October: Exoplanet collision | News and features | University of Bristol
The reason creationism is so easy to refute is that its claims are simplistic, designed as they are to appeal to those who think like children and who know little or no science.
This means we can construct simple hypotheses and predictions and test them against the real world. When we do that, we invariably find the hypotheses are easily falsifiable and the predictions fail to be fulfilled.
Science readily accepts, for example, that much of the observable universe emerged from chaos under the directional force of gravity, which turns a chaotic system into a progressively ordered system, so galaxies, superclusters, black holes, suns and planetary systems all emerged from the background chaos of the Big Bang and quantum fluctuations. This view of the universe predicts that there is still a degree of chaos and unpredictability about the universe.
Creationists however, insist that the universe, and everything in it was created in a few days by a perfect, omniscient, god, casting magic spells and commanding everything to appear from nowhere, made out of nothing, in a perfectly ordered and designed universe. It then either micromanages it or sits back and watches while it runs on a prepared a set of rules that govern it (depending on the flavour of creationism and how much the superstition has tried to accommodate science while still believing in magic and the fairy tales they were told in childhood).
So, our simple hypothesis then is that a universe created according to creationist superstitions would be perfectly ordered and free from chaos, and of course had the ultimate purpose of providing humans with somewhere nice to live, like America. Such a well-ordered universe would never have planets colliding, or comets being knocked out of stable orbit in the outer reaches of the solar system and moving into elliptical orbits around the sun, for example. Nor would it have had a minor planet colliding with a young Earth as is believed to account for the Moon and the axis tilt that causes the seasons.
So, when we see evidence of planets colliding, fortunately in a far-off planetary system, as was detected recently by an amateur astronomer, we know the universe is not as creationism predicts it to be, so the hypothesis is falsified.
Normally, having a hypothesis falsified is the death nell for it, so creationists need all sorts of mental strategies for ignoring the falsification and pretending they still have a rational belief system which gives them greater insight than expert scientists have, without learning any science.
The colliding planets are the subject of a paper published a few days ago in Nature, and a press release from Bristol University where co-lead author, Dr Simon Lock, is a Research Fellow in Earth Sciences. He and an international team of scientists have observed a strange star for two years and fed the results into a computer. The strange star was seen to be dimming and a keen astronomer had noticed that is suddenly doubled in brightness in the infrared spectrum for about 1000 days before dimming.
The data is strongly indicative of two ice giant exoplanets colliding, causing the initial increase in brightness, followed by apparent dimming as the debris passed between the sun and Earth. This collision would be the equivalent in the solar system of Uranus and Neptune colliding. Such a collision in our system would, of course, cause massive disruption to the orbits of the other planets and would probably spell the end of life on Earth.
What would be the effects on the inner planets of the solar system if Uranus and Neptune collided? A collision between the ice giants Uranus and Neptune would have significant and far-reaching effects on the inner planets of the solar system, even though these planets are relatively distant from the terrestrial inner planets like Earth, Venus, Mars, and Mercury. Here are some of the potential consequences:The study is explained in the Bristol University press release:
- Gravitational Disturbances: The gravitational influence of Uranus and Neptune on the inner planets, though relatively weak compared to the Sun's gravity, would be disrupted during such a collision. This could lead to changes in the orbits and gravitational interactions of all the planets in the solar system, including the inner planets.
- Changes in Orbital Dynamics: The orbital dynamics of the inner planets could be altered, potentially resulting in changes in their distances from the Sun and their orbital eccentricities. This could have long-term effects on the climate and habitability of these planets.
- Increased Asteroid and Comet Impacts: The disruption of Uranus and Neptune could send a significant number of their moons and debris into different orbits. This might increase the likelihood of asteroid and comet impacts on the inner planets as these objects are gravitationally perturbed by the collision.
- Altered Climate: The changing gravitational forces and orbits of the inner planets could result in shifts in their axial tilts, which would impact their climates. Changes in axial tilt can lead to more extreme seasons and climate patterns, affecting the habitability of these planets.
- Tidal Forces: The tides on the inner planets, caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun and the Moon, would be influenced by the altered gravitational conditions in the solar system. This could lead to changes in the intensity and frequency of tides on Earth, for example.
- Long-Term Instability: The collision of Uranus and Neptune could result in a reshuffling of the entire solar system's dynamics. While it's challenging to predict the exact long-term consequences, there could be a cascading effect on the stability of the solar system, potentially leading to further collisions or orbital perturbations over a very long timescale.
It's important to note that such a collision is extremely unlikely in reality, as the vast distances between the planets make direct collisions highly improbable. Additionally, the timescales for orbital changes and gravitational interactions on the order of billions of years would likely render these effects insignificant on human timescales. Nevertheless, from a theoretical standpoint, a collision between Uranus and Neptune would have profound and complex consequences for the entire solar system, including the inner planets.
A chance social media post by an eagle-eyed amateur astronomer sparked the discovery of an explosive collision between two giant planets, which crashed into each other in a distant space system 1,800 light years away from planet Earth.The team of scientists give more detail in the abstract to their paper, the body of which is behind a paywall:
The study, published today in Nature, reports the sighting of two ice giant exoplanets colliding around a sun-like star, creating a blaze of light and plumes of dust. Its findings show the bright heat afterglow and resulting dust cloud, which moved in front of the parent star dimming it over time.Computer simulations depict the possible appearance during the collision of two icy giant planets. The top panel shows the lower hemisphere of the colliding bodies, with a cross-section through the equator revealing the atmosphere, as well as the icy and rocky layers denoted by different colours. The bottom panel represents the same simulation, with colours indicating the energies of the materials involved. These simulations uncover the generation of intense heat and bright vapor, providing insights that could aid scientists in understanding the complex light curves of the star ASASSN-21qj.Credit: Jingyao Dou
The international team of astronomers was formed after an enthusiast viewed the light curve of the star and noticed something strange. It showed the system doubled in brightness at infrared wavelengths some three years before the star started to fade in visible light.
The network of professional and amateur astronomers studied the star intensively including monitoring changes in the star’s brightness over the next two years. The star was named ASASSN-21qj after the network of telescopes that first detected the fading of the star at visible wavelengths.To be honest, this observation was a complete surprise to me. When we originally shared the visible light curve of this star with other astronomers, we started watching it with a network of other telescopes. An astronomer on social media pointed out that the star brightened up in the infrared over a thousand days before the optical fading. I knew then this was an unusual event.
Dr Matthew Kenworthy, Co-lead author Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands.
The researchers concluded the most likely explanation is that two ice giant exoplanets collided, producing the infrared glow detected by NASA’s NEOWISE mission, which uses a space telescope to hunt for asteroids and comets.
The resultant expanding debris cloud from the impact then travelled in front of the star some three years later, causing the star to dim in brightness at visible wavelengths.Our calculations and computer models indicate the temperature and size of the glowing material, as well as the amount of time the glow has lasted, is consistent with the collision of two ice giant exoplanets.
Dr Simon Lock, Co-lead author
Research Fellow
School of Earth Sciences
University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Over the next few years, the cloud of dust is expected to start smearing out along the orbit of the collision remnant, and a tell-tale scattering of light from this cloud could be detected with both ground-based telescopes and NASA’s largest telescope in space, known as JWST.It will be fascinating to observe further developments. Ultimately, the mass of material around the remnant may condense to form a retinue of moons that will orbit around this new planet.
Dr Zoe Leinhardt, Co-author
Associate Professor of Astrophysics
School of Physics
HH Wills Physics Laboratory
University of Bristol.
The astronomers plan on watching closely what happens next in this system.
Planets grow in rotating disks of dust and gas around forming stars, some of which can subsequently collide in giant impacts after the gas component is removed from the disk1,2,3. Monitoring programmes with the warm Spitzer mission have recorded substantial and rapid changes in mid-infrared output for several stars, interpreted as variations in the surface area of warm, dusty material ejected by planetary-scale collisions and heated by the central star: for example, NGC 2354–ID8 (refs. 4,5), HD 166191 (ref. 6) and V488 Persei7. Here we report combined observations of the young (about 300 million years old), solar-like star ASASSN-21qj: an infrared brightening consistent with a blackbody temperature of 1,000 Kelvin and a luminosity that is 4 percent that of the star lasting for about 1,000 days, partially overlapping in time with a complex and deep, wavelength-dependent optical eclipse that lasted for about 500 days. The optical eclipse started 2.5 years after the infrared brightening, implying an orbital period of at least that duration. These observations are consistent with a collision between two exoplanets of several to tens of Earth masses at 2–16 astronomical units from the central star. Such an impact produces a hot, highly extended post-impact remnant with sufficient luminosity to explain the infrared observations. Transit of the impact debris, sheared by orbital motion into a long cloud, causes the subsequent complex eclipse of the host star.
Kenworthy, M., Lock, S., Kennedy, G. et al.
A planetary collision afterglow and transit of the resultant debris cloud.
Nature 622, 251–254 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06573-9
© 2023 Springer Nature Ltd.
Reprinted under the terms of s60 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Fortunately for us, the colliding ice giants occurred in a far-away planetary system, but due to the inherent chaos in the system, the future of the solar system is itself unpredictable:
Is the solar system stable in the longer term or can planet orbits change? The stability of the solar system is a complex and fascinating topic in celestial mechanics. In the short term, over the course of human history and even many millions of years, the solar system is remarkably stable. However, over much longer timescales, on the order of billions to billions of years, the configuration of the solar system can and will change due to various factors, including gravitational interactions and the aging of the Sun.In summary, while the solar system is incredibly stable over relatively short timescales, its long-term stability is not guaranteed. Gravitational interactions between planets and the evolution of the Sun will, over billions of years, lead to changes in the configuration of the solar system. These changes may include the ejection of planets, collisions, or significant alterations in orbits. However, the timescales involved are so vast that such events are not a concern for humanity or even for many generations of human civilization.
- Gravitational Interactions: The gravitational interactions between the planets in the solar system are the primary cause of long-term instability. Over extremely long timescales, planets can experience gravitational perturbations from one another. These perturbations can lead to changes in their orbits and can result in resonances or close encounters that may ultimately eject planets from the solar system or cause them to collide.
- Stellar Evolution: The Sun, like all stars, has a finite lifespan. It's currently a middle-aged star, and as it ages, it will go through changes. As the Sun evolves, it will increase in luminosity and size. This can have a significant impact on the orbits and stability of planets in the solar system. For instance, as the Sun expands into a red giant during the later stages of its evolution, it will likely engulf and destroy the innermost planets, including Mercury.
- Long-Term Predictions: Predicting the precise evolution of the solar system over billions of years is challenging due to the complex and chaotic nature of gravitational interactions. Simulations can provide some insights, but there are inherent uncertainties, and chaotic processes can make long-term predictions less reliable.
Won't Mercury eventually move outwards into a different orbit?
Yes, over very long timescales, it is possible that Mercury's orbit could experience changes that cause it to move outward to a different orbit. This potential effect is due to several factors, primarily the gravitational influence of the Sun, but it occurs on timescales of billions of years and is not a near-term concern.
The main process that could lead to Mercury's orbital evolution is the interaction between the planet and the Sun's evolving characteristics. As the Sun progresses through its life cycle, it will undergo significant changes. During its evolution, the Sun will transform into a red giant and then ultimately expel its outer layers to become a white dwarf.
As the Sun enters the red giant phase, it will expand significantly, and its gravitational influence on the inner planets, including Mercury, will become stronger. This increased gravitational pull can lead to various effects:As a result of these factors, it is expected that over billions of years, Mercury's orbit may expand, and its semimajor axis could increase. However, the exact details and timescales of this process are complex and depend on various factors, including the Sun's mass loss rate and the specific interactions with other planets. Nonetheless, these effects are on timescales far beyond any human concern, and Mercury's current orbit is not expected to change significantly for many, many billions of years.
- Tidal Forces: The Sun's tidal forces on Mercury will increase, potentially causing changes in Mercury's orbital parameters, including its semimajor axis (distance from the Sun) and eccentricity (shape of its orbit).
- Gas Drag: The expanding outer layers of the Sun can create a drag force on Mercury, causing it to lose orbital energy and slowly spiral outward.
- Resonances: Changes in Mercury's orbit can result in resonances with other planets, which can further alter its orbital characteristics.
I wonder how creationists explain the obvious evidence that there is an underlying chaos to the Universe with their superstition that a perfect magic creator perfectly created it, and therefore should be orderly and free from chaotic events such as colliding planets, exploding suns, earthquakes and the occasional meteor hitting Earth.
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