Friday 18 June 2021

Watching the Pandemic - UK

22 Nov 2021
23 Nov 2021
Omicron variant first detected
24 Nov 2021
25 Nov 2021
26 Nov 2021
27 Nov 2021
28 Nov 2021
29 Nov 2021
30 Nov 2021
31 Nov 2021
01 Dec 2021
02 Dec 2021
03 Dec 2021
04 Dec 2021
05 Dec 2021
06 Dec 2021
07 Dec 2021
08 Dec 2021
09 Dec 2021
10 Dec 2021
11 Dec 2021
12 Dec 2021
13 Dec 2021
14 Dec 2021
15 Dec 2021
16 Dec 2021
17 Dec 2021
18 Dec 2021
19 Dec 2021
20 Dec 2021
21 Dec 2021
22 Dec 2021
23 Dec 2021
24 Dec 2021
25 Dec 2021
26 Dec 2021
27 Dec 2021
28 Dec 2021
29 Dec 2021
30 Dec 2022
31 Dec 2022
01 Jan 2022
02 Jan 2022
03 Jan 2022
04 Jan 2022
05 Jan 2022
06 Jan 2022
07 Jan 2022
08 Jan 2022
09 Jan 2022
10 Jan 2022
11 Jan 2022
12 Jan 2022
13 Jan 2022
14 Jan 2022
15 Jan 2022
16 Jan 2022
17 Jan 2022
18 Jan 2022
19 Jan 2022
20 Jan 2022
21 Jan 2022
22 Jan 2022
23 Jan 2022
24 Jan 2022
26 Jan 2022
27 Jan 2022
28 Jan 2022
29 Jan 2022
30 Jan 2022
31 Jan 2022
01 Feb 2022
02 Feb 2022
03 Feb 2022
04 Feb 2022
05 Feb 2022
06 Feb 2022
07 Feb 2022
08 Feb 2022
09 Feb 2022
10 Feb 2022
11 Feb 2022
12 Feb 2022
13 Feb 2022
14 Feb 2022
15 Feb 2022
16 Feb 2022
17 Feb 2022
18 Feb 2022
19 Feb 2022
20 Feb 2022
21 Feb 2022
22 Feb 2022
23 Feb 2022
Compulsory self-isolation if test positive no longer enforced.
24 Feb 2022
Compulsory self-isolation if test positive no longer enforced.
25 Feb 2022
Compulsory self-isolation if test positive no longer enforced.
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
28 Feb 2022
Compulsory self-isolation if test positive no longer enforced.
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
01 Mar 2022
Compulsory self-isolation if test positive no longer enforced.
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
02 Mar 2022
Compulsory self-isolation if test positive no longer enforced.
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
03 Mar 2022
Compulsory self-isolation if test positive no longer enforced.
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
04 Mar 2022
Compulsory self-isolation if test positive no longer enforced.
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
07 Mar 2022
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
08 Mar 2022
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
09 Mar 2022
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
10 Mar 2022
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
11 Mar 2022
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
14 Mar 2022
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
15 Mar 2022
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
16 Mar 2022
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
17 Mar 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
18 Mar 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
21 Mar 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
22 Mar 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
23 Mar 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
24 Mar 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
25 Mar 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
28 Mar 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
29 Mar 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
30 Mar 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
31 Mar 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
01 Apr 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends.
04 Apr 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
05 Apr 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
06 Apr 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
07 Apr 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends.
08 Apr 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
11 Apr 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
12 Apr 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends.
13 Apr 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
14 Apr 2022
All Anti-COVID measures now abolished!
From week-beginning 21 Feb 2022, no updates at the weekends.
19 Apr 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
20 Apr 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
21 Apr 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
20 Apr 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
25 Apr 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
26 Apr 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
27 Apr 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
28 Apr 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
29 Apr 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
03 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
04 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
05 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
06 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
09 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
10 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
11 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
12 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
13 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
16 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
17 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
18 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
19 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
20 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
23 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
24 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
25 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
26 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
27 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
30 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
31 May 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
01 June 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
06 June 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
07 June 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
08 June 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
09 June 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
10 June 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
13 June 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
15 June 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
16 June 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
17 June 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
20 June 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
21 June 2022
Free Testing Abolished! No updates at the weekends/B.Hols.
23 June 2022
Previous 7 Days total cases per 100,000 population
The number of covid-19 cases in the UK is rising again, due to the δ variant. It had been falling steadily until about mid-May but is already some 5,000 cases higher that at the peak of the first wave in April, 2020.

The main reason why hospitalisations and deaths are not rising nearly so sharply as they did then, is due to the vaccination campaign in which just over 80% of adults have had at least one dose and close to 60% have had both.

[update 28 Nov 2021] We now have a new varianr, (ο - omicron) to watch. The question is whether the vaccines will be as effective against it as they have been against α and δ and whther it will be more or less transmissible. The early indication is that it quickly replaced δ in southern Africa so is significantly more transmisible, with 50 mutations, 30 of which are in the gene for the spike protein.

[update 15 Dec 2021] Ο is proving to be far more transmissable that δ with an r number of 2-3 or higher. Cases in UK are now at record levels but serious cases seem to be remaining low (early days yet as there is about 1-2 week lag in being diagnosed and needing hospitalisations, with deaths about a week behind.)

This slideshow uses maps of cases published daily on the UK government Coronavirus UK Summary website. It starts about early April 2021, when I started saving them. An area shown in outline only has missing data.

Slideshows are something which I have been experimenting with for a few weeks and hopefully, I'll be adding some controls to this one in the near future. At the moment is simply recycles back to the first slide when it comes to the end of the list.

I'll be updating it with a new slide each day. A red background indicates the last 7 days.

Thank you for sharing!

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