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Father Peter Loy Chong, Archbishop of Suva, Fiji. "No allegations and we have procedures..." |
New Zealand TV has uncovered another major child sex abuse scandal involving Catholic priests, this time at a Catholic boys' school on the pacific island of Fiji.
One victim told TV1 News that Catholic priests would lure boys into their bedrooms with gifts of candy and oranges (a rare luxury on the island) and would then sexually assault them. Shocking though that is, it's come to be expected, where Catholic priests have power over children and unsupervised access to them.
But perhaps the worst aspect of the case is that these predatory paedophiles were sent to Fiji in the time-honoured Catholic Church method for dealing with sex-abuse scandals - move the offenders to a different, unsuspecting location and allow them to carry on with their recreational abuse of minors.
Many of the offending priests were from New Zealand and Australia where they had been removed from their posts because they were accused of sexual abuses.
Fiji was an ideal playground for these paedophiles because there is a deep cultural reverence for 'men of God'.
It almost goes without saying that the Church denies the allegations. Archbishop Peter Loy Chong, Archbishop of Suva, Fiji, told TV1 News that there had been no sexual abuse allegations because the Church has sexual abuse guidelines which defines the process when something is reported or when someone presents an allegation.
TV1 News Reporter Barbara Dreaver thinks the problem could be on a par with the Pacific island of Guam where there are 300 lawsuits against more than 20 priests. Readers of this blog might remember how the Catholic Archbishop of Guam, Anthony Apuron, was convicted by a Vatican tribunal, upholding an earlier guilty verdict by an earlier tribunal, of sexually abusing three underaged boys, but was allowed to retain his archbishop title in contrast to (former) Cardinal McCarrick, Archbishop of Washington, who was stripped of his title and defrocked for similar offences.

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