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Bishop Athanasius Schneider Auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Mary Most Holy in Astana, Kazakhstan |
Never being slow to play the persecution card, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Mary Most Holy in Astana, Kazakhstan, has declared the Covid-19 lockdown to be a global conspiracy to persecute Christians by forcing churches to close.
In March this year he told the Catholic News magazine, Life Site News:
Directives canceling all public Masses “are a pure human law; however, the supreme law in the Church is the salvation of souls”.
He declared the pandemic:
a divine intervention to chastise and purify the sinful world and also the Church.
In other words, Bishop Schneider has compassionately declared the victims of Covid-19 to be deserving of their suffering and death and their families to be deserving of their loss.
He said that a priest:
[H]has not to obey the directives of his bishop or the government to suspend Mass for the faithful...
Priests in such a situation have to be extremely creative in order to provide for the faithful, even for a small group, the celebration of Holy Mass and the reception of the sacraments. Such was the pastoral behavior of all confessor and martyr priests in the time of persecution...
Such a prohibition is an abuse of power. Christ did not give a bishop the power to forbid visiting the sick and dying. A true priest will do everything he can to visit a dying person.
One might be forgiven for thinking Bishop Schneider feels priest have a duty to God to help him mete out this 'chastisement'.
In a talk before the virtual Rome Life Forum, he accused his fellow bishops of being 'fake shepherds' with:
The unbelievable fact was that in the midst of this worldwide ban of the public Holy Mass, many bishops even before the government banned public worship issued decrees by which they not only forbade the public celebration of Holy Mass, but of any other sacrament as well.
Bishops who not only did not care but directly prohibited their faithful access to the sacraments, especially to the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and the sacrament of Penance, behaved themselves as fake shepherds, who seek their own advantage.
The virtual Rome Life Forum seeks to link the Covid-19 pandemic with the fake miracle of Fatima, claiming it:
[C]ould be part of the chastisement, preceding the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, of which Our Blessed Mother herself foretold us in Fatima 1917.
Sticking to the Catholic Church's obsession with sex and sexuality, Bishop Schneider quoted the Book of Revelations to justify his declaration that Covid-19 is God's doing:
I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching … that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice sexual immorality. Therefore repent. If not, I will come to you soon and war against them with the sword of my mouth.
I am convinced that Christ would repeat the same words to Pope Francis and to the other bishops who allowed the idolatrous veneration of the Pachamama and who implicitly approved sexual relationships outside a valid marriage, by allowing the so-called ‘divorced and remarried’ who are sexually active to receive Holy Communion.
This fanatical and deeply superstitious Bishop also blamed the practice of 'receiving holy communion in the hand' - a practice adopted for obvious hygiene reasons:
[This practice] has led to an unintentional and intentional desecration [of] the Eucharistic Body of Christ on an unprecedented scale. For over fifty years, the Body of Christ had been (mostly unintentionally) trampled by the feet of clergy and laity in Catholic churches around the world. The stealing of sacred Hosts has also been increasing at an alarming rate.
[...taking the Eucharist] directly with one’s own hands and fingers resembles ever more the gesture of taking common food.
The Eucharistic presence of Christ has, over time, unconsciously become for these faithful a kind of holy bread or symbol.
The underlying message from Bishop Schneider is that his superstition gives him the right to ignore national laws and casually put the lives of people at risk because he believes God is personally punishing people for not agreeing with Bishop Schneider's obsessive interest in the sexual activities of other people.
Just one more illustration of the very real danger that organised religions currently pose to us. Tweet

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