Religion, Creationism, evolution, science and politics from a centre-left atheist humanist. The blog religious frauds tell lies about.
Showing posts with label Entomology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entomology. Show all posts
Monday, 14 October 2024
Refuting Creationism - How A Beetle Evolved To Eat Toxic Plants
Red milkweed beetle genome sequence offers plant-insect co-evolutionary insights
We are continually being assurd by gullible cretionists that the Theory of Evolution (TOE) is 'a theory in crisis' becase a growing body of biologisdts have abandonned it in favour of the creationists superstition of intelligent [sic] design.
This has been a creationist fantasy for at least the last 50 years since when it is supposedly about to happen, any day now, real soon (a bit like The Second Coming of Christ - something which, despite regular announcements that it will happen next Wednesday at noon, never happens - but its gunna, you see!)
However, when we read the scientific publications of these biologists who are allegedly abandoning the TOE, we see no signs whatever of any abandonment; quite the opposite. We see the TOE as firmly embedded in biological science as the Laws of Thermodynamics and the Theory of Gravity are embedded in physics, Atomic Theory is embedded in chemistry and Germ Theory is embedded in epidemiology. It forms the bedrock of the science, without which very little makes any sense.
For example, when a bunch of entomologists wanted to understand how a species of herbivorous beetle can eat a toxic plant, they compared it genomically with a related species that doesn't eat the toxic plant to see how the ability to proccess the toxins evolved.
Of course, being scientists, they reject the idea that the beetle was magically created that way by an unproven supernatural entity because none of that can be falsified and the existence of such an entity can't be established, so there is no logical reason to include one in any answer. The fact that their mummies and daddies might have believed in it is irrelevent to their science, because belief doesn't create facts.
Creationism in Crisis
Refuting Creationism
Friday, 4 October 2024
Refuting Creationism - How Ants Were Cultivating Crops 66 Million Years Before 'Creation Week'.
A lower-fungus-farming worker of the rare fungus-farming ant species Mycetophylax asper, collected in Santa Catarina, Brazil, in 2014, on its fungus garden.
Credit: Don Parsons.

Atta colombica queen
By Christian R. Linder - own photo, Barro Colorado Island, Panama (1999), CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
One of the 'uniquely human' abilities that creationists traditionally cite in support of their childish superstition that humans were magically created out of dirt as a species separate from other animals, is the fact that humans for the most part, indulge in agriculture - i.e., we grow plants as food - or at least other people do. Most of us in the developed economies buy their produce in shops.
a Like all their other claims of human exceptionalism, it's a nonsense fairy tale, of course. Humans have some unique characteristics that make them a distinct species, but then so does every other species, by definition. There is nothing materially different about humans that makes them subject to different laws of chemistry and physics than other species, of course.
And in respect of agriculture, we are far from unique - ants have been at it for about 66 million years - well before creationists imagine the entire Universe was magically created from nothing by a magic god made of nothing. But this is hardly surprising, since some 99.9975% of the history of life on Earth happened before creationism's legendary 'Creation Week'.
Creationism in Crisis
Refuting Creationism
Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Unintelligent Design - How Painted Lady Butterflies Migrate Thousands of Miles All For Nothing
Painted Lady, Vanessa cardui
Photo credit: Roger Vila
Non-stop flight: in a world-first, researchers map a 4,200 km transatlantic flight of the Painted Lady butterfly | About us
Reader with long memories may recall my article from 2011 in which I explained how the annual migration of thousands of painted lady butterflies (Vannesa cardui) from Southern Europe and North Africa into northern Europe made no sense at all from an intelligent design point of view, because not a single one of them or their offspring ever survived even the mildest of European winters.
This, one of the most attractive of butterflies, reaches all parts of the British Isles, in some years migrating as far north as the Orkney and Shetland Island. It is the only butterfly ever recorded in Iceland.
And now a group of scientists have worked out that some painted ladies that turned up on the north coast of South America migrated there across at least 4,200 Km of open Atlantic Ocean in a few days.
Creationism in Crisis
Unintelligent Design
Sunday, 26 May 2024
Creationism in Crisis - The Evolution of the 'German' Cockroach Happened Just 2,100 Years Ago.
Photo: Matthew Bertone and Coby Schal.
Virginia Tech entomologist sheds light on 250-year-old mystery of the German cockroach | Virginia Tech News | Virginia Tech
The origin of the so-called 'German' cockroach, which has nothing especially to do with Germany, has been something of a mystery, as it is unknown outside human habitation. It is what is known as an obligate, commensal species which, like the barn swallows, house mice, human lice and bed bugs, has co-evolved with human culture to live in and on humans and their buildings.
They neatly illustrate how speciation occurs when a population learns to exploit a new resource and then becomes genetically isolated from its parent population and so evolves over time into a new species.
Creationism in Crisis
Thursday, 16 May 2024
Evolution News - How Tiger Beetles Have Evolved an Unusual Form of Batsian Mimicry - Or Is This Unintelligent Design?
Tiger beetles are fierce predators, running quickly after smaller insects and crushing them with their large mandibles.
Photo: Geena Hill.
Tiger beetles fight off bat attacks with ultrasonic mimicry – Research News
The idea of predator-prey arms races is of course entirely inconsistent with the childish notion of intelligent design, because constantly designing solutions to problems you created earlier as solutions to even earlier problems you created, is not an act of intelligence.
And yet creationists continue to believe in intelligent [sic] design despite the abundance of these competitive arms races in the natural world.
It seems they have no difficulty in holding several pairs of mutually contradictory views of their putative designer god simultaneously. It is supremely intelligent and acts in ways that can only be described as supremely stupid.
It is omnibenevolent but designs ways to increase the suffering in the world with its parasites; it is omnipotent but powerless against another supernatural designer called 'sin'; and by the way, it is the only supernatural entity capable of designing living thing, so 'evidence' of design (i.e. something a creationist can't understand how it could have evolved) is proof of its existence.
Arms Races
Creationism in Crisis
Sunday, 28 April 2024
Unintelligent Design - How the Periodic Cicadas Evolved
17-year cicada, Magicicada septendecim
Image: © Ed Reschke-Stone/Getty Images
Billions of cicadas are about to emerge from underground in a rare double-brood convergence
If it hasn't happened yet, it will do soon. The largest brood of 13-year locusts is about to emerge simultaneously with the mid-western brood of 17-year locusts - and even that only happens every 221 years.
The mathematically-minded will have noticed something about the periodicity of these insects - they are prime numbers (i.e. numbers that are only divisible by themselves and 1) ad there is a very good evolutionary reason for this - it makes it harder for a potential predator to synchronise with these emergencies because, since there are no periods that would coincide exactly with these primes other than the prime itself and a 2, 3, 4 or more period would only coincide with an emergence of these cicadas every 26, 39 and 52 years respectively for the 13-year locust, longer for the 17-year locust.
Because these broods only emerge in the same year, they form an effectively isolated genetic population and yet these two broods appear to be identical in appearance, song and genetics, so it will be interesting to see how they interact, although they occupy different geographical areas, so overlap is relatively rare.
As a strategy to avoid predation, this takes some beating in terms of
In the following article reprinted from The Conversation under a creative commons license, John Cooley, Assistant Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, USA and Chris Simon, Senior Research Scientist of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, USA explains the significance of this event from the point of view of ecologists and evolutionary biologists. Their article has been reformatted for stylistic consistency:
Creationism in Crisis
Malevolent Design
Unintelligent Design
Sunday, 7 April 2024
Creationism in Crisis - How Rusty Patched Bumblebee Genes Show Evidence of Evolution Under Intense Selection Pressure
The rusty-patched bumblebee, Bombus affinis
Photo by Jay Watson

The rusty-patched bumblebee, once common in the United States, has declined from about 90% of its former range.
Photo by Jay Watson
Evolution, or more precisely change in allele frequency over time, inevitably records selection pressures on a species resulting in a genome which, when correctly read and compared to predecessors, should tell the story of changes in the species environment.
This principle is illustrated by the threatened species of bumblebee, the rusty patch bumblebee, Bombus affinis, which has recently declined by about 90% in the USA and is now considered an endangered species. If this rate of decline continues the species will probably be extinct within 20 years. This level of intense selection pressure has inevitably left its mark on the genome of the species.
On of the problems facing the species is the result of the way bees breed. The queen can normally produce two sorts of egg - a fertilised, diploid egg which will develop into a female and a haploid, unfertilised egg which will develop into a male or drone. The problem arises when there is a high level of inbreeding, due, for example, to a small population - which the bee is now facing. In that situation, the female can produce diploid males because both sets of chromosomes can be identical. Diploid males are normally sterile so reducing the breeding success of the local species.
Creationism in Crisis
Unintelligent Design
Friday, 22 March 2024
Creationism in Crisis - How Batesian Mimicry In The Female Diadem Butterfly Evolved - Convergently
Female Diadem Butterfly, Hypolimnas misippus
Photograph: A Coetzer

The female Diadem (bottom left) mimics the African Queen (top left). The male Diadem (right) keeps a distinct pattern to attract mates
This is the second in a sudden spate of research papers that casually and unintentionally refute creationism without even trying, simply by revealing the facts. It deals with the evolution of Batesian mimicry in a species of butterfly.
Scientists working at the universities of Exeter, Edinburgh and Cambridge, and Mpala Research Centre in Kenya have discovered the genetic basis for the clear example of Batesian mimicry to be found in the female of the pantropical species of butterfly, the Diadem butterfly, Hypolimnas misippus, which closely resembles the toxic African queen butterfly, Danaus chrysippus.
Batesian mimicry is the natural phenomenon where an otherwise harmless species evolves to resemble a harmful or distasteful species as a defence mechanism. The prerequisite for Batesian mimicry to evolve is that a prey species is predated upon by the predator of a harmful species which coexists in the same locality. The predator learns to avoid the dangerous or distasteful species so any other species that comes to resemble the harmful or distasteful species might be mistaken for it and avoided. The more closely it comes to resemble the avoided species, the more likely it is to survive and reproduce.
Creationism in Crisis
Saturday, 18 November 2023
Creationism in Crisis - Damselflies Evolved Their Colours At Least 5 Million Years Before 'Creation Week'
The common bluetail damselfly Ischnura elegans
Photo: Erik Svensson
Scientists have solved the damselfly colour mystery | Lund University
So much history, especially the evolutionary history of life on Earth, occurred before the mythical Creation Week, when creationists believe a magic man who existed when nothing existed made the universe out of that nothing, that it’s difficult to keep up with it all.
Here, for example, is a scientific account of how damselflies evolved their colours at least 5 million years before Creation Week, by an evolutionary process guaranteed to have creationists going into abject denialism and lying to one another about it in their echo chambers, if not throwing a tantrum, stamping their feet and shouting abuse at the facts to make them go away, or at the scientists who discovered the facts.
The bluetail damselfly, like many other damsel flies is sexually dimorphic with males being brightly coloured and the females more drab, usually brown. Females of the common bluetail occur in three color forms, one of which mimics the male, and the mystery was how, why and when did this evolve? Note here how a creationist would simply declare they were designed that way by a god whose purpose in doing so is unknowable, whilst science looks for the how and why, and so discovers a much more satisfying answer than the creationist one which makes them satisfied with not knowing.
By comparing the genome of the common bluetail, Ischnura elegans with that of a close tropical relative, Ischnura senegalensis, the scientists were able to show that the colour differences are due to mutations in a specific genetic region on chromosome 13 that arose at least 5 million years ago, so the question resolves down to why was it retained? In other words, what were the environmental selectors that spread the mutations in the population then conserved them for 5 million years?
The research was conducted by scientists at Lund University, Sweden, under biologist Professor Erik Svensson with colleagues at Stockholm University, Sweden, Institut Pasteur, Université Paris Cité, Paris, France, the University of Rennes, France and Tohoku and Chiba Universities, Japan. Their findings are published, open access, in Nature Ecology & Evolution and its significance is explained in a Lund University press release:
Creationism in Crisis
Thursday, 16 November 2023
Malevolent Designer News - 16 More Nasties For Devotees of the Divine Sadist To Enjoy
Figure 1.16 new species of endoparasitic wasps have been added to the group, Loboscelidia, based on their unique physical characteristics. Scale bar = 0.5 mmc
Credit: Yu Hisasue et al. (2023)
European Journal of Taxonomy
European Journal of Taxonomy

Male wasp of the Loboscelidia genus, a relative of the 16 newly-described Vietnamese species or endoparasitic wasps.
Creationist devotees of the divine sadist whom they believe creates all the parasites that increase the suffering in the world, will be thrilled to learn that 16 more endoparasitic wasps have been discovered.
These are all endoparasitic on other insects and lay their eggs inside their victims' eggs where their grubs can then consume the growing embryo. Their strange appearance is thought to be because they have evolved from a myrmecophilous species that mimicked the appearance or ants.
All these were discovered in Vietnam by entomologists from Kyushu University, Japan, and Vietnam’s National Museum of Nature. Their discovery is described in a Kyushu University news release:
Creationism in Crisis
Malevolent Design
Saturday, 4 November 2023
Malevolent Design - Another Dangerous Tick That Can Kill Cattle Is Spreading Fast
Asian longhorned tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis
An exotic tick that can kill cattle is spreading across Ohio
In what creationists should see as a triumph for their favourite sadist if they were true to their professed belief and weren't selective in its application, the Asian longhorned tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis which they believe it designed, which feeds by sucking the blood of its victims and which was first detected in the USA in 2017 and in Ohio in 2021, is now present in such vast numbers that it is believed to have killed three cattle in southeastern Ohio, simply through blood loss.
One of the cattle was a healthy, 5-year-old bull. It would have taken about 10,000 ticks to kill it by exsanguination. that number of ticks were recovered in 90 minutes on one Ohio farm alone.
Ticks, like other parasites, if we accept the intelligent [sic] design argument for a moment, can only be ascribed to the work of a pestilential malevolence because creationists also insist that the putative designer is omnipotent and omniscience, therefore it knows exactly what its designs will do, and designs them to do exactly that.
And ticks appear to be designed to do only two things:
- Produce more ticks.
- Act as vectors for disease-causing organisms, in this case Anaplasma phagocytophilium and Theileria orientalis.
As an introduced species in the USA, the Asian longhorned tick has few natural predators that can keep their numbers in check. In parts of their native range in Asia, guinea fowl are used to keep them in check, but the breeding rate of the tick is so high that natural predation has negligible impact on their numbers. This fantastic rate of reproduction means that a single female colonising a fresh territory can, if the conditions are right, produce tens of trillions of offspring within a year or two.
Creationism in Crisis
Malevolent Design
Sunday, 23 April 2023
Creationism in Crisis - How Mutations, not Magic, Have Helped Killer Hornets Spread
Creationism in Crisis
How Mutations, not Magic, Have Helped Killer Hornets Spread
How Mutations, not Magic, Have Helped Killer Hornets Spread
Newly sequenced hornet genomes could help explain invasion success | UCL News - UCL – University College London
Today's bad news for Creationists is that scientists have analysed the genomes of both the European common hornet and the Asian yellow-legged hornet and found a number of genetic mutations that contribute to the ability of the latter to quickly adapt to new locations, and so become an invasive species in several parts of the world.
The study was led by Dr. Emeline Favreau and Professor Seirian Sumner of the Centre for Biodiversity and Environmental Research, Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment, University College London (UCL), London, UK and included scientists from UCL, Spain, Italy, Austria, and New Zealand. Their findings are published, open access, in the journal Scientific Reports. The scientists did not report finding a magical reason for their success or need one to explain how the new genetic information entered the genome; it was those things creationists dread - gene duplication and mutation. Creationist dogma states that no new information can arise without magic and all mutations are deleterious and so can't convey an advantage. Those idiotic and demonstrably false dogmas are both comprehensively refuted by the study, so will almost certainly be ignored, dismissed or misrepresented by creationists.
First a little about the European common hornet, Vespa crabro and the Asian yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina:
Creationism in Crisis
Malevolent Design
Sunday, 12 March 2023
Creationism in Crisis - Jewel Beetles Evolved by Gene Duplication
Creationism in Crisis
Jewel Beetles Evolved by Gene Duplication
Jewel Beetles Evolved by Gene Duplication
Jewel Beetle, Chrysochroa raja
Jewel beetles evolve to see new colors by duplicating their genes | University of Minnesota
The beautiful Jewel beetle is about as devastating to Creationism as it would be if Michael J Behe announced that he was a secret evolutionary biologist all along, taking part in an elaborate experiment to test how gullible the average American fundamentalist is.
Recent research has shown that these beetles get their color from gene duplication. This is the process where a mistake in the duplication of DNA leads to genes being duplicated, creating a second, spare, copy. This copy is then free to mutate without any loss of function because the original is still functioning, creating new genetic information by mutation.
This is a problem for Creationists for two reasons:
Creationism in Crisis
Monday, 6 February 2023
The Humble Earwig - Not a Pest But a Kind And Caring Insect
The Humble Earwig
Not a Pest But A Kind and Caring Insect
Not a Pest But A Kind and Caring Insect
Forficula auricularia
Credit: Pudding4brains/Wikipedia
Earwigs are the hero single mothers of the insect world – and good for your garden too
Of the more than 1000 species worldwide, only four are native to the UK, with a further three introduced species.
Earwigs are often regarded as garden pests because they can and sometimes do, damage growing plants and soft fruits such as strawberries, but what is not generally recognised is that they are predators on much more destructive pests such as aphids.
But there are a few things about these fascinating insects that mean they should command our respect and protection by leaving them undisturbed.
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