Showing posts with label Biochemistry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biochemistry. Show all posts

Saturday 22 June 2024

Unitelligent Design - Using The Theory Of Evolution To Create Better Enzymes

Scientists devise algorithm to engineer improved enzymes - News & Events | Trinity College Dublin

Scientists at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland have discovered that using the natural algorithm of evolution by natural selection is the best way to improve the efficiency of enzymes in terms of the products of the processes they catalyse.

This begs an embarrassing question for creationists: why can enzymes produced by a perfect designer be improved upon?

The answer of course, is that they weren't designed by a perfect designer; they were designed by a utilitarian evolutionary process in which whatever is better than what went before will be retained and the only reason to improve beyond the sub-optimal that works well enough, is to have some other selectors driving it towards ever greater fitness. There is no 'ideal' nor any process for comparing what is against this idea and trying harder, as there would be if there was an intelligence guiding the process.

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