Extreme right-wing fundamentalist Christians, who, despite the tax-exempt (non-political) status of their churches have been politically partisan and acted as cheer-leaders for the increasingly deranged President-reject Trump over the past few weeks, are now desperately trying to distance themselves from the attempted coup they helped foment last Wednesday.
Here we see one such hypocrite, Mario Murillo of Eagle Mountain International Church, ignoring a central tenet of his purported faith and bearing false witness to the world. Obviously, Jesus' instruction to not be a hypocrite wasn't meant to be taken seriously by him either. Murillo seems to have self-licensed exemptions from so many tenets of Christianity and instructions from God and Jesus that it's difficult to find any that he feels he should comply with.
During a service last night at Eagle Mountain International Church, Mario Murillo said "the politicians need to be afraid of us" and that he knows "for a fact" that none of the rioters that invaded the Capitol Building were Trump supporters. pic.twitter.com/81nftEj7sG
— Christian Nightmares (@ChristnNitemare) January 7, 2021
Trump, meanwhile, called on the supporters he was addressing to march on the Capitol and stop the confirmation process.
Here he is repeating the lie and trying to re-write history on his blog:
First, let’s be very clear about what did and did not happen yesterday. Here is what did happen: Antifa and BLM thugs posed as Trump supporters. Their heinous crimes provided the excuse for “friends” of Trump to abandon him. Yesterday, the majority of Congress threw 75 million Americans under the bus.What they did was formally accept the certified election results from the states. Murillow would have preferred them to throw the 81 million Americans who voted for Biden to be thrown under the bus.
Lindsay Graham, now among the worst of the deserters, said something for which he has no proof. He said that Biden was legally elected. He came to that erroneous conclusion out of the sheer tsunami of pressure and the need to survive. He is free now to never support Trump again. And that takes me to what did not happen today.Lindsey Graham, of course, was simply reporting the facts as revealed by the evidence of the vote count. That count showed that Biden had indeed been legally elected - a fact confirmed 60 times by the courts.
In fact, Murillo was willingly and probably knowingly parroting a far-fetched allegation by the far-right, pro-Trump QAnon disinformation service that they were all Antifa Democrats and Socialists working for Biden, China and Satan, in disguise!
He goes on to say:
The evidence of election fraud was never investigated. Not only today, but at no time since the beginning. Nobody was ever allowed to present the case. Every ruling from every court has been the same: rejecting the case before the evidence was even presented, much less investigated.The truth is that case after case was thrown out of court because Trump's representatives had no evidence to present. They had no evidence because Trump's claim of widespread electoral fraud was nothing more than the deranged rationalisation of a narcissist, psychologically incapable of accepting that he had lost in what has been described by US government's own Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency as the most secure election in US electoral history.
As a far-right evangelical Christian pastor, Murillow is used to regarding his own evidence-free assertions based on nothing more than his own wishful thinking, as proven evidence. Again we see an evangelical Christian self-licensing an exemption from a basic Christian principle - the prohibition on the 'deadly sin' of vanity - in an astonishing display of self-idolatrous assumed ability to be able to proclaim truth without the need for evidence.
Murillo goes on to falsely claim:
The media, the police and the Swamp did not back up their lie that the violence was started by Trump supporters. Do you see how it works? They will come to any conclusion that confirms their hoax, and they will deny any evidence that exposes it.Pots and kettles spring to mind here. Murillo is using a tried and tested tactic of accusing your opponent of doing exactly what you're doing. If you're going to tell a lie, make it a big one and repeat it often.
But Murillo seemed to confuse himself, as though he hadn't fully assimilated the memo that the insurrection was to be blamed on Democrats. Having started out praising the revolting Trumpanzees as patriots to whom politicians should be listening:
What we’ve seen today is the people are going to speak. We the people are speaking, and the politicians need to be afraid of us. And I think — I know for a fact that none of those rioters that invaded the buildings were Trump supporters. They certainly weren’t patriots. But I know this: I know that there is a spirit in the land that wants to take away our Christian rights and our freedoms, and today, we demonstrated to them we are not going to let this happen. And anyone that thinks that it ends tonight is totally mistaken. This is not the end. This is the very beginning...'We the people' who are speaking suddenly turn into people who are 'not Trump supporters' and 'not patriots' at all - they are the enemy! Presumably, this miraculous conversion happened while they were obeying Trump's instruction, given to them in a rally of his devoted followers, as they marched up Pennsylvania Avenue to carry it out.
Now here is the most important thing that did happen today. A sea of people, in the hundreds of thousands, braved chilling weather, a hostile city, and a vicious media to support the rightful President and to demand free and fair elections.
And from Murillo's evening address:
And I hope President Trump somehow gets this from me: I want you to know, sir, that you may have been the president, but now, you are still the president in our eyes, and you are a freedom fighter now, and we are going to get our country back, and we need you to stay on the front line…Murillo has a long history of bearing false witness for Trump and the Repugnicans. In September 2020 he told his followers:
You need to wake up! The Democratic Party is asking you to leave, forcefully. They took the flag out of their convention. They took God out of the pledge. They’ve made it eminently clear that they are the party of not Christianity, but of perversion, of late term abortion, which is nothing but the most barbaric form of human sacrifice in the modern era. There is no question that all of you watching are faced with the ultimate choice: Do I vote for evil, or do I accept God’s rescue?
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Joe Biden addressing the DNC. Flags very much in evidence. |
The Democrats did not remove the flag from their convention. Flags are clearly on display behind Joe Biden as he made his keynote speech to the convention. "Under God", having been inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance in the McCarthyite 1950s, is still there and there are no plans to remove it. Late term abortions are performed very rarely and then only when there is an immediate threat to the life of the mother and the foetus is terminal. There is no sense in which this is a human sacrifice.
Murillo is here playing to the ludicrous, far-right QAnon claim that Donald Trump was sent by God to fight a secret 'deep state' paedophile ring of Satanic, child-abusing cannibals, including the Clintons and Obamas, who sacrifice babies in secret rituals. It speaks volumes of the ignorant and superstitious paranoias that fundamentalist Christianity has produced in America that this idiocy is believed by a significant number of Americans, primarily from rural, Bible-belt states.
Murillo went on to say:
Trump is a rough cure because we lost our right for a soft cure. Our sin did that. Now we have a man who’s a wrecking ball, but he’s in God’s hands. And you need to understand: By voting for Trump, you are stopping a flood of evil in our nation. It is absolutely undeniable. And whenever I meet what is quote, unquote a woke Christian — ’Oh, I don’t like Trump, I don’t believe he’s Christian.’ I look at it, what is your alternative? What you need to ask yourself is what Dietrich Bonhoeffer asked Germany: ‘What are you doing to stop Hitler?’ And what are you doing to stop the socialist destruction of the United States?The rest of Murillo's rambling blog is worth reading as an example of the depths to which an evangelical Christian will go to support an extreme right-wing political cause, and the contempt in which he holds his followers as he expects them to accept his proven-to-be-unreliable word for anything. Like a snake-oil peddler he knows his target marks well and plays to their xenophobic, superstitious paranoias that he has been assiduously creating in their indoctrinated minds.
For example:
Any other group on earth, be it communist, or Islamist would be given fair coverage. This astounding turnout was at first ignored, then squelched, and finally slandered. Why are they singled out for the worst treatment of any group? The reason is simple. Donald Trump is the leader the globalists never expected. He is China’s worst nightmare. He disrupted the plan. He exposed the worldwide campaign to subjugate America.
Then Donald Trump committed the ultimate crime in the eyes of the enemies of freedom: He gained a massive following. A following so strong and diverse that globalists fear it will be impossible to stop. They are terrified by the fact that we are not going away. Never have I wished so very much that I could sit across a table from you and look you in the eye. I know you were hit. I know yesterday was devastating on many levels. You found out the Republican Party is garbage. You saw the failure of the Vice President. You found out Fox News is as corrupt as the rest. These are bitter pills, capable of killing a movement. But you have got to shake it off. We have work to do. We have an American miracle at the end of our struggle. God has fully revealed the monster—not to discourage us, but so that we can slay it. Here are your marching orders: Instead of getting bitter, get some rest and then get busy.
Well, as we are now seeing and as we saw in the November election and the Georgia runoff earlier this month, what the American people are doing to save themselves from the sort of political extremism and cult of personality that led to the Fascist take-over in Germany, is to dump Trump, take away their control of the Senate from the Republicans and vote in a more competent, less divisive Joe Biden and give the government of America back to the Democrats.
What they now need to do, to prevent the "wrecking ball of God" wrecking even more in revenge for his defeat, is to remove Trump from power as soon as humanly possible. He has 11 days of his failed presidency left and has shown himself to be capable of almost anything within his power as he degenerates into insanity, incapable as he is of accepting that he lost and has been booted out by the American people, 81,000,000 of whom voted to remove him from office.

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