Monday 10 April 2023

Fake News - Pope Francis Can Declare the Truth- But God Needs to be Kept Informed

Fake News

Pope Francis Can Declare the Truth!
But God Needs to be Kept Informed
Fake News

Pope Francis Can Declare the Truth!
But God Needs to be Kept Informed
Fake News

Pope Francis Can Declare the Truth!
But God Needs to be Kept Informed
Fake News

Pope Francis Can Declare the Truth!
But God Needs to be Kept Informed

Francis focuses Easter message on hope, with prayers for an end to global conflicts

In his traditional Easter address 'Urbi et Orbi' ([to] the City and the world), Pope Francis announced that it was a solid fact that Jesus has risen, leaving historians bemused and wishing they too had the powers to declare truth by fiat. It would save an awful lot of time and money.

Scientists, of course, have long been envious of the magical power of religious clerics to simply declare facts to be true, even mutually contradictory ones and ones proven to be false. No need for all that experimentation and analysis; simply give it some thought, decide what would be convenient if it were true, and declare it to be so! Voilà! (Or should that be, Shazam?)

The Pope has this magical power, apparently, because an omniscient God speaks directly to him and informs him of the inerrant truth - rather like a mega-rich televangelist in that respect. All Pope Francis must do is announce it, and, at least as far as the Catholic Church and its followers are concerned, it is so.

However, he then went on to throw that whole 'fount of divine wisdom' thing into confusion by calling on the world to pray for peace between Russia and Ukraine. (There is nothing like an empty gesture in times of trouble, and it's a heck of a lot cheaper than sending aid.)

But hold on!

The whole point of prayer is to either inform God about something he doesn't know is happening; or to tell him it's wrong and needs to be stopped!

So, the omniscient god who gives Pope Francis the power to declare truth, is either ignorant about the war in Ukraine or doesn't realise war is wrong and people don't like it, and Pope Francis needs us to help educate his source of inerrant truth!

And devout Catholics the world over really can't see the logical fallacy in that thinking?

To ensure a large audience for these addresses, the Catholic Church has decreed that anyone who attends or watches it on screens around the world, will receive a free pardon for all sins.

Pope Francis, although having difficulty walking, was looking much better following his resort to medical science to delay his meeting with God and his assured place in Heaven as God's chosen vicar on Earth, as though he knows something about the afterlife that he finds less that attractive - something that God's told him not to reveal to us, maybe?

Thank you for sharing!

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