Convicted tax fraud and Young Earth Creationist, Mr. Kent Hovind. Arrested on domestic violence charges.
The Young Earth Creationist fraud and Christian televangelist, Kent Hovind, or to give him his correct academic title, Mr. Kent Hovind, has been arrested on domestic violence charges, brought by his wife, Cindi Lincoln, who alleges that he 'body-slammed her' causing injuries for which she needed to go to an emergency room. The alleged assault took place in late 2020. She is now seeking a protection order against him to prevent him repeating the attacks.
She also alleges that he sent his 'right hand man' to her apartment to threaten her and had her apartment trashed the next day. She now says she fears he may try to kill her to shut her up because his following depends on his public persona, not on his private behaviour.
Hovind, who styles himself 'Dr Dino', is the owner of a Creationist scam park, Dinosaur Adventure Land, in Conecuh, Alabama, which he opened soon after being released from an nine-year jail term for tax fraud. He makes a living by fooling scientifically illiterate simpletons by pretending to have a legitimate academic doctorate and to have been a high-school science teacher. This works on his target marks who believe anyone called 'doctor' must be an expert scientist.
His claim to hold a doctorate is based on a diploma mill 'doctorate' in 'Bible Education', bought from Patriot Bible College (more a shed than a college), which had no full-time staff and did no teaching and for which the only qualification to be awarded a 'doctorate' appears to be the ability to sign the cheque (although it is also believed he failed that test as his mother paid for him. Rumour has it that it cost $250.
He hilariously began his 'academic dissertation' with "Hello! My name is Kent Hovind". A 'dissertation' that, understandably, both Hovind and the Bible 'College' tried to keep secret, until it was leaked to Wikileaks.
His claim to be a former high-school science teacher is based on the fact that he appointed himself to that role when he set up a (failed) Bible school. He has no formal science qualification and no formal teaching qualification. In fact, he appears to have no academic qualification of any significance in any subject.
And now he stands accused of hypocrisy too, as though fraud, systematic misrepresentation of science and a nine-year spell in jail, didn't establish that already, by demonstrating the 'Love of Jesus' by assaulting his wife and making her fear for her life. Presumably, he finds the supposed teaching of Jesus, as revealed in the Bible, in the teaching of which he claims to hold a doctorate, to be less than satisfactory, and reserves the right to ignore it when a women doesn't obey his commands.
Hovind protests his innocence, proclaiming on his YouTube channel that he is 'squeaky clean' and telling his
Hovind was released from Conecuh County jail after posting a $1000 bond and, according to court documents obtained by former IRS appeals officer and long-time Hovind watcher, Robert Batty, who styles himself "Kent Hovind's Worst Nightmare", is due to appear in court at 9 o'clock a.m. on 30th August, 2021.
Bizarrely, Hovind recorded the incident, presumably thinking his recording of his intimidation and passive-aggressive, coercive control of her by pointedly recording Cindi's obviously distressed state, would show him in a good light. It doesn't [warning: the voice recording might be distressing], but it does show the stark contrast between the public face of a pious fundamentalist Christian and the private reality of domestic abuse, coercive control and violence - a contrast which is all too familiar in fundamentalist Christian households.
What a complete wretch of a man. His 'Thesis' is hilarious: hardly a tome of unique scholarship. Not a single reference. All is conjecture and opinion. Complete waste of paper. Let us hope he gets his just reward according to the law. The Lord certainly moves in mysterious ways.
ReplyDeleteAnd so typical of the all-too-common Christian fundamentalist who feels his piety has earned him an exemption from the rules he tells everyone else they should live by. A hypocrite of the first order.