As health authorities in Boise, Idaho, struggle to cope with a resurgent Covid-19 epidemic, following a too-soon-too-far reopening of the economy, fruitloop Trumpanzee covidiots are doing their bit by organising face-mask burning parties and urging people to defy the order mandating their wearing in all public places, including sidewalks.
According to this report by Karen Bosstick:
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Daily New Covid-19 cases - Idaho, 19 July, 2020 |
The percentage of positive tests for COVID-19 in Idaho is five times higher than it was two weeks ago, according to the Associated Press. Currently, 15 percent of all tests being administered are coming back positive.
Some days that percentage has exceeded 20 percent.
The previous high was 7.1 percent between March 29 and April 4. And it had been at 2.7 percent before the state reopened bars the second week of June.
The rate has risen dramatically since the state moved into Stage Four of the governor’s reopening plan. While there has been at least one new cluster at a Magic Valley food processing plant, health officials have attributed most of the surge to young people hitting the bars in Ada and Canyon counties.
Health officials consider anything above 10 percent as out of control.
The percentage of positive tests in Nevada has tripled, while the percentage of positive tests has doubled in Georgia, Kansas, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, South Carolina and Ohio. It’s nearly doubled in Texas and Arizona.
Only ten states, including Nebraska, South Dakota, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Jersey, have a downward trend in cases.
Idaho recorded 376 more cases of coronavirus on July Fourth, taking the state to 7,370 cases. Blaine County remained at 539 total cases since mid-March.
The state is seeing a large increase in COVID-19 related hospitalizations.
Boise Mayor Lauren McLean mandated that Boiseans wear face coverings in all indoor and outdoor public spaces beginning the Fourth of July. That includes while walking on public sidewalks. The City is giving away masks to those who do not have them.
Meanwhile a little bit of good news, thanks to health scientists, from the same source:
Remember when Boise began testing the poop in its wastewater? [No, not really, but carry on...]
The data has shown an increased presence of the coronavirus in Boiseans’ poop. And that information contributed to Mayor Lauren McLean imposing a mandatory face mask order this week.
Scientists say that sewers have emerged as treasure troves of information, containing COVID-19 material shed by even those who are asymptomatic. As a result, the data from wastewater can serve as an early warning system—a canary in the coal mine—for new outbreaks.
A low-cost method of detection, the study of wastewater could even halt a pandemic from spreading across the world for two months without anyone knowing it was happening, like the coronavirus did, a researcher for the U.K. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology told NBC News.
This cheap technique could prove invaluable in early detection of emerging new outbreaks almost anywhere in the world and for effective monitoring of the effectiveness of counter-measures.

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