Thank you for sharing!

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1 comment :

  1. I have made this point for years. If the religious really believed the crap they spew, every cancer diagnosis would be a celebration. But when they get that diagnosis, they turn to medical science to eek out a few remaining years in what they know is the only reality for which there is evidence.


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