Religion, Creationism, evolution, science and politics from a centre-left atheist humanist. The blog religious frauds tell lies about.
Showing posts with label Embryology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Embryology. Show all posts
Saturday, 15 February 2025
Unintelligent Design - A Bird-Brained Designer?
Birds Have Developed Complex Brains Independently from Mammals - campusa-magazine - UPV/EHU
You might expect an intelligent designer to use the same solution to the same problem. After all, no intelligent watchmaker would keep reinventing the movement he or she puts in watches. In fact, an expert horologist can look inside a good watch and tell you who make it, not because the maker's name is engraved inside the case but because the same watchmaker will have used the same design over and over again, maybe varying the outward appearance of the watch and adding some functions like date and phases of the moon, but the basic movement will be the same.
And this is how you can tell that whatever designed living organisms was not an intelligent designer, because whatever it is, it keeps designing different solutions to the same problems. For instance, having designed the basic vertebrate nervous system to have a brain at one end and a cord running through the spinal column, it would have used the same starting components when it came to giving some of those vertebrates the intelligence to make tools, solve puzzles and plan ahead.
Not so creationism's intelligent designer.
Like an amnesiac it seems to have forgotten whichever solution it designed first for the three vertebrate orders in which intelligence is to be found - birds, reptiles and mammals. Starting with the ancestral reptilian brain, the design process has produced two different ways of producing the pallium (the part of the brain responsible for cognition, learning and memory recall) in birds and mammals.
Unintelligent Design
Tuesday, 26 November 2024
Common Ancestry - Ancient Choanoflagellates Genes Used To Make A Mouse
Electron micrograph of the choanoflagellate, Salpingoeca.
By Sergey Karpov -, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
Scientists recreate mouse from gene older than animal life - Queen Mary University of London
If there is one thing designed to get creationists chanting 'Common Designer!' it's evidence of the same gene doing the same thing in lots of different organisms, no matter how distantly related they are.
But when that gene is needed because of a basic design blunder long ago in the evolution of multicellular organisms, that chant looks increasingly forlorn.
For example, scientists have just shown how SOX and POU genes isolated from a single-celled choanoflagellate can be used to convert a mouse cell to function as the stem cell to clone another mouse. The reason this works is because something needs to reset the epigenetic setting in specialised cells. In a multicellular organism like a mouse, this effectively means any cell produced after the first few cell divisions of the fertilised zygote.
But why would a single-celled organism like a choanoflagellate need to do that? The answer it that epigenetics originally evolved to make an organism more able to respond to environmental changes and stresses.
Creationism in Crisis
Refuting Creationism
Friday, 30 August 2024
Refuting Creationism - How an Ancient Gene Shaped Spider Evolution
Texas brown tarantula, Aphonopelma hentzi,
showing cephalothorax and abdomen
showing cephalothorax and abdomen
Ancient gene gives spiders their narrow waist | ScienceDaily
Although both have evolved from a segmented ancestor, as can still be seen in the larvae of insects, spiders and mites differ from insects in the number of major body-parts. While insects have well-defines head, thorax (to which wings and legs are attached) and an abdomen, where the reproductive organs or normally located, spiders, scorpions, tics and mites (arachnids or chelicerates) have just two - a cephalothorax, combining the head and thorax, and an abdomen.
Now scientists have discovered a gene in the chelicerates that controls the development of the 'waist' between the cephalothorax and the abdomen, which is missing in insects. The loss of this gene could be the reason the two groups of arthropods evolved in different directions.
The team of scientists, led by Emily V. W. Shetton, of the Department of Integrative Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, have just published their findings, open access, in PLOS Biology and explained it in a press release reprinted in Science Daily:
The research team also included: Jesús A. Ballesteros of the Department of Biology, Kean University, Union, New Jersey, USA and Pola O. Blaszczyk, Benjamin C. Klementz, and Prashant P. Sharma all of Department of Integrative Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Refuting Creationism
Wednesday, 22 May 2024
Creationism in Crisis - Common Origins of Horns, Antlers and Ossicone In Hooved Mammals
Genetics show the common origins of horned, hooved mammals

A diverse array of mammal headgear is on display in the Museum’s Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation as part of the Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Collections Core.
Alvaro Keding/ ©AMNH
Although the horns of cattle, gazelles and goats look very different to the antlers of deer and the ossicones on the head of a giraffe, and indeed, they are constructed differently, the cells they develop from in the embryo are the cells of the 'neural crest' that also develop into the face rather than the rest of the cranium. That and the fact that the underlying genetic control of their growth is sufficiently similar, provides compelling evidence that they share a common origin from which they, and the orders of which they are typical, have diverged.
This is the conclusion of two researchers at the American Museum of Natural History and Baruch College and the CUNY Graduate Center, who have just published their findings, open access in the journal, Communications Biology. It is also explained in an American Museum of Natural History press release:
Common Origins
Creationism in Crisis
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