Showing posts with label Unintelligent Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unintelligent Design. Show all posts

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Uninteligent Design - Creationism's Designer Tries Again, and Fails, Five Times

New research reveals why sabre-toothed predators evolved their deadly teeth

Creationism's designer god is nothing if not a trier - or maybe it’s just a slow learner. It tried and failed five times to create carnivores with ferocious-looking but ultimately fatal, sabre teeth.

The problem with long, curved canine teeth is that, although they are good at killing big animals quickly by tearing their throat out or stabbing them to death, because of the additional leverage on the long teeth, and the high risk of striking bone, they are prone to break, leaving their owner to starve to death.

And this has happened at least five times in evolutionary history.

The problem is there is an optimal size and shape depending in the prey species but this produces selection pressure to become more specialised in the prey which in turn produces selection pressure to produce longer, sharper teeth until the tooth shape reaches a pinnacle of shape optimised for that particular prey species. However, there is an evolutionary trade-off in that as the teeth become more specialised, the carnivore becomes more specialised and dependent on the prey species, so they are vulnerable to ecological changes that mean their prey becomes scarce of goes extinct.

How and why this occurred repeatedly due to convergent evolution is the subject of a paper in Current Biology and an open access article in The Conversation by Dr. Tahlia Pollock, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Evans EvoMorph Laboratory, Monash University. Her article is reprinted here, reformatted for stylistic consistency:

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Refuting Creationism - Oldest-Known Evolutionary Arms Race in the Cambrian

Oldest-Known Evolutionary “Arms Race” in the Cambrian | AMNH
Examples of Lapworthella fasciculata shells (under scanning electron microscope) from the Mernmerna Formation, Flinders Ranges, South Australia showing holes made by a perforating predator. Scale bars represent 200 micrometers.
Perhaps Creationism's designer god is just a slow learner.

Anyone with an intellect greater than that of a plank should be capable of understanding the utter futility and waste in an arms race in which the strategy is to keep running faster just to stay in the same place. Arms races only make sense as the result of a game plan in which you can't communicate with your opponent and have no way of telling what he or she is thinking and if they gain the upper-hand, you lose. The only safe choice is to up the stakes - and that goes for your opponent too.

It becomes even more incomprehensible if the person you're having the arms race with is yourself, unless you're an amnesic with multiple personality disorder, and yet, if we believe creationists, that's exactly what their putative designer god is doing constantly.

Everywhere we look in nature, organisms are competing with one another for resources, or because one is trying to exploit the other as a food source in a predator-prey relationship or as a parasite trying to live in or on another organism and even killing it or making it weak and sickly as a byproduct of its parasitism. And yet creationists insist there is only one designer designing both sides in these arms races.

For some unfathomable reason, creationists like to imagine the idea of a celestial idiot having arms races with itself in millions of relationships in nature is a much better explanation than these arms races being the inevitable result of mindless evolutionary processes where a slight improvement increases the chances of leaving descendants while reducing the chance of the opponent doing the same, so creating a selection pressure for the next twist in the spiral.

Friday, 8 November 2024

Unintelligent Design - How Evolution Rescued an Unintelligent Heath-Robinson Design Blunder

A WashU researcher hand pollinates Arabidopsis.

Photo: Joe Angeles/WashU
How plants evolved multiple ways to override genetic instructions - The Source - Washington University in St. Louis

The thing about evolution that distinguishes it from intelligent design is that evolution is utilitarian. It settles for something that works better than what preceded it, which is different from designing a perfect solution to a problem. Near enough is good enough because anything which is an improvement gets pushed up the frequency listing in the gene pool. So, organisms over time have accumulated sub-optimal systems that sometimes fail and cause other problems.

One of those systems is the way DNA is replicated - which is so error prone that error correction mechanisms have evolved over time, but they don't always work either, so we have the phenomenon of the 'jumping genes' that get inserted in the wrong place in the genome, sometime in the middle of a functional gene or in a control section adjacent to a functional gene, causing genetic defects.

So, in the best Heath-Robinson approach to design, rather than abandoning that design and starting again, the way any intelligent designer would do, another layer of complexity is needed to try to mitigate the occasion when the system fails.

So, what organisms have evolved over the years is a process for neutralising these 'jumping genes' by attaching methyl groups to one of the bases which prevents it being transcribed. This is a part of the epigenetic system by which the specialised cells of multicellular organisms turn of unwanted genes and only allow the genes for their speciality to be active - a layer of complexity needed because the way cells replicate was inherited from their single-celled ancestors where the whole genome needs to be included in every daughter cell.

Animals, such as mammals have two enzymes which attach this methyl group depending on the DNA 'context', but plants have multiple enzymes for doing the same thing. The question is why do plants need these multiple enzymes?

Sunday, 3 November 2024

Malevolent Design - How Sleeping Sickness Parasites Are 'Designed' to Evade Our Immune System

Sleeping sickness
Discovery Illuminates How Sleeping Sickness Parasite Outsmarts Immune Response | Johns Hopkins | Bloomberg School of Public Health

Trypanosoma brucei is a blood-borne eukaryote parasite that should leave believers in an intelligent designer, open-mouthed in admiration for its inventive genius. Christian fundamentalist creationists of the white supremacist persuasion should also admire the racist that, through T. brucei, has managed to keep large parts of Africa technologically under-developed due to the difficult in maintaining herds of domestic animals where the vector of these parasites - the tsetse fly - is common.

As a vector, the tsetse fly is a triumph of malevolent design which I mentioned in my popular book, The Unintelligent Designer: Refuting the Intelligent Design Hoax, but it would have been all for nothing without the nasty little T. brucei to cause sleeping sickness in humans and the debilitating disease "nagana" in cattle.

What creationist admires of the divine malevolence they believe designs these things should now be marveling at is the sheer brilliance of the design by which it manages to evade the immune system, which they believe was created by the same designer god which now regards his design as a problem to be overcome oh parasites like T. brucei can continue making Africans and their cattle sick.

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Unintelligent Design - The Blunder That Causes Cancers

Ludwig Cancer Research

It has often been a theme of my blog posts how, if we regard cells as the result of conscious (I won't use the term 'intelligent' as that's singularly inappropriate, as we shall see) design then the picture quickly emerges of a bungling incompetent, cobbling together Heath-Robinson solutions to problems of its own incompetent making and lack of foresight.

The entire system of epigenetics, for example, is only necessary in a multicellular organism with its cell specialisation because specialised cells only need a small subset of the entire genome, yet, because cells replicate using exactly the same process that single-celled organisms use, where the entire genome needs to be replicated in every daughter cell, the cells of multicellular organisms such as humans each receive the entire species genome. So, most of it needs to be turned off.

This is where the epigenetic system comes in where methyl groups are attached to key bases in the DNA which prevents that section being transcribed into RNA, effectively switching the gene off. There are other components to the epigenetic system, but that is the pertinent component as far as this particular blunder is concerned.

The problem starts when a methyl group is attached to a cytosine base (C in the CGTA genetic code) which is next to a guanine(G) base.

Monday, 7 October 2024

Unintelligent Design - How Creationism's 'Designer' Needs Plan B For When Plan A Fails To Mend Its Previous Design Blunder

Developmental defects of double, triple and quadruple mutants in RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (rdr1, rdr2, rdr6) and DNA methylation (ddm1) in floral organ identity, leaf shape and fertility (silique length).
Plants have a backup plan | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

The secret to being a good designer or planner is to always have a Plan B. I say that as a former emergency operations centre manager where the future is unpredictable, so I needed to keep as many options open as possible because, as I used to joke, my Plan B was to tear up Plan A and start again.

Now, you can play the percentages game, for example, I could be fairly sure town centres would be fairly busy around 11 pm, especially on a Friday and Saturday night, when in the UK the pubs close, or as we call it, 'chucking out time', and a lot of inebriated people would be out on the streets, fighting over available taxis, over girl/boyfriends or who had got served at the bar out of turn (queue-jumping is a big no-no in the UK).

I also knew from 17 years operational experience that most of the calls would require little more than smoothing ruffled feathers, running checks to exclude underlying medical problems and sending them on their way, so turnover time would be relatively short, and I would get a crew back fairly quickly.

Another peak would be around 1 am when the nightclubs closed, but with a few exceptions such as those the rest of the week would resemble a system in chaos where medical emergencies, traffic accidents and every other imaginable emergency occurred more or less randomly, with statistical patterns only being noticeable over time with a sufficiently large database.

Later on, I became the data analyst who looked for those patterns and used them to devise deployment plans to minimise average emergency response times, but that's another story.

Juggling acts were the daily routine for an emergency operations centre like mine, as we tried to maintain as much emergency cover as possible while getting help to people who needed it as quickly as possible. And you never knew you had made the right decision until it turned out not to have been the wrong one.

Our major handicap was of course being unable to accurately forecast the future, not just weeks or days ahead but hours and minutes. What we singularly lacked was omniscience for which educated guesses were a poor substitute.

So, to a creationist it might come as something of a shock to learn that their putative designer behaves like a designer/planner who can't foretell the future because, if nothing else, it is allegedly omniscient, and its designs are perfect. As such it shouldn't need a Plan B because Plan A will be perfectly designed for the precise future needs of the species. There should never be an occasion where it needs to tear up Plan A and starts again; it shouldn’t need to consult a large database to look for patterns then work out the probability of that pattern repeating itself and planning its responses accordingly, never knowing if it was the right plan until it turned out not to be.

And yet a team of researchers from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, USA has found that the plant, Arabidopsis has a Plan B for when Plan A fails. Plan A is all about making the ramshackle, Heath Robinson process for ensuring mistakes in DNA replication get attended to. In a design which seems to be a characteristic of creationism putative intelligent [sic] designer, a shoddy process needs another layer of complexity to try to make it works, but even that fix breaks and the result of growth defects, sterility and, in many cases in animals, cancers or developmental disorders.

Saturday, 5 October 2024

Unintelligent Designe - Creationism's Blundering Heath-Robinson 'Designer' Strikes Again - And Causes Cancer

Intelligently designed apparatus for teaching mountaineers.

William Heath-Robinson
How Cells Recognize and Repair DNA Damage -

One thing you can depend on with creationism's putative designer is that there will never be a simple solution when there is a more complicated way to solve the problem it just created, and just like William Heath-Robinson, it will try to use pre-existing structures that were designed for an entirely different function, like a pile of books under the legs of a ladder to make it tall enough, and every piece of string holding things together will have knots in it.

And when we look beneath the superficial resemblance of design in, for example, a living cell, we find all manner of if-it-works-it'll-do solutions to problems, like the solution to the problem of breaking DNA that a team of scientists, led by Kaspar Burger, from Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) in Bavaria, Germany, have discovered.

The problem arises of course because the method for replicating DNA as cells divide is poorly designed and unnecessarily complicated in the first place. If the putative designer had devised a more sensible method for replicating cells in multicellular organisms than that used for replicating single cells where the whole genome needs to be replicated, many of the problems of erroneous copying wouldn't arise because only a small subset of the genome is needed for specialised cells.

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Malevolent Designer News - Why Cholera is So Good at Killing Us

Vibrio cholerae
AI generated image (ChatGPT4o)
News - Experts discover the deadly genetics of cholera, which could be key to its prevention - University of Nottingham

Although good hygiene and safe drinking water have most brought cholera under control in developed societies, it is still a major kill, especially of children, in poor and technologically under-developed countries.

It was a cholera outbreak of 1849 in Soho, London, the John Snow famously showed was statistically linked to drinking water from a well in Broad Steet, eventually persuading the authorities to remove the pump handle from the well, so ending the epidemic, that Snow conformed the Germ Theory of disease and founded modern epidemiology.

The cause was later shown to be a leaking septic tank which was contaminating the water in the well, and more remotely to a baby which caught cholera elsewhere whose nappy (diaper) was washed into the sewer, introducing the Vibrio cholerae into the septic tank.

I was born and brought up in North Oxfordshire in a rural community where, a generation earlier, cholera had been the single most common cause of death of children. A perusal of the parish burial registers shows regular patterns of epidemics causing a sudden increase in child deaths.

Even in technologically advanced countries, natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods, and man-made conflicts such as those currently in Gaza and Ukraine can destroy the infrastructure and quickly lead to conditions in which cholera can further devastate an already weakened population.

It would be an especially despicable malevolence that designed an organism to exploit people in those situation to ensure there was even more suffering, but those subscribing to the intelligent design hoax are unwittingly attributing exactly that to their putative designer god.

Thursday, 19 September 2024

Malevolent Designer News - How A Parasitic Wasp Targets Adult Fruit Flies

Newly-discovered parasitoid wasp, Syntretus perlmani. Scale bar: 1mm.

New species of wasp ‘hidden in plain sight’ discovered by MSU researchers | Mississippi State University

The world of parasites is a world that creationists need to turn a blind eye to (and not one blinded by a parasitic worm) because it contains abundant examples of how an intelligence that designed parasites can only be regarded as some sort of malevolent sadist who designs ways to make living things suffer, often horribly and in especially ghoulish ways - the sort of ways that only a sick mind could dream up.

Creationist cult leaders are also probably reticent about discussing parasites, given their parasitic lifestyle, but that’s a different matter.

Within the world of parasites, there are fewer better examples of the casual cruelty that characterises it than those of the many parasitoid wasps that lay their eggs in the living bodies of their host species, where their larvae feed on the body of the host, often only killing it at the last moment and sometimes manipulating its victim or reanimating its dead body to protect the parasites within it.

Very many of these parasitoid wasps attack the larvae of other insects and gain the protection of the eventual cocoon their host makes before dying, so the wasp's reproductive cycle is linked to that of its host species.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Unintelligent Design - How Japanese Eels Are Designed To Escape From the Stomach Of Fish Designed To Eat Them

Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica
How Japanese eels escape from their predator's stomach | ScienceDaily

If creationism’s putative intelligent [sic] designer set out to show how stupid it can be, it would be hard pressed to come up with something as bizarre as designing a fish to eat eels, then designing eels to be able to escape from the stomach of the predators designed to eat them.

And yet creationists must believe that's exactly what their hyper-intelligent, omniscient god has done, according to the discovery of a team of researchers from the Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan.

According to their report in the Cell Press journal Current Biology, juvenile Japanese eels, Anguilla japonica, can escape from the stomach of the predatory fish Odontobutis obscura by travelling back up the fish's oesophagus and out through a gill slit.

Sunday, 8 September 2024

Refuting Creationism - Co-Evolution Of Humans And Their Gut Microbiome

Development of the infant gut microbiome

AI generated image
(complete with spelling idiosyncrasies)
Natural probiotic discovered in UK newborns’ microbiomes

In a very nice example of how humans and their gut microbiome have co-evolved, researchers from the Wellcome Sanger Institute, University College London (UCL), and the University of Birmingham, have identified a bacterium that helps digest breast milk and protects the baby from harmful pathogens.

As an example of intelligent [sic] design, this comes as close to a Heath-Robinson solution to a problem of the designer's own making as it's possible to imagine.

No designer who designed a baby's digestive system so it is susceptible to the harmful pathogens that it also designed, and created the baby to feed on breast milk that is difficult to digest, then solved those problems by creating another bacterium to fight the pathogens and help digest the milk, and infecting the baby with it, doesn't deserve the adjective 'intelligent'. 'Bloody stupid' would be a more appropriate term.

It's almost exactly as though the designer of these systems is a mindless automaton, simply obeying the natural laws of chemistry and physics and working without a plan!

The researchers have completed the largest study of UK baby microbiomes to date, carrying out whole genome sequencing to analyse stool samples from 1,288 healthy infants, all under one month old from the UK Baby Biome Study1.1.

Sunday, 1 September 2024

Malevolent Designer - How Zebra Fish Can 'Heal' Blindness - And Humans Can't

Zebrafish photoreceptor cells stimulated with blue light show correct electrical activity. The picture was taken using the microscope that was custom-built for this study.
Seeing the Future: Zebrafish Regenerates Fully Functional Photoreceptor Cells and Restores Its Vision — Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD) — TU Dresden

Readers may remember my recent post about how researchers have discovered that zebra fish can heal a transected spinal cord, and why creationists need to explain why their putative omnibenevolent designer apparently chose not to give this ability to all vertebrates, including its supposedly favourite special vertebrate, humans
Was it because it prefers to watch paraplegics suffer or because it forgot how to?

Well, now we have more evidence, if you accept the childish creationist 'intelligent [sic] design, nonsense, of how the same fish, have apparently been given another ability that would have hugely benefitted humans and other animals - they can repair damage to their visual receptors in their eyes, in other words, they can heal blindness.

A believer in intelligent [sic] design, must accept that, since their designer god apparently knew how to give this ability to zebra fish, it knew how to give it to all vertebrates and made the conscious decision not to.

Saturday, 17 August 2024

Malevolent Designer News - How Creationism's Divine Malevolence Gave A Fish The Ability To Mend a Damaged Spine, But Not Humans

Zebra fish in the lab of Robin Tanguay at Oregan Stae University.

Photo: Lynn Ketchum
Zebrafish use surprising strategy to regrow spinal cord – Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Just as amputees can't regrow a lost limb, so spine-injured patients can't repair a damaged spine, and yet, several species of amphibian can grow new limbs and Zebra fish can grow a new spinal cord.

Which leaves intelligent [sic] design creationists to explain why, if their putative designer can give some species the ability to regrow a lost limb or repair a transected spinal cord, he chose not to give that ability to his supposedly favourite, 'special' creation, humans.

But of course, those are not the only abilities and systems that could have been better in humans if the same designer designed other animals with superior abilities and systems:

Birds of prey have a vastly superior visual acuity to humans; birds in general have a much more efficient respiratory system which enables then to fly at heights at which we would be unconscious for lack of oxygen. Many animals have a vastly superior sense of hearing to what we have, and bats have a better immune system. Elephants and sharks both rarely get cancer, and so the list goes on.

Friday, 2 August 2024

Unintelligent Design - Cancer in Birds - Malevolence, Incompetence or Evolution

Canada goose eggs, Branta canadensis
ASU researchers explore cancer susceptibility in birds | ASU News

Researchers at Arizona State University (ASU) have discovered a statistical link between the incidence of cancer in birds and their reproductive rates. As species, birds that lay more eggs are more liable to die of cancer.

The team attribute this to an evolutionary tradeoff between reproduction and survival. Those species which are more susceptible to cancer - which is a function of aging as the longer an individual lives the greater are its chances of developing a cancer - have evolutionary pressure to produce more offspring while young, where as those with a lower susceptibility can afford to expend less energy in reproducing and to spread it over a longer average lifespan.

This is easily understood as the result of an evolutionary process, as are cancers, which result from mistakes in cell replication, which is a sub-optimal, utilitarian process in multicellular organisms with specialised cells and tissues, resulting from inheriting the same mechanism that single-celled ancestors used so the whole genome is replicated in every cell, regardless of which genes those specialized cells will need.

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Unintelligent Designer News - Is Creationism's Incompetent Designer Also A Racist?

Torres Strait family on Thursday Island.

Image source: Let’s Learn about the Torres Strait Islands, Oz Publishing.
Lupus is more common and severe in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Learning why is crucial

The realisation that Australian Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders are not only more prone to the autoimmune condition lupus but suffer a more severe form of it than Europeans, would be an embarrassment for creationists if they were aware of it and understood the implications for some of their most cherished superstitions.

It has long been known that Africans and Asians are more prone to lupus, but this study shows that Australian Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders may have been singled out for special attention, if you believe these things are designed by creationism's putative designer.

In general terms. lupus is a failure if the immune system in that something triggers it to turn against the person instead of protecting them. As an example of design, it is an example of incompetence in the extreme. It's like creating an army to protect a country, only to have it turn on the people of that country and start massacring them, because it's mistaken them for invaders. This might be a feature of mal-formed banana republics, but it's hardly a sign of a well-designed civilised society.

But, of course, creationists have been primed to blame these design failures, like parasites, on the scientifically nonsensical 'genetic entropy' and 'devolution', but if that were to blame for the greater suffering of these Austronesians that would mean that they have 'devolved' further than other humans and so must have been subject to more 'genetic entropy'. But all humans have been around for the same length of time, whether you accept the science or believe the childish magic creation just a few thousand years ago, so what would cause this accelerated rate of 'genetic entropy' in a regional population?

Saturday, 27 July 2024

Unintelligent Design - The Divine Loser - Or How Creationism's Divine Malevolence Was Just Too Clever

Structure of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus

Evolution Tamed Once-Deadly Western Equine Encephalitis. Should We Still Worry? | Harvard Medical School

Creationism's divine malevolence is nothing if not sneaky and underhand, so we always need to be wary of what it is up to. For instance, following its early success with the western equine encephalitis virus (WEEV) in the early part of the 10th century, the virus seems to have lost its virulence and stopped infecting humans and horse, spending all its time in the body of the birds that were its reserve hiding places when it was at its most dangerous in the early 20th century.

The virus was spread by the divine malevolence’s favourite insect vector - mosquitoes, especially the usual suspects, the Culex and Aedes genera. In 1941 it accounted for3000 human cases with a mortality rate of 3-7%, but such has been its decline that there were only 600 human cases between 1964 and 2009 in the USA.

But is its designer merely biding its time and waiting for another chance to launch another attack on us, or is this an example of the malevolent designer being just a bit too clever, and having a plan that wasn't worth the paper on which it was written? We had a warning against complacency last year with an outbreak in Argentina and Uruguay with 2.400 horse cases and 103 human cases with a 10% morality rate in humans.

Friday, 26 July 2024

Malevonet Designer News - How Herpes Uses Sneak Tactics To Infect More People

Skin blisters caused by herpes zoster (shingles)
Suppression of the host antiviral response by non-infectious varicella zoster virus extracellular vesicles | Journal of Virology

If you're going to design pathogens to overcome the immune system and make people sick, it helps that you know the weaknesses of the immune system you designed earlier to protect people from the pathogens you design.

To devotees of creationism's divine malevolence, the sheer brilliance of its designs is breathtaking, but the question they always avoid is why did it design the immune system with so many flaws and weak points in the first place? Was that merely incompetence, or did it intend to exploit them.

The redness of the rash may not be apparent on black or brown skin.
Creationists also carefully avoid questions about why any intelligent designer would have these arms races with itself, like someone with multiple personality syndrome and amnesia who constantly forgets what it designed yesterday and designs a new solution to the same problem today, and who sees the solutions to problems it designed yesterday as new problems to be solved today.

This is the supposed designer that creationists call 'intelligent', and which they would rather people believe in than have them accept the materialist explanation - mindless evolution proceeding without a plan in which one organism with its strengths and weaknesses is merely part of another organism's environment, presenting opportunities and threats, and selectors which pushes the population of organisms in a direction which makes them better fitted to survive and produce the next generation.

Rash around the eyes can be painful and may affect sight and hearing.
Alas, the excuses creationists try to make for this appearance of incompetent stupidity in design that parasites provide us with when we look below the superficial - genetic entropy and the ludicrous notion of 'devolution' - is demonstrably nonsensical, since an advantageous mutation can't logically be described as 'devolutionary' or somehow less perfect than its predecessor without private definitions of the words, 'perfect' and 'better' to mean the exact opposite of what normal people mean by them.

The latest example of a parasite appearing to be designed to increase the suffering in the world by sneaking past the incompetently designed immune system, if you believe in the childish 'intelligent design' notion, is the way the herpes virus that causes chicken pox and shingles manages to spread throughout the body where it lies dormant until something like illness, old age or infirmity triggers it to reactivate an cause shingles.

Thursday, 25 July 2024

Unintelligent Design News - When Genes Misbehave - Another Design Blunder?

'Preparing the popular film of a Taube soaring above Rheims cathedral'

W. Heath-Robinson (1915)
‘Gene misbehaviour’ widespread in healthy population

Creationism's putative designer is like William Heath Robinson but without the competence.

Like creationism's putative designer, William Heath Robinson's 'irreducibly complex' designs are ludicrously over-complicated solutions to simple problems, but at least Heath-Robinson's machines look as though they would work if ever anyone constructed one.

Designed by creationism's supposed omniscient, omnipotent designer the bits of knotted string used to connect things together, and originally designed for a different purpose altogether, would have knots that came undone, or they would be made of elastic, or the chair used to stand something on to make it tall enough would have a broken leg.

The problem starts with the clunky workaround for the problem caused by using the same method for replicating cells in a multicellular organism that is used in single-celled organisms where the entire genome has to be duplicated in each daughter cell. But in a multicellular organism, where there is cell specialisation to gain any benefit from multicellularity, each specialist cell only needs a few genes, so the rest have to be switched off. Creationism's divine incompetence came up with the usual overly complex solution to this problem of its own making in the form of the epigenetic system, adding an unnecessary layer of complexity when the simple solution would have been to give each specialist cell just the genes it needs and no more.

And this become even more complicated when, during the life of a multicellular organism, specialist cells need to change slightly according to the needs of the organism as a whole, so a system of signals had been devised to tell the cells when to switch on some genes and switch off others. Another layer of complexity, and this is where things start to go wrong - the equivalent of Heath-Robinson's knotted string coming undone or stretching, or the chair supporting the entire structure starting to buckle.

Scientists at the Wellcome Sanger Institute's Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK, Cambridge University and AstraZeneca have discovered that genes are sometimes active when they should be switched off, even in healthy people.

Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Malevolent Designer - It's A Frog Eat Frog World Out There!

Meal or mate: Exploring the evidence of sexual cannibalism among amphibians - Gould - 2024 - Ecology and Evolution - Wiley Online Library

Figure 2
Adult female green and golden bell frogs, Litoria aurea, preying on adult spotted marsh frogs, Limnodynastes tasmaniensis in proximity to an exclusion fence on Kooragang Island, NSW, Australia. The females can be seen swallowing their frog prey vent first, with the back legs already consumed.

Creationists who try to pretend to be the moral superior of other people like to pretend their imaginary creator friend has provided them with a set of objective morals, although bearing false witness to trick others into agreeing with them - something that their Bible says is wrong and something most honest people would agree with, seem to be one of them, as does abusing their opponents and even threatening strangers, as these are all part of the set of 'objective morals' on display in any on-line creationist or creation vs evolution group.

But even if the claim of there being a set of objective moral which their god has handed down to them (and only them) had any merit, you would expect it to be true for all species, not restricted to human cultures. After all, if eating people is wrong, then you would expect cannibalism to be unknown in the animal kingdom, and yet it's commonplace.

Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Malevolent Designer News - How To Make Hospital Patients Even Sicker

Klebsiella aerogenes
Scientists identify possible new transmission factor in hospital-acquired Klebsiella infections - Forsyth

Creationism's divine malevolence is nothing if not ingenious in its determination to increase the suffering in the world with its specially designed pathogens - parasitic microorganisms such as bacteria that cause diseases, sickness and death.

And what better location for increasing suffering is there than a hospital where people are already unwell and easy victims for more infections with life-threatening pathogens?

One of the nastier examples of just such a pathogen is Klebsiella, and not content with one species, creationism's favourite sadist have designed two - Klebsiella pneumoniae and K. aerogenes, both of which are multi-resistant, i.e. resistant to multiple antibiotics and both of which actually thrive and multiply rapidly in conditions where other bacteria are being killed off with antibiotics.

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